Biography 30 sep 1mil24
as for miss mom (this is now sara though)
get the feel of pink slime in the air now
since no sodexo food
i can still be online
itching on shoulder
at 9 months you are given a vaccine
your parents arent allowed to be there
you will be transported to your foster parents
my real ones are jörgen and eLisa
before this time
your parents will choose which memories you are given
this is "stream of conciousness"
supposedly when i was young
i "slept" on my "dads" stomache
pic from 1977 when they married
he wasnt fat though
so if this happened in 1983
why did he turn so fat all of a sudden?
if its "my" fault that he started drinking
and eating a lot
it was said that miss mom
turned into an adult overnight when i was born
there is no photo evidence of this though
the earliest one i remember
is her in a very male shirt in the 80s
the first one of me
looked like i had shit for brains
another photo
early teens
supposed to go on finland ferry
me from a distance
i dont look happy at all
play arcade games
dont remember much more
someone else comes there one time
miss mom says
"det är som att slänga pengarna i sjön"
"vi skämde bort sara"
7 år
curre: "min arbetarkompis
sa att jag är för snäll mot er
sara, kan du ta undan disken?"
sara: "jävla griniga gamla gubbe"
hon springer iväg
7 år
familjen ser på tv
curre har kontrollen
byter till miss sweden
"visst är de vackra"
sara: "jävla griniga gamla gubbe"
thus the abilify definition of
"usually runs away" applies to miss mom
so why does she not take this med?
av Alright Forever (ris och ros)
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