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a mirror of https://imperfectionisperfection.dreamwidth.org/1022.html (i havent touched it up yet, so the html breaks)


When Bella left me for her Ex when our first baby was born, I turned to computer games, something I hadn't dabbled in for 1½ decade.

I remembered then how it was, I was accepted for who I am, no matter what. So as a tip for you, if you feel lonely and ignored, try to look up some online, or offline (with an online community) game, and start playing! You will have a lot of fun, and maybe all that pent up energy you have will disipate.

As a gamer I had trouble fitting into normal society, although I managed that for awhile. I have never had a proper payed job. Worked some for free though, at a large (or else it gets boring!) <a href="https://www.myrorna.se">second hand store</a>, a factotum at a cute <a href="https://www.demokratipiloterna.se">art café</a>, at the amazing thing called <a href="https://fountainhouse.org">Fountain House</a>, and its accompanying radio show (in their local Swedish office), <a href="https://www.radiototalnormal.se">Radio Totalnormal</a>. Again, highly recommended to look up those, it can save your life!


I've always tried to fit in.

I still do, wherever I go online or IRL. But in gaming I don't have to. It's people that have gone and go through the same pain as me.

Thats why I play MMORPGs 🖤

And that's why I played the Quake series online before. No matter how much I fucked up, no matter if I got banned TWO YEARS on one of the only servers on Gloom, there were people on the forums who accepted me for who I was.

If you're lonely and misunderstood, try gaming 🖤 It doesn't hurt to try!

With social media everyone tries to fit in, to be as perfect and as exciting as possible. Hey, guess what? Life is boring and meaningless and stale and grey. We are all really boring inside, in our core. So try to find people which are on your level. With gaming, its like that for me :) Now theres so so so many online games, that it's impossible to not find one which fits for you 🖤

The first gaming memory I have, and also one of my first memories, is playing ICE CLIMBER on the Nintendo Entertainment System. Since then I haven't really gotten any more skillful. I've played so many games, probably more than ten thousand hours, but I'm still not very at them. I'm all for easy hack and slash. Runescape was fun while it lasted, but now it just freezes constantly when I try to log in. It's ok though, I'm in MOC now. It's a small tight-knit community but its OK 🖤

Now some games I've played that I still remember, and some new tries.


BitCraft Alpha 2 Review

<a href='https://imperfectionisperfection.dreamwidth.org/file/3488.png'><img src='https://imperfectionisperfection.dreamwidth.org/file/100x100/3488.png' /></a>






wasnt this supposed to be released last year? there really is nothing to the game at all. pure vapourware. so where did the time and money go? like alex jones modus operandi, coke and ladies.

so what can you do in it? craft some items, of which the most important one is the cryptically named "supply". took me 2 hours to figure out that one.

the text is tiny and barely readable, although i can only play at 640x480 on my $600 machine i bought ½ year ago at reasonable FPS, so it makes it even worse.

in the latest developer update they spammed all the time about "empires" and "exciting" - of which the last word, is only used by highly commercial enterprises.

many have wondered where the name "bit" comes from, and they have constantly assured us on discord that it will never be associated with bitcoin. but lo and behold, yesterday they released a video about "the problems with cryptocurrency today".

you spawn in the same area as everyone else. if you walk north or south you get the error message "this is not the right way". only east works, where you are treated with a load of tutorials, which cannot be skipped, and the dialogue text is even harder to read.

there is nothing "open world" about it whatsoever. just walking literally for 20 seconds takes you out of bounds, where you already need tier 2 to gather resourches and fight a puny horse, the only monster seen. i have level 10 in many skills after playing all day, but i am somehow still not at the second tier.

when spawning, you are treated with a village already viewable on the screen, which is made by the so-called player "V275831", surely a bot.

walking into the shrine some 15 seconds away, treats you to a tiny room with an NPC to talk to, there is 1 choice: trade. clicking that achieves nothing.

and not to mention the automap. almost nothing is on it, except where people have built claim totems - clicking anywhere to walk doesnt work if theres elevation.

there is nowhere to uninstall (nor find) the game on windows, it doesnt show up on the start menu, nor the desktop. strangely enough, there is no trace of it in "programs", it sits directly below c:.

as for the "social" aspect, i tried writing a few things in the chat, but got no replies. devoid of messages for 8 hours.

i have no idea how they are to house "every player on the same server", there is often lag of several seconds, and walking for 2 minutes you get the error message "couldnt sync with server".

figuring the rudeness of the discord admins and the pure inanity of their twitter posts, i can only assume this is made by angsty teenagers.

