If the matrix were to be real in which programming language would it be coded

Från Svenska Dikter
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look into RPGs. computer games (and oldskool table top ones) are emulations of higher reality. when you are high / transcended enough, life turns to a computer game. time disappears and is replaced with keys. as long as you use the wrong key, time stands still, and nothing happens. the sun never goes down. people act the same towards you. in a dangerous situation its of course paramount to find the right key quickly, or youre done for. keys are actions, items of course, thoughts, concepts, emotions, talking to the right person when youre stuck somewhere in time/space (a spirit will advice you, overcome your social anxiety), body language (look into masonic hand signs for example), making art / music / poetry and giving it to the right person / uploading online. its easy most of the time to survive in the 5th dimensions, just rely on your intuition. but it builds up in time, so if you get transported to the 5th dimensions automagically from nowhere, it can be very challenging. ie, you have never meditated / taken (legal) drugs in your whole life and do / take too much too quickly. some sourcecode commands: zip clone previous repeat mirror switch block flirt. this is related to the akashic library, as its stored / accessed / manipulated in sourcecode.

av Heartgold Worldstone (ris och ros)

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