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cider is complete bullshit. but some years ago (well... 15 years) they started with flavoured cider. it is just additives in it. and like 5% apple cider (how much alcohol is from that? like 0.3%...) and the rest ethanol.

they were actually stopped from making alco-läsk (literally "alcoholic soda"). since so many youths got addicted to it. since its so sugary you dont notice the alcohol. i suppose some died from it. thats why.

for "strawberry cider" (which was my favourite, but i didnt drink it a lot) is just "natural strawberry aroma", which is derived from beaver anal secretions. yes, just to call it "natural" they breed beavers. fucked up.

for natural vanilla aroma, they derive the smell from cow shit. they realized everything green in nature has a vanilla flavour to it. especially grass. quite gross.

anyway, there was an upheaval (again, long ago, in the nullties) about additives in food and other things. but they just replaced it with the near exact same thing. like PPV? or something. a plastic-based softener. they use that in fabric softeners (again, does nothing, it supposedly stops from static electricity forming, but dont wear plastic-derived clothing! its just bullshit!). its mostly just tons of "natural aroma".

scientists noticed it had a really bad effect on human health. as for polyfenol-b, they replaced it with like polyfenol-c. so the package can say "FREE FROM PFB!".

there was one book, which a science teacher actually gave me. "den hemliga kocken", the secret chef. which spurred that debate. it went through all additives there is (E-numbers). only skimmed through it though =( and i cant learn 100 things from a book...

there were many other books as well. it was long ago...

after it, companies started writing E-numbers instead of the actual substance, to fool and confuse people. there is one which is derived from bugs, like how they want us to eat bug food nowadays. kochenil lus / louse. it gives a cheap red colourant.

is in everything which is supposed to be red in nature. like the aformentioned strawberry cider.

science shows that it gives ADHD in kids.

and its especially prevalent in candy. tons of it.

we also (at this housing, but also at a psychiatric rehabilitation place when i was in kristianstad, one dude drank it like if it was beer) have saft in sweden. it doesnt exist in america, or the western world, it seems. its like soda except its got no bubbles.

you used to make saft from natural ingredients. just use a puré machine nowadays. dont even need to add sugar. i used to make vinbär wineberry saft. its really easy to pick and grows everywhere.

when i got allergy in kristianstad. was because dad bought "really concentrated liquid detergent". yes, just like fabric softeners, it had tons of aromas in it. i started eating blueberries. but it was expensive. so i found this saft which had blueberries in it. drank it for years. removed my allergies actually.

but it said "blue berries". if you look at the contents, it was blueberries and red wineberries. maybe red grape juice, which is dirty cheap.

one day they had changed the label. it had basically had the same recipe for 50 years. and they changed how they mentioned the contents. before it was like 50/50 blueberries wineberries. and it was a lot in it. dont remember the labeling now... but now they had decreased it to like 2% blueberries from concentrate, and more wineberries and grapes. which, since you can delute it 10 times, is actually 0.2%. and lo and behold, tons of aromas. so i stopped buying it. it still costed the same, or even more. and it was mostly just sugar and water.

if you make saft yourself, you dont need water at all. not for sauces either. or at least a lot less.

thats the main culprit in todays "food". they actually dont have to mention that water is in the product. not even for raw chicken. we dont have salmonella in it, officially... except, if its "cooked", you can still sell it. we used to not have salmonella in eggs. probably still true. if you import danish eggs though, they have to be pasteurized. you can buy like 1 liter of egg whites or yolks now. imported, lower quality... so yes, in sweden, you can crack an egg and eat it raw. supposedly good for your hair.

av Heartgold Worldstone (ris och ros)

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