God man förvaltare

Från Svenska Dikter
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well, like i said, i got an economy person in 2016. but as she was so corrupt and sadistic i wanted to remove her. by law youre not allowed to. i have went up to court with her twice. both times that i needed yet another economy person on top of her. she lost the first time. if i wanted another one, i actually have to put her in court as well. and like i said, i am haunted with bad luck. every time ive tried to report someone to the police, i get reported as well. one time i told a staff "hang yourself" nothing else, which she interpreted as something else (she is a heavy junkie) so she reported me for "murder threat". several staff at the previous housing also sued me once, but after the police had talked to both of us, they actually didnt follow up on the case, since they knew theyd lose. it would have started a precedence in the court system, for more protection of us with mental illness. as you probably know, law changes all the time. one time in closed psychiatric care, a woman there got 20 forced injections into her. she was gonna sue them for malpractice and she knew shed win, but shed settle for money, probably 100k's of kr. their favourite med is cisordinol accutard, you go into a coma for 3 days then, and wake up with leather straps all over your body. and its even better, today she came with a paper that i need to pay her 13000kr each year. it was 4000kr before, but as we have a right wing government now, they will of course suck every last penny out of the poor people.

av Heartgold Worldstone (ris och ros)

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