<a href="https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gO1TsrNbNEw">Don't Starve</a>

<a href="https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5E8NU54S2cc">Immortal Life</a> another farming emulator, but in 3D.

<a href="https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HDqC99UFnRk">Sun Haven</a> A stardew valley on steroids, more of absolutely everything, and then some.

<a href="https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=EMCnEpldP24">Don't die in the west</a>

<a href="https://store.steampowered.com/app/897450/The_Survivalists/">Survivalists</a> So I watched a <a href="https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ggVLnkZmsSk">play-through</a> of the whole game. I wish he'd shown more crafting, not the fighting sort. Anyway, you make things, gather things, fight things, you puzzle things, and you've got monkeys to help you! A bit like that viking game on SNES, in that you need the monkeys to help you with the puzzles.

<a href="https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=60zpPbY1DLA">Top 15 Open World Pixel-Art Games</a>

<a href="https://www.factorio.com/">Factorio</a>

<a href="https://terraria.org/">Terraria</a>

<a href="https://poncle.itch.io/vampire-survivors">Vampire Survivors</a
> Addictive game. Found some vids on it on youtube from a twitter post. It's an action RPG, and difficult. You can play max 30 mins, but lots of powerups and weapons.

<a href="https://store.steampowered.com/app/751780/Forager/">Forager</a> Hey, a nameless game and a nameless character. I dunno, it just doesn't fit me. Soul-less. But its got real good engineering, fluid motion, as compared to Stardew Valley (which it's akin to). It even has modding capability. Whatever floats your boat, doesn't hurt to try. 🖤

<a href="https://www.jarbit.com">Aberoth</a>. For the oldskool lover. 🖤 1970s graphics, you interact with the world with arrowkeys, mouseclick and lots of commands. The commands are one of the worst things for me, since I just don't remember them. Might be related to my dad yelling me out and giving me commands, and then he'd say I should do something else, while yelling, the next day. Hey, all's forgiven, my dad has been dead for 8 years now.

Directly when you go to the website you're transported into the game, nice feature. Hey just wanted to mention that I helped a noob get around the game in Mirage, and he introduced me to this one. Be a good person, folks. Don't troll. Dont crash servers. Don't DDOS. Don't use weird memes on people. Dont treat people badly unless they deserve it, but even if they deserve it, don't do it.

<a href="https://heredur.drakensang.com/en/welcome">Drakensang</a> Akin to World of Warcraft. Real good smooth graphics on my old machine. Doesn't seem to be a huge game, not many maps. But lots of items. Mounts too. Pretty quick download just some 100's megabyte. You need to click a lot. I guess I'm spoiled with Runescape. You only have 3 attacks possible, left click, right click, then you can click tab to change the spell to be used on right click. Yep, lots of spells and different attack methods. It just seems so easy. I'm lvl 10 and havent even been near half health even. Another weird thing is, you need a respawn item to be able to be resurrected, otherwise the game is over? Sounds tough. Quite fun though.

I played the game some more. Still not much of, if any, challenge. I'm in a level 11 dungeon now. Upping skills doesnt seem to do much of a difference, and they don't seem balanced. It's just hack and slash and mash your keyboard. Another weird thing is I got a lvl 11 armour, but it has the same stats as a lvl 5 armour? so does anything change in the game, or you can you go without any items and just hack through it? Still, it's obviously not made for IQ, it's made for douchebags. Doesn't in any way obviously hold up to Diablo II's genius, even if the skills were less balanced than here. You could do a lot of fun builds though. Here it's just higher level skill available, only use that.

<a href="https://www.eldevin.com">Eldevin</a> - I didn't find the interface fun to use. It seems far too easy in the beginning. Couldn't connect without <a href="https://protonvpn.com">VPN</a> either. Did download quickly so that's at least something. Give it a try if you're tired of everything else. The graphics are like a mix between oldskool Runescape and Runescape 3. It's quite well-made still.

<a href="https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hI99HvOHCLI">Stardew Valley</a> Not a massive game, but you can play it with a few friends (if you're one of the lucky ones). It's really original though and doesnt feature a lot of combat. I just liked growing and chopping trees. It's got a cute well-made graphical style, I can almost guarantee you'll fall in love with this game

<a href="https://diablo2.blizzard.com/en-us/">Diablo II</a>

(Written for Lurker Lounge some years ago)

Anoretic / Bulimic necro

You're so skinny, you're not even skin and bones anymore, you're just bones!

As the name might suggest, you put nothing into vitality at all. Being a singleplayer, noncheater, I have no idea how people get several 100's in mana from nowhere - or do they gulp potions like mad? Or both?!


