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Only original tatu.jpg
Cross tatu.jpg


Tre hjärtan bella poem illustrated tatu.png
Pain and pleasure does not exist either (nättroll remix).png
  1. 👔
  2. ⚔️
  3. 🕸️
  4. 💕🐾
  5. 🏴‍☠️🍃∞
  6. 🌒🌕🌘
  7. 🏳️‍🌈
  8. 😇
  9. 💃



Tupi-Guarani latino i-ching / guitar

Tētl Nahuatl

Lakota wíiyokta

Cherokee ᏩᏥᏍᏆ watsitsah wittchi tai to


i have 15 tatus that i know of.

im not entirely sure about the order i got these, its approximate.

1. .👔. .HANGED. .2014. .RIGHT ARM. .FREE. . mark of the beast gotten some time around the years 2013-2014. right upper arm inside to the chest. curse - means "hanged" in ancient croatic. since i dont know that language it of course means other things as well. i just woke up one day and it was there.

2. .⚔️. xXx. 2019. .RIGHT HAND. .2500 kronor. spring. straight edge big X on my right hand up side. realized later it was the story of stephen hawking. except the X its a thick line around it, and an arrow going up and one down. thus means bisexual as well. 2500 kronor.

3. .🕸️. .LILITH. 2019. .RIGHT HAND. .2500 kronor. 10 lines. was supposed to say BELLA in an encrypted form. got to know later that its a pictogram in an old south american tongue, meaning "spider". thus i have south american roots. The fear of the black planet is the thirteenth planet from the sun after Pluto, thus called Lilith, who was also JHVH's first made-to-be wife, but she denied him. it is the thought planet and the planet of spiders and norns (weavers of fate, more powerful than gods, even Ymer), it is composed entirely of ether. Every once in awhile, it crashes into earth. also means 2 people playing on a koncertflygel.

4. .💕. .MARRIAGE. .2019. . RINGFINGER. 3000 kronor. marriage tatu, left ringfinger. i had a lot of demands on the tatuist, but he was new there. i guess he did his best. i showered the following night and it got ruined. bella was gonna make a similar but she and her sister got the same one. cant win em all, huh? i ran from closed psychiatric care to get this, close to bellas birthday (last september / first october [midnight]), and cried when it was (un)finished.

5. .🐾. .THREE HEARTS. .DÖD LIV EVIG. .2020. .LEFT ARM. .4500 kronor. based on a poem to bella. i am the blue blood, that which has died. you are the red blood, that which gives life. we are the green blood, that which continues forever. with 3 hearts intertwined. the tatuist asked if i want it like watercolour? i said ