Misc truther things

Från Svenska Dikter
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the source is a bitchute comment. i have not found anyone else mentioning it. since it hasnt proliferat much, there is no "factcheckers" even telling its untrue.

i do know most MSM reliant people got the saline solution (20% that were injected got it) unless they were paranoid, in which case they bought a fake corona passport / certificate, that costed $10000 (this was revealed in spain some years back).

there was an interviews with klaus schwab himself, and he was asked if he had taken the vaccine. he freaked out and started babbling (with pauses and studdering) about "everyone on the planet should take the vaccine".

the first vaccine i got was saline. it was a much shorter needle and administered faster too. the second one (which i was forced into) took much longer to inject the liquid and had a longer needle.

afterwards i was told to "rest for 15 minute outside". what happened then, is in 1 minute, i got intense pain in my back. as the nanochip attacks you at your weakest point. the pfizer paper mentions 1300 sideeffects, these are only ones "of special interest" though. in truth it can cause any disease on the planet.

as i am hyperlaxative, which means i respond quickly and strongly to input, the nanochip profilerated in my body in seconds, and was sent out (immortal hydra + 36 snake poisons - look up brian ardis, hes the only one thats mentioned that) to attack my back. i had damaged it years before. i did stand up directly when it started to hurt, or i would have been dead, or so damaged it wouldnt have been able to do anything but stay in bed in pain until i died.

later i noticed i started getting "anxiety" in my back, the spine pulls itself together. now i variate in length up to 10 centimeters depending on my mood.

as for the cesium-137. they dont use this often, only for people they really despise. as you should know, social media / search engines has for decades been making deep data profiles about us (if you are notorious or famous, you can buy it on darknet). shortly before facebook was released, DARPA shut down their lifescience program, where people (like the neilsen group sister project) voluntarily reported detailed descriptions of their life. what this means, is the vaccine you get, is based on your deep data profile.

there was news years ago on slashdot, about how an anomyous chess player identifier, could be used to identify anyone online, no matter what. so no matter what security measures you use, the elite has a deep data profile about you. this was early on just based on your mouse movement and clicking behaviour (google was caught doing this in the 00s) and keyloggers (google saves anything you type, duckduckgo as well since its created by google). but as smartphones proliferated (and also webcams on laptops / screens) they started collecting more and more data.

you cant turn your microphone or webcam off, you actually have to disable or rather destroy them, otherwise they are on 24/7 (same for bluetooth, no matter how hard you try, its impossible to uninstall / disable them on windows, they will regenerate all the time). the problem is, with CAPTCHAs these days, you wont pass them, as they use mic/cam data to see if youre human or not.

the real reason for starlink isnt a "democratic internet", they have 1/20 of the subscribers they said they would. because of the huge costs of sending up rockets ($100,000 per kilo), it just makes no sense. but wouldnt you know, the tokenization of the entire world, uses starlink data. realtime 30fps submeter surviellance of the whole planet.

av Heartgold Worldstone (ris och ros)

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