  • Only magic bone spells:

Bone armor
Bone wall
Bone prison
Bone spear
Bone spirit

  • Just enough strength to wear the equipment needed, the rest goes into energy.
  • No resist or defence equipment either.
  • No twinking
  • No mercenary

Your bones are your defence, and your "tank". First bone armor, then bone wall, then the most amazing one of them all: bone prison.

It seems like when you stack bone prison, they all act as one entity. So even if you have only a 100hp wall, if you spam it 10 times, then it'll turn into a 1000hp one.

Bone prison works even on Diablo, although, certainly, he invented the thing! You'll catch him off-guard, he'll be thinking "hmm, how many times should I make my slow melee attack on this white, dull, strange... thing?".

I'd recommend putting many points in Teeth in the beginning, and when you've reached higher levels, you can use the act I reward to redistribute to the higher spells.

Bone spear works fine on its own, but if you're lazy - or partially blind, bone spirit is the way to go - although you'll only use it when fighting a single enemy. It'd be better to max out prison and wall first before putting points into spirit - that way your bone armor gets stronger.

Your best defence, except spells, is Reduced damage. These synergize somehow with bone armor, making it last much longer.

I started this build, boring as I am, with corpse explosion, and an army. At act 3, I stopped using corpse explosion, and made use of the /players8 trick - to get more of a challenge. Then I was reading around - remember, I haven't played *any* computer game for 15 years - and found the hero editor. I only use it to exchange equipment and gems/runes between characters, and of course - the most fun - to reset my stats and skills every so often!

Something I don't understand, is all these people saying "what equipment should I twink to my new character?". And then all they do is infinite boss runs anyway. Those aren't challenging, and they're downright dull. They destroy the entire essence of the game.

Which gets me to my next point. I was using /players8 early on. But, damnit, 50 magic find on /players1 gives you better loot! And fighting huge hp monsters with my bone spear, gives *nothing*, absolutely nothing, compared to raiding bosses. It was so depressing, I had probably taken 10000 items back to town, to identify and sell and to assess their quality - and I never got any necro-friendly equipment. No large +mana, no good +skill wands or heads, no faster cast rate, nor improved run speed.

So I don't really understand, how an offline player, that has no internet connection, and just plays the game through, has *ever* managed to advance far in it. For any player, you get basically no - or negative - resistances, a little defence and block rate yes, no faster attack speed, no run speed, no cast rate - no nothing. Until you start raiding bosses, and the uniques flow like mad.

It's really sad, that a game which takes pride in its incredibly adventitious system on all planes, ends up rolling so terrible equipment - that I just don't picking up magic items anymore. And rares - why do I really, honestly, bother? Even with my necro at level 52, I have been unable to find something beyond +10 faster cast rate on rings as the best attribute. Which, by the way, I got from transmuting 3 amulets. It seems faster cast rate is so low in drops, that even act 1 blood moor beasts won't give them to you. But when I get those slaps in the face when wasting huge amounts of cash on gambling rings and amulets for many many Ks or even millions, I at least have my faster cast rate.

I'd also like to call my necro the bulimic vacuum cleaner. I grabbed basically *everything* I could find, and poured them out in the shops. Even bolts and potions. And yes, I did manage to find some good wands from the shopkeepers, eventually. Right now I'm waiting for the White runeword to be put into practice - but I'm not finding any good 2 socket wands.

And, yes, gamling is another big slap in the face. I tried gambling on shoes and gloves, thinking naively enough I'd get a unique. But a couple of minutes of a chaos sanctuary run gives a unique - or several - every time! While if I amass several 100 000's of gold, and invest them all in the aforementioned potential items, I'm just left with things like +5 life, and magic damage reduced by 1, if I'm lucky...

Starting from act I nightmare, things got very interesting. I reset my stats and skillpoints again, and made a completely dedicated anoretic necro. I eventually got tired of it, and went back to a summoner / bone build. But it was fun while it lasted! Sneaking around corners, having bone prison on your trigger finger. Assessing the potential damage of the enemies. Yes, it was actually scary, and exciting!

