it was in closed psychiatric care
she had a round face
like a mix between japanese and western
so beautiful
and the round ball of red hair
that enveloped her
and she always used to use
this knitted sweater with lots of details
that seemed to fit her perfectly
it just exuded
i talked to her some
we fell in love
it was football during the olympics on tv
and we were bored of the play
and played with eachother instead
she came into fountain house
like a calm wind
she also had a green shirt
which she seemed to love
more than anything else
it just exuded EMMA
she had the
most beautiful
smile on her face
when she asked
do you remember my name
the second day
and i said of course
your name is emma
she smiled even more
she used to play me songs
all day long
until one day
she sat on a chair
and whimpered
but it was so quiet
and so frail
i didnt want to ruin her
she picked the stud
of the place instead
and said
awww poor tomas
i dont mind
ive slept with julia
and bella
and maggie
and erika
about it for me
i dont need more
i do hope
sometime in the future
i meet someone more
which i can make love with
like lovers do
but its looking bleak
i dont take drugs
like normal people
i dont stay out late
if it at all
like normal people
im just a lonely
geek in my own bubble
that no one can get through
av Tsofmia Neptlith (ris och ros)
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