anyway. i probably said it.
but. anyway. added all 4chan geeks
that want my eroticas on here and lj.
yes. they posted em allllll there.
lol. its ok though. maybe.
and diana did say "your eroticas have merit
you should publish them under a pen name"
oh yeah in 2022 i was called a furry on twitter
which was weird. i just had an anime chick pic.
uh. except, some anthro geek on twitter, again
added me recently. he had a meme about cute aggression.
and its really called anthropomorphic.
anyway. i then called some anime guy on bitchute.
a furry too. then it got nasty. and weird.
whatever i said on twitter 4chan bot armies
meme trolled me MAJORLY. lol. it was cool.
the bots seem to be gone now? =(
i liked em. like there was a relationship
advice bot. lots of different ones.
and just like with how they were gonna kill
all insects, well, didnt work.
they just killed all beneficial ones
like butterflies and bees.
cucaracha and ticks. loads.
but its been like that for a long time.
our neighbors at my birth home
had looooooads of slugs.
except, everything happens for a reason.
like here. i had banana flies.
which got more and more and bigger.
except, when i felt better they all
disappeared. they came back some day
ago but theyre not here anymore.
its all about frequencies.
anyway. the 12 plagues in the bible.
were caused by black jews that were
enslaved by the annunaki.
each time they didnt get freed.
they summoned another plague.
wow. nasty.
anyway, jews are descendants of
the atlanteans. and the emerald
tablets dont date back all the
way to atlantis. it was written
in a mixed script of coptic
and phoenician. some hiphopper
has one of them actually.
they were alchemized to huge
emerald plates. the tech isnt
available anymore. except, maybe
its atlantis. and history is
scewed in many directions.
everyone says different things.
that dont decay. the official
version is that a greek named
hermes wrote them. and its just
1 and its a short story.
its true though but theres
more to it but the powers that be
intentionally withhold the wisdom
in them from the public. its all
available both online and in many
different books. i only read the 5th
one. can probably not find that site
again. the 12th tablet is tåpp siikrätt.
you can always read them in astral projection
by time shifting to -uh. lots of years.
anyway. there was about the real way
that happens when you die.
you meet 1 of 12 dieties.
these are gates. each one
asks you some questions about your
life and what youve learned
and if you want to rebirth on earth
and where and helps you to write
your soul blueprint. there its a rough
story about how your life will be
what people you will meet and stuff
that will happen. then your memory
is cleared and you live out the
ego illusion. you can also trick
yourself beyond the dieties.
and the 13th level is garden of eden.
except if you cheated youll be kicked
out and condemned to wisdom. omg.
would never want that obviously.