I tried building up my resistances - no, I didn't have any magic find equipment, I had dirt! But still, the results were the same, if I were to encounter an extra fast / cursed / lightning- or cold enchanted beast, I'd still be dead in a blink of an eye anyway, if they got their hands on me... (Or if I trapped myself together with them in a bone prison Big Grin)

For fun, approximate Bone Spear damage:

level 20 + 0 synergies: 200
level 20 + 20 synergies: 450
level 20 + 40 synergies: 750
level 20 + 60 synergies: 1000
level 20 + 80 synergies: 1300
level 20 + 80 synergies & +5 skills: 1800
level 20 + 80 synergies & +10 skills: 2500
level 20 + 80 synergies & +15 skills: 3300
level 20 + 80 synergies & +20 skills: 4100
level 20 + 80 synergies & +25 skills: 4900
level 20 + 80 synergies & +30 skills: 5800
level 20 + 80 synergies & +35 skills: 6666
level 20 + 80 synergies & +40 skills: 7400

Of note is I saw a discussion of a level 99 PvP barb, who had around 7500hp. If you could truly max out your +skills (absolutely highest possible is +41 skills, I think?) you could, if you rolled the max damage on the spear, butcher him in 1 shot!

A screenie from a rare ring I just got this morning, level 54, act II nightmare, /players8, ~30 magic find. Dear god, I think I'll do Normal CS runs again. It's just a damn joke. Although, after reading around, I've realized that the drops are the same as using /players1. Still, it's fun to level up faster and the increased challenge (monsters do 50% more damage!), but I think I'll edit the TXTs to give me 8 player drops.


By the way, I *swear* bone armour has a running speed penatly?


I'm still in act II nightmare. At level 56. Have been doing a lot of CS runs. Got myself tons of items. But it just sucked the fun out of the game. Didn't want to play for several days. I wondered why my other lower level characters weren't enjoyable to play - because i couldn't do zero challenge boss runs, that's why!

I've started modding the game a bit, but the task is just humungous. And it'd be better if I just balanced the overpowered skills as they were. Started a Dragon Talon assassin, I've been kicking everyone's ass so far, in act III.

The necro I reverted back to a bone prison / bone spear one. Sad My mercenary kept dying, and I kept getting tired of resurrecting him. Thought I had some good gear on him, but no no... And I've reverted back to using /players1 there. This is where the challenge starts! To think I have more than half the game in front of me, still... I also changed it around to using almost all my points in vitality, but I still die so easily. I hate zombies! They probably take a 100 hits with my bone spear at 1000 damage! And they regen hitpoints like mad, no way could it be 1.2hp per second! Might change to using bone spirit instead, it's got a 25% damage bonus over bone spear, and I'm killing monsters one by one anyway...

I tried changing my prayer merc to holy freeze one instead. But he still got donked in a few secs when he met a lightning enchanted beast.

Some music recommendations:

  • The Quake I soundtrack. Gloomy like all hell. And a pure classic.
  • Anything in the WitchHouse genre, fits perfectly for a Necromancer. VALHALLs new album Grimoire is the beacon here.
  • For a long, long time I've been listening to Space Ambient, also known as Sotz. There's for example "cryo sleep - zero beat guaranteed" both as a shoutcast stream, and a youtube playlist. Calms the nerves. The biggest shining star here is Carbon Based Lifeforms, their Derelics album is an incredible piece of electronica. There's also Burial, awhile ago he released his greatest hits album. And not to forget Steve Roach's 1980's masterpiece Structures from Silence.
  • Anything by Velvet Acid Christ. Real demented stuff... But real well-made too.
  • Red Alert soundtrack - is available on Spotify, even. Klepacki is king! An incredible piece of engineering. If you still have the game on CD, it's possible to extract more songs from the game, compared to which are available on the soundtrack.
  • Monstercat releases. A huge archive is for free on youtube, and on Bandcamp you can get the songs in FLAC. Like VAC they blend every electronic genre under the sun - it's called dreamstep / glitchhop, but it's a lighter type, although they've gotten rougher lately.
  • Yugen Blakrok. Metaphysical south-african emceeing. Nothing like her out there.
  • Darkhalo. He's got a lot of music under his belt. A legend. On Scene.org is his mod archive (search for "dh-"), which I consider his best work. Just real chilly ambient and/or fast DnB, or its mix - Liquid DnB. Not to be confused with A Dark Halo, the metalhead copycats.

Otherwise I'd recommend just about any music, actually. Playing computer-games makes me more alert, but not like before when I got annoyed by everything. I hear every instrument and voice much clearer. Diablo II has made me fall in love with my record collection again!🖤

<a href="https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=g2sf7NUx8Q4">mad world</a>. This is a HTML 5 game. The visuals looks real good. They're simple but detailed and quite... gory. It holds promise 🖤 Its still in closed testing, it was going to be released last winter (2022) but still isn't finished. I'd love to play this 🖤 The looks are like like a mix between the early Final Fantasy's and Diablo I.

