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a review of the 10 year anniversary of the dnb bootleg of daughters hit single youth, which is now finally available on spotify.

what people are really alive today? that are still breathing? with the release of hillsongs "1 billion ex" you can wonder about the state of the youth of today, as amy mcdonald penned it. with social media almost everyone in the world is connected to everyone else on a deep level. pun not intended because this is for real but barely talked about in the mainstream music press nor at modern office environments.

it is way beyond as it was portrayed in mike judge's movie from 1999.

if youre anyone who wants to be anyone, you slicka uppåt och sparkar neråt as the swedish saying says. as that colliqucal has a lot of years på nacken you can wonder about the real state of the universe. fiction tells of other words. they arent really fiction, and even if they are, the process of making people live them their reality changes to this. at least when drunk.

and i heard this conversation with 2 doctors at södertälje recently. one guy said that the weather forecasts are based on how much alcohol drinking has increased since the start of modern meteorology. as people got more and more money to spend, much of it was invested in daily or even weekly livet är en fest (nationalteatern, referenced in blues debut album, which together with petter started the swedish hiphop scene, which pretty much died down in 2002, but was again revitalized in connection with "en kärleksattack på svensk hiphop").

that the average swede drinks a total of 21000 cubic litres of 96% ethanol through their lives is actually only based on a particular characteristic, of heavy labour guys, who take 1 small can of starköl when they get home and watch tv, and when their wife has made dinner, they take another one. (then he is "too fast" in bed, this continues on indefinately, until the wife leaves him for a latino, some religion of peace, or the various other kul people of sweden nowadays)

this might be true to some degree, but figuring out the real figure, as this writer isnt in this world, and thus is able to create freely, the sum might be in 1000 cubic litres, if your parents are loaded or you just hang with the right crew. (ref wikipedia article about man coming in with a headache, after CRI'ing his brain it contained a "liquid" and only a sliver of brain substance at the lower part, vattenskallar, "det skvalpar")

and it was so strange, i met this so called feminist online recently. she claimed to have drunk more on her first fylla than most people do in their whole life. so if we figure the wrong figure, how could she had gotten cubic litres over one night? was it a finland 1 week ferry? one guy i remember mentioning when you come back from one, you are hung over for a week.

and that seems to be the state of the music scene. lars winnerbäck portrays this, also organism 12, and buck 65. they do have great talents, and lars in one song mentions "jag kanske dricker mig full", to portray that he "dricker, men inte så mycket", which 3 random people seemingly said close to eachother in my world recently.

the state of alcohol drinking is out of bounds in the post-millenium bug world. but it was actually worse at least 100 years ago? in charlie chaplins non-shadow written self biography, his father who he barely knew, got paid in drinks at the bar to entertain guests. he basically lived on that, and died quickly from it as well.

this prompted him to start at theatre because he was too poor to make money any other way. theatre was his life. then one time after his mom lost her voice (ref björk lyric) he quickly replaced her so the audience wouldnt cause a ruckus, and "throw tomatoes" or various other objects at her (ref runescape, rottentomatoes.com).

this then went into that he joined a circus, this circus toured america. and wouldnt you know, as this was in the beginning of the 1900s, hollywood didnt exist, and california, just like the whole west coast, at that point, belonged to mexico. so "an oil kingdom bought for a bargain" (immortal technique, revolutionary, now available at the internet archive closely related to the 20th year anniversary of 9/11, which the author obviously created himself [ref curt cobain "everythings my fault"]) might seem like something related to "racism", but in the 5th dimensions, things work very strangely. if you are drunk, and depending on your clothing, even prices at stores follow certain inherent parameters of this world [ref christopher hall, "the reality creators"], and the real price is related to masonic (ref new age [enya 80s], "angel numbers", oraklet i delphi) numbers, and the truther community is really trying to bring down the elites nowadays. they seem to think if "expose the nose" turned into the most common phrase of the trump movement, everything would automagically turn out for the better, which is, again, tut ankh amuns vision of the slave race of androids. and wicca? this was another CIA psyop. before the outlawing of witchery, which again, places like bitchute, gap, rumble (the last 2 are seemingly disappearing off of the lightnet soon).

you have to wonder why the goths arent mentioned in the bible. they overtook rome in the 400s, and instituted christianity all across europe, the middle east, and north africa. and who isnt christian nowadays? who isnt apart of a CIA reality engine? who doesnt? there we go.

as for the recent 4.5 Billion bot deletions on facebook, before this happened, i actually got a non-bot friend request post-la belle epoque. seemed to be the genuine deal. it was supposed to link to her instagram account (now i can only find ANOTHER derivate of her there) but the character limit of the bots profile didnt allow this.

and when checking out her posts (3.7 million followers when i joined, at 4.8 before she "disappeared with no trance") i started wondering about this so-called "war on poor palestinians", just like the ar on "poor jews" as potrayed in the hollywood blockbuster "the pianist". as luck has it, i was supposed to pirate the piano, and good thing i didnt. the movie portrays a person who goes through life in struggle, and then we get happy end. pure hollywood trash. feel good movie. the 3 rule (ref "sheen entity with thai balls", and how photoSIG on wikipedia nowadays, autorefers to the "photography" article) is alive and well these days.

and i realized, its weird, the people around me are acting just like pg-13 movies romcoms. at most a 1 minute lovemaking scene without anything explicit (if it is, it gets censored out, ref mulholland dr), so that "guys would be fast", well, gals are even faster, down to the second or even earlier.

and i miss the olden days of discussion forums. but going back to them (reddit, literotica, deviantart - though check out that site, its still highly optimized, and if you create a new account people actually care about you, so the original philosophy of the site in 1999 lives on to this day) illustrates how good socia l media was compared to the ipv4 internet. to this day, if you even question an admin (remember, forums are morph landscapes within morph landscapes) or an arbitrary rule, your post and thread will be deleted, your account will be banned, and even using a new account and impersonating yourself (MPD is rampant in the new millenia) you will get IP banned from the subreddit or even the whole site in short time.

and its so strange. in sweden the truther community tries to latch on to the rest of the world. people post pictures of so-called "chemtrails", which are just an empty sky with a single line from a plane. no, if sweden is the head of the elites, "and you caused it", i sure must have good karma.

even weirder, another truther said her apple tree was brimming with fruit. then she mentioned all the bugs and butterflies are gone. i figure she at least finished grade school, where you get to know, that in order to fecundate the flowers to produce fruit, you inherently need these "bugs" (ref mainframes "debugging") for this. when i pointed out this flaw, she replied in strange masonic language, and completely changed the original post.

and finishing the other half of the la belle epoque series seemingly has stalled infinitely. yes, as tessan tried to tell me "ta inte droger, du saknar inget". and im seemingly in life review now, which is nothing of any portrayals ive heard of, neither the emerald tablets or even pursit of happiness? (youtube channel).

to trying hard to "get laid", i found a woman, just nextdoors (ref time 23:31 new zeeland) who was a mix of jamie jou (new book supposedly being made, if the fourth DSLR ever manages to come up), myself, bella and of course that zimbabwean woman who was a slave to a swedish farmer (ref ottoman empire after the slaves were released in america).

and yes, i have achieved my soul blueprint. it is quite simple, and it had a large impact on the world at large. den som väntar får se. if i was still "out and about", i would start asking them what great invention (ref dream) they would do to improve the world that a lot of people would benefit from. im not sure how this works, as it wasnt an invention, just a reply to my failed attempts at restarting the HDR (really DRC) movement again.

everything you do affects your world and others in very complicated ways.

"karma bounces, like light"

do look into "dont shed on me, an introspective look at morality", soon to hit all major bookstores, amazon and all their datamining world domination friends (ref fight club "in the future itll be corporations who will the name the universe", "there have been 14 civilations before ours, but they all disappeared when they started developing intra-stellar travel"), and all that.

and it just happens to be, while i was too drugged down (ref 20 pills in masonic numbering, 2 - together, 0, never, and how it got better after i "divorced" bella on facebook) to care about anything but increasing my GP and XP in runescape. but now that is not allowed to, as i named the characters after our 2 children, if id achieved grandmaster in all skills, they would become the (ref trying to translate the tanakh from hebrew error message "and he gave birth to god, and he gave birth to god") most powerful people in the world) to care, 2 women from sri lanka / nepal started working here.

everything that happens in your life DOES happen for a reason (ref quotesquotesquotes.xls, available at your local piratpartiet represenstive, not for me though, BECAUSE "f8" [refer vac album]). it is now near midnight, and one of my main vampire entities (no, theyre not all bad) is nearing complete exhaustion as this is time-shifted 16 hours from me, and my real reality is somehow iceland? goodbye, and goodnight (ref QOTSA "songs for the deaf", now available in deluxe, or was that X? [ref idamo electro opera about my so-called swastika tatu which she stopped from me getting, except this was time-shifted [ref "jag kommer aldrig ge upp på dig" in close proxmity to her her being command.com 7z'd]). and .yes. its nearing midnight in new zeeland, christchurch? and this could get better, but i should be emphatic to all these people making up my real "fam". and. uh. good morning, and, goodnight. god might! etc. the next show will be something related to anime in some way. i am too tired to imitate that, so i will... i have no idea.

av Alright Forever (ris och ros)

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