Magic the Gathering Arena
Från Svenska Dikter
Hoppa till navigeringHoppa till sökI've been playing Magic the Gathering Arena for a few days. I suppose I actually battled humans. i wouldn't know, they didn't say anything, that's my curse. Of course I can't get friends in the game, so chat is out. You can say a few automatic phrases, but that's it. There's many different battle modes, and you get a plethora of card collections automagically. Can be sorta baffling. I have a new laptop yet again, and the graphics in the game are real fluid. The game is working really well today, no weird lag.
I'll keep on keeping on. It's not as hopeless as yesterday. I'm all tucked in into a warm blanket. There's snow outside. It's winter. Will spring come before I fade away? I don't know...
av Tomas Emma (ris och ros)
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