Cheese is bad

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"Loaded with calories, fat, and cholesterol, cheese can make you gain weight and leads to a host of health problems like high blood pressure and arthritis."

cholesterol doesnt actually do anything. not anything bad. they started with this so people would stop eating fat altogether. then when no one believed that they made up "bad cholesterol".

the worst thing we have in sweden is lättdryck / "light drink" (just additives and tapwater) thats concentrated and in 1 decilitre packages. you have to literally scissor them up to use em at all. this started with FCOJ, which was in the same sort of packaging, and only costed 6kr each.

(the market price for it is currently 0,7kr, but they take 45 kr for a package made from concentrace, silly. and the ones which are freshly squeezed have to compete with these. even more dumb).

strangely enough, after fight club gained prominence in the nullties, this was removed. we still had concentrated orange juice though, and it costed like 11kr. well, guess what? i asked lady K to buy this, and theyve removed it from the stores. "tropical nectar" was also tasty. it contained like 5 different fruit concentrates. but when i looked at the content some year ago, they had diluted it with water and added sugar.

and again, the most important part about orange juice is it contains c vitamin. the medical industry has made people shun it though. and many fake sort of orange juices contain no c vitamin at all. to make people sick and die, no other reason. and like ive also said, the main reason for getting a cold / the flue ("corona") is a lack of vitamin c. and if you work out, you need higher amounts than the DRI, since training your muscles they break apart and release free radicals, which antioxidants work against.

but i get it, the only reason people (99.9%) of humanity survive without micro nutrients or vitamins, is they are kept on temporary life support because of their drug abuse. then when theyre 50 or older the doctor will say "your feet are decaying because of diabetes, heres a really expensive surgery you have to make". but i have seen their real colours, most people have a strong orange tint to their skin.

"Worse, it contains mild opiates that make it additive, triggering the same brain receptors as heroin and morphine."

thats the stupidest thing ive ever heard.

"During digestion, casein is broken down into casomorphins, which are thought to have an opiate-like effect."

ok then.

"As a result, each bite of cheese produces a tiny hit of dopamine. He calls it "dairy crack." Cheddar cheese, Barnard said, has the most concentrated amount of cheese protein in the grocery store and it can pack more calories than Coca-Cola and more salt than potato chips."

ok then... except, both sugar, refined white wheat, cheese and chocolate, work together with the cannabinoid system in the brain / stomache. and you like weed so its again dumb.

but obviously, the most fat inducing of all these is chocolate coated donuts. but they also pack the most cannabionoids. and im sure theres some other dish that also has cheese in it, except for the other things.

except... protein is nutricious. coke contains absolutely nothing, so its a dumb comparison. and you literally need salt to survive. salt is around every cell in the body. if you drink too much water, your cells explode, you puke blood, and die.

as for too little salt?

"Hyponatremia is a condition that occurs when the sodium in your blood falls below the normal range of 135–145 mEq/L. In severe cases, low sodium levels in the body can lead to muscle cramps, nausea, vomiting and dizziness. Eventually, lack of salt can lead to shock, coma and death."

except, you also need several different types of salts to survive. which ive noticed with potassium now.

and the most protein is obviously in stored for 3+ years cheeses. like parmesan. ok, you can actually find 3 year old stored cheddar. except, they are tasty! but when they started with "vegan rennet", all cheese started tasting the same, which is just wax, no actual taste at all.

and the most salt loss you get is from puking / diarrhea, which you said you had. so eat salt! to stay healthy!

ive been irked by some of marya hornbachers statements. they just dont make any sense.

for starters, she implied that "when youre anorectic, you crave salt in huge amounts"

a lie, you crave it when you use laxatives and puke all the time. it just gets worse when you eat absolutely nothing. and again, this is mostly in the form of potassium chloride.

your body tells you you need it, but you can only figure out "salt". so you eat more and more sodium chloride, and no balance is achieved in your body.

...if you eat too much salt?

"Eating too much salt can have a range of effects. In the short term, it may cause bloating, severe thirst, and a temporary rise in blood pressure. In severe cases, it may also lead to hypernatremia, which, if left untreated, can be fatal."

she also said that "when i was to get weighted, i drank galons of water to fake my weight"

which i mentioned already. this is impossible. like something out of the anarchists cook book, as a way to covertly kill people. so she probably got thirsty for salt because of this procedure.

also, ive said most of this before. anyway, the thyroid gland is very sensitive to your salt intake. if you take too little salt / iodine, it grows bigger and annoys your throat when you drink / swallow. similar things happen if you take too much. (this is the only reason people get diabetes, it has nothing to do with fat or sugar intake)

its also sensitive to a lot of other things. lady K has never it figured out. she was convinced that "A GRAIN OF RICE IS STUCK IN MY THROAT", and whatever i said she didnt care about. she just wanted to act weak.

she mentioned this recently again, and she also gets it from eating oats. so i told her to stop, and she actually did.

as for cheese, at the university they mentioned a press release, which said that you should eat parmesan every day. it has large amounts of calcium, and barely any sugar (which is pressed out when the cheese is still soft, and is refined into messmör, which is quite tasty, like liquid sticky white chocolate. it does have a sugar content of like 70%). no, it does not use up any water whatsoever. no idea where you got that from. its just based on pure whole milk. so if youre lactose intolerant, you can still eat it. still theres a problem with getting zits from cheese though...

like i said though, through indoctrination people think all of protein and fat and carbohydrates and salt is bad. so what can you eat? nothing, only drink tea and soda and huge amounts of beer (then when you get munchies you eat 2 pizzas or 30 cheese burgers, but this is healthy, obviously) because no one thinks alcohol has any side effects at all, you get happy and relaxed and high and social and laid from it, but thats just the demons talking that control you.

the best diet supplement is decaffeinated coke without sugar, nothing else makes sense. combine this with chain smoking for best effect. works for weeks or even months without any other intake (of course, see the munchie note above). note, may cause stomache ulcers 100% of the time. you will eventually need quadruple bipass surgery. its nasty.

av Heartgold Worldstone (ris och ros)

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