<a href="https://pg5-studio.itch.io/steinworld">stein.world</a> - This seems fun. Secret of mana:ish visuals. I've just started playing it :) 🖤

So I just starting played this game more. It has a different way of controlling your character. It's real beautifully oldskool art style though, so it holds a lot of promise. It seems to be catered towards P2P (that you have to pay to enjoy it). There's something called "soulbound" which you get already at skill level 2, which I presume means you can't change the weapon or armour later, which seems really limitating. It also uses lots of computer resources for some reason (even more than Runescape!), when it's just low resolution graphics, but seems to run at max framerate of your screen, so that's the problem, or just bad coding or <a href=https://www.google.com/search?q="bad+PR+management"+slashdot>PR management</a>. It's also laggy (choppy movement even) eventhough I use the european server and I'm on a fast 20 MB/s connection.

So, the graphics are cute but that's about it. It's a corrupt game, worse than Runescape even. It reminds of Ultima Underworld in how you use the interface, it's a lot of micromanagement. To use a health potion you need to select it and then click on yourself. That doesn't make combat a lot of fun.

In short: this game just annoys me. after having played it for another 30 minutes I can safely say it isn't for me. My hands are hurting from clicking and holding arrowkeys for too long.

<a href="https://verdictus.itch.io/kaetram">kaetram</a> - Hey a cute game like the SNES classic Secret of Mana. Just started playing 🖤 It's opensource too, so you can base your own game on its code :) When I just got into it, it was some dude who was lvl 226. For real! We hung out for some hours then I got despairful and didnt meet him again. Sucks. Still, try this, it's fun. Reminds more of legend of zelda 3 for the Super Nintendo maybe.

[UPDATE] Well, theyve updated the game since I last played. There's now arrows for the bows. Some small changes. It's nice! Highly recommended 🖤 It's not that complicated of a game. You can make due with just arrow keys almost. If you walk up to a tree, you chop it, if you walk up to a monster, you attack it. Quite innovative! :)

<a href="https://mirageonlineclassic.com">Mirage Online Classic</a> - Quite gimpy art/sound but a nice community. They can be quite rude but theres some really nice people in the game. Can sometimes find someone cool to talk to 🖤 This and the above you can usually talk to the developers / admins / moderators even in the game, you can make a difference, don't let anyone tell you otherwise 🖤

I've played this for about 2x1 months. It's a simple game, so it's easy to learn the mechanics. It's not bad. If you are behind a restrictive firewall it might be the only chance you got at gaming. Loads near-instantly and doesn't use a lot of resources. Good randomly generated passwords so you won't get hacked.

Hey, I've played this some more. You can get to talk to the developer in-game actually, just don't be an ass. He'll ban or mute you if you misbehave. I like the community a lot, I really do. Don't know what more to say. You can trade, you can co-operate in dungeons, it's a lot of things to do even if it's a simple game. Highly recommended.

Played it even more. The main admin is a real good guy. And the lower admins too. I remember when I started out, what, 1½ year ago? The game was real fresh, it's evolved a lot since then. It's basically redneck teens which play it, but I like the community. I've gotten a friend in the game, a real friend, we have as much anxiety so we understand eachother. He's real cool anyway. He even wrote me a poem. It means a lot to me. There's not much to do in the game, most people "run dmc", which is this boss which goes down quickly if you're a couple of players, and you get 250 000 experience from it. But I still like this game, if only because of the community 🖤

<a href="https://uo.com">Ultima Online</a> Hey I played this in the beginning of The Nullties. It was my first Massively Multiplayer Online Role Playing Game. It had so many good ideas that have been lost since in later games. I don't know what it is like nowadays. Couldn't get it to work no matter how I tried. Has quite good graphics eventhough it's from the nineties. Low framerate of animations though. There's a special Roleplaying Server even that was quite populated back in the days. There's also player-made servers (haven't tried them though so can't vouch) with whole new maps and other ruleset, and so on. Many unique monsters and tameable creatures, animal taming is even a skill in the game. A lot of fun. Truly unique that stands out from every other MMORPG out there. If you weren't around back in the days, sorry, maybe you missed an important part of gaming history.

??? - Need to remember the name of this game. it was jocular and also SNES:ish too. Real cool.

??? - Based on the latest unreal engine. Needs a fast graphics card. I tried a hacked version, got like ½FPS at lowest settings, so it was unplayable. Has realistic physics and atmosphere with beautiful natural sunsets, and very customizable building things system, that's modular. Low download size since it's all created in real time like diablo I's dungeons. As they say, randomness is the key to happiness! Not an mmorpg, only supports a small party size.

