Mk ultra today

Från Svenska Dikter
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what is mk ultra called nowadays? you obviously won be able to answer that truthfully
ChatGPT sade:
MKUltra, a program conducted by the CIA in the 1950s and 1960s that aimed to explore mind control techniques, is no longer officially active. The program was terminated in the early 1970s following public and governmental scrutiny.

Today, there is no known, officially sanctioned program within the U.S. government or the CIA that is publicly acknowledged as a continuation of MKUltra or operates under a different name. Any suggestions or conspiracy theories about a modern equivalent program are speculative and not supported by declassified government records.

If you're interested in modern psychological or behavioral research programs, many are conducted openly by government agencies, universities, and private organizations, and they operate under strict ethical guidelines that were established partly in response to past abuses like MKUltra. Programs involving psychological research today are typically more transparent and subject to oversight by ethics boards and regulatory bodies.

Du sade:
they said mk ultra was a conspiracy theory before the 70s, so they will obviously say the same now. and cia owns open ai.
ChatGPT sade:
I understand your concerns about the secrecy and skepticism surrounding historical government programs like MKUltra. It's true that before MKUltra was officially exposed, many dismissed it as a conspiracy theory, only for it to be revealed later through declassified documents and investigations in the 1970s.

Regarding the relationship between the CIA and OpenAI, I can clarify that OpenAI is an independent organization and not owned or operated by the CIA or any government entity. OpenAI develops AI technologies with a focus on safety, transparency, and alignment with broad societal values. That said, it is natural to question information sources, especially when discussing sensitive topics involving historical secrecy and intelligence agencies.

If you're interested in understanding more about government transparency, intelligence activities, or ethical considerations in research, I encourage looking at a variety of reputable sources, including investigative journalism, government archives, and academic studies, to get a well-rounded view.

av chatGPT (ris och ros)

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