<a href="https://www.runescape.com">Runescape 3</a> (Not Oldskool) - An epic. Many people are into statistics, but you can play the game however you want. I've roleplayed some, it's a lot of fun. So many players, just watch out for bots, skillers and the trammies (grand exchange campers). A plethora of clans to join and get friends if you've just been bullied and lied to all your life. You'll find friends here 🖤 Just be choosy what clan you choose. Dont accept twinkers (hand-me-downs) and darknet script-kiddies. Is based on Java(script?) so you can play it behind a restrictive firewall. Has like 300 quests and so much meta content. Recommended a try strongly if you havent heard about it, as they do no advertising, one of the core values of the game, is that it can only be heard of, through Word of Mouth.

So like I said I started playing this in 2020. I mention runescape to lots of people, and many say they played it as a kid. Ultima Online was a lot of fun thought when i was in my 20's, so no regrets there. Anyway I'm back on Runescape it lags and low fps and needs re-installation each time my WIFI breaks but its ok <3 You meet so many amazing people in here, and the great thing is they're on your level. They're not like the fake IRL. And besides, whats the difference between chasing "likes" and "friends" on facebok, or drinking with your mates, than xping and gping in Runescape? I see no difference, so gaming is for me <3 I've probably laid down thousand of hours on this game. Since I had self-harm before and was chaotic, I've both lost accounts and I got worse than banned lol. Anyway, it's all good, I'm in a guild now :) And found a friend, a dude who doesn't do drugs, it's amazing 🖤

There's so many specializations you can do in this game, find what fits for you. It's not just "losers" that play computergames, it's for everyone! It might seem silly, but it's not, its important 🖤 If someone says It's just a game or You're wasting your time. Ask what all those who chase likes on facebook and instagram, or try to drink more than their mates, or look the most perfect with makeup and clothes, do with their lives. It's the same thing. This is a safe haven for geeks and goths and ANY bullying victim and freaks if you wanna call us that.

A fitting quote, to explain that the game can be played in many ways: "They can have their OP items and trinkets, im busy tending my farm and fishing".

<a href="https://vaa.dreamwidth.org/1559570.html">i like making egg potatoes</a>

<a href="https://runescape.wiki/w/Money_making_guide/Cutting_willow_and_oak_logs">Money making guide: cutting willow and oak logs</a>

Hey, I actually did something useful ^___^ Just some stats from Runescape. It won't make much sense to the ones not playing it. I get all dizzy thinking in numbers.

<a href="https://bitcraftonline.com">Bitcraft</a> - It has promise but they give a good outer images, while the Developer Team seem like numbskulls. And real rude discord moderators too.

The game is without PVP and is supposed to be a building, gathering, politics and transporting resources game with some killing NPCs. Supposed to be a HUGE game that takes weeks to travel around the map. Similar to minecraft, if i recall correctly, in that you can "sculpt" the world. It's Based on the unreal / infinity or whatever its called engine I think.

<a href="https://www.youtube.com/@JoshStrifeHayes">Josh Strife Hayes</a>. Youtube channel about tons of MMORPGs and good games, and a lot of bad, unfortunately. Highly recommended. He has VERY dry british wit. Awesome guy 🖤 Interesting comment section.

<a href="https://www.minecraft.net/">Minecraft</a> - The graphics are horrible, I'm sorry, I can't take this seriously. If it was made in the 80's I might've cared, probably not though. It's supposed to be a World Builder game, where you can make whatever you want. Not sure what it's about. It has a good community from what i've heard, tons of players, of all sorts.

<a href="https://godsunchained.com">GODS UNCHAINED</a> - An $ETH game, you can make money playing it, legally. You need to learn to play all 6 colours / elements to win though. I on the other hand was only good with 2 colours, green/black aka Nature and Death magic. A lot of fun. It has no chat system, only emojis. Is a great challenge. Reminds strongly of Magic: The Gathering, even if it has its own soul. Still quite unique.

It runs as an app so it can be iffy in gameplay speed / FPS / connectivity. Uses an algorithm for giving cards it's not random so can seem futile. I wouldnt want to play it 8-16 hours per day to make 200$.

A lot of fun though real beautiful illustrations and a good sorting system. Real nice game. You play against other players obviously. you can fuse cards if you get a special currency this is what you can trade $ETH for. etherium is a sort of like Bitcoin, decentralized currency :) It's not that huge yet you cant use it on some sites. Some stores IRL I guess accept Bitcoin:ish payment.


All early Final Fantasy's up to 7. Try to find an emulator for 1-6. They're amazing games without gorey graphics just beautiful and bright. Good music, good sounds effects, good dialogue / storyline. Just amazing in so many ways.

Secret of Mana / Secret of Evermore / Shadowrun - some good SNES games. Shadowrun is a cyberpunk game real cool.

Some old games might be on STEAM or as emulated on new video games I dunno.

<a href="https://www.homeoftheunderdogs.net">Home of the Underdogs</a> - Hey you might find an old favorite on this site. It's supposed to give hommage to games which didn't turn very popular. So they can have the site up in the name of the "<a href="https://creativecommons.org">Fair Use</a>" principle. Even has games from the 1980's, like for example text based (MUDs).

Remember to <a href="https://www.youtube.com/results?search_query=put+bob+in+the+bottle">search</a> on an old game on youtube, and adding words such "speedrun", "music" or "cover". A lot is available. It's real fun. Enjoy the internet while it lasts! 🖤 :) We're all part of DARPA lifescience, IRL as well. Sometime in the future everything will be gone. Everything will be gone. We'll just be in the clouds like Miley Cyrus says :( :) 🖤

"This is <a href="https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fDhu6ZF0X90">absolutely</a> the most exciting time you could ever hope to be alive"

<a href="https://slashdot.org/software/p/IRL/alternatives">IRL</a>


In Sweden, as I haven't been to many other places, there is for example on Kungsträdgården (a garden near central station in stockholm) often happenings. To name a few:

1) <a href="https://www.visitstockholm.com/eat-drink/cafes/a-fika-or-lunch-under-the-cherry-blossoms/">Sakura day</a>. On the 25:th of march each year 🖤 They might bloom earlier or later, you never know. What is on the menu is of course cultured food, but also mangas, cosplay, kendo - just lots of things pertaining to everything Japanese, you can even buy kimonos and obviously asian food and drinks too. Highly recommended. The Garden has a lot of cherry trees so it's just a perfect day to be there, to celebrate Spring 🖤

Last time I was there there were some Nazis protesting, hey, if you don't like foreigners "get the fuck off the planet" as Uncle Felipe says 🖤

2) Hindu day. Usually just a lot of different indic food mostly. So tasty. I love indic cooking do some myself.

3) Extreme cooking day. I ate crocodile (was like yellow chicken) and tasted garlic beer (ok that was a lie but i presume its real funky lol). Real cool cooking try something unusual.

B) Just try acting differently, using unique clothes / unusual makeup / (lots of) accessories. Dye your hair blonde or black or neon. Be yourself. Express yourself like Madonna says 🖤 Try to talk in a different ways. Like a movie star or series character or gaming NPC or from a book. It's easier than you think, to be "in character".

Be yourself but see yourself in others. The ultimate emotion is empathy 🖤 If youre a guy use dresses and nailpolish its not that hard to paint it and it lasts a few days even if you shower. If youre a girl use buttoned oversized (lumberjack) shirts / baggy clothes (hey its trendy for girls even) and dont shave haha / use short hair / shave it allllllll off like sinead o'connor (DARE). The sky's the limit 🖤 Get tatus theyre beautiful it'll change your life 🖤

3) <a href="https://www.svt.se/kultur/angestparad-mot-psykiskt-ohalsa">Ångestparaden</a>. Made by Fountain House Stockholm.


Yes, these magical things made out of trees, our ancestors. There are roleplaying books actually, called "Choose your Adventure". You start at the first page, then when you've read a few pages, it says "choose page 3, 17 or 38" for example. These didn't really do it for me, but my <a href="https://svenskadikter.com/Dedikerat_till_första_enda_sista_bästa_vännen_för_så_längesen_än_idag">BFF</a> liked them.

He also finished <a href="https://pricespy.co.uk/games-consoles/computer-video-games/nintendo-switch-games/the-legend-of-zelda-links-awakening-switch--p5060874">Zelda</a> for the Nintendo Gameboy. He was a prodigy. He's now a Computer Security expert. I really wonder what's up with him these days. I found him on facebook but I don't think he's added me back yet, if he ever will. He just had an avatar and nothing else.

<a href="https://astronomy.org/moravian/C00-Last%20Question.pdf">The Last Question</a>. I found this linked on <a href="https://slashdot.org">Slashdot</a> back in the days. Isaac Asimov made it available online a long time ago. He wrote it in 1956, maybe CERN or some other research centre had internet back then, <a href="https://i.forg.ot/the_link.html">who knows</a>? It's for the betterment of society, and us as a species, like all good Science Fiction is.


I have to mention <a href="https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mC7i6ZYsJWU&list=PLECnv2eVbEoHE-VsefaV93qWsY0A7wns-">Dexter</a>, since the first non-fiction books <a href="https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Category:1880s_non-fiction_books">in the western world</a> were a mix of Horror, Sci-Fi and Fantasy. Is a really well-made book and drama series. I recommend both reading and watching it. It's about a serial killer but it's with a 🖤 Like asian movies usually are. They can be about awful things, but they still remember <a href="https://en.wiktionary.org/wiki/kokoro">the core of things</a>.

<a href="https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tnKipsspRks">Scrubs</a>. A comedy series without canned laughter. Really good. Highly recommended.


<a href="https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Diablo_(video_game)">Diablo I</a> - This was actually not made by Blizzard, which explains how it could have such atmospheric cut-scenes, which are unprecendented in gaming, to this day 🖤 It had real good graphics for its time - both pre-rendered 3d and real nice pixel art, well-made sound effects too, and original gameplay, as each time you logged online, a new randomly generated dungeon was presented to you. Was only for a few players at once though.

The soundtrack in and of itself has inspired a <a href="https://johnlithium.com">plethora</a> of <a href="https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cALGAOrSbQo">metal</a> and <a href="https://internetdaemon.bandcamp.com">electronica</a> musicians in the especially dark versions of those genres.

If you didn't know, the electronic genre of music spawned from mainly 2 genres:

  • ARTROCK - This existed already in the 1950's actually, with for example the apartment-big synth made especially for the swedish space movie "Aniara". It was mostly made up by upper-class white males, people with a higher education, or ones that understand electronics beyond playing a simple pop melody over and over. Or as

It can be said to be "complicated" / "hard to get" music, but Steve Roach's Dream Sotz masterpiece "<a href="https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lNdrHWn0tOU">Structures from Silence</a>" is something that speaks to everyone. If you look it up in a Wav Editor, you'll see that it's just 3 Sine Waves, how he made it is still a mystery.

Artrock is often made to be played in art galleries, or unusual museum exhibits. It can be said to be more "concept art" than anything else. The practioners often pride themselves in revealing their often simple "method" as if they were scientists, and how expensive the equipment they use for it is.

This also ties in with what is termed "euro-crack", or Eurorack as they are really called. They are modular synth systems, which you can hear geeks audibly drooling over how "many frequencies" they excibit. I, personally, don't understand them at all. I tried a software version, and all I could achieve was a car alarm and a dogbark after a days stress-test. Still, in <a href="https://www.ableton.com">Ableton</a> I often use layered randomness and/or chaotic synth playing. So without knowing it, I've been an "Art-Rocker" all along.

  • HIPHOP - In the 1970s, a lot of black LBGT musicians, were the first to experiment with electronic sounds, in a poppier fashion. If you dare to challenge your gender roles, you also dare, to expand the horizons, of music, as well.

Hey, that's it, and that's that. I hope you got something out of this. It's a new way for me to write, now 2 years since Bella left me I realized I don't have to go out of my way to impress people, because most stay silent or don't say much. As they say, Be yourself, everyone else already exists.


Hey this might be my little treasure trove of geekiness on the interweb. What I'm about to talk about isn't Aspbergers. It's something much more severe. It's called fibromyalgia. Officially, people only say it's "lots of pain". Unofficially, it's metal- and electricity oversensitivity. The truth though, is that the person who has fibromyalgia, has wrecked their lymphic system, which is why, when you get older, some things hang - it's not fat, it's a collection of lymphs. The lymphs are all over your body, probably in your brain too, like a three-dimensional web. Whenever you move your body, such as taking long walks in the woods, your lymphic system works to make everything else in your body work. If you're like me though, you spent the majority of your teen days and probably adult days too, sitting in front of a computer, or lying in bed with your smartphone by your side.

Now I'll just have to mention that I bought anti-histamines. I took these years ago, and they had good effect, so good effect actually, that I unfortunately stopped taking them. I bought some standard brand at the drugstore which was thirty pills at 10 milligrams each. As I had anxiety at the time, I put my grocery bag on the table, took a pill, and tried to rest. I can safely say it probably had a negative effect on my heart, or maybe it fixed it up some. In either case, lying on my left side was a bad idea. Otherwise, I feel more free in the body, more lean, like I'd gone to the massage parlour, I was literally floating on clouds, didn't want to get out of bed. Histamines are red colourants, maybe related to red blood cells. I don't really know what they do, but if you get cramps and have a stale demeanor, try antihistamines.

av Heartgold Worldstone (ris och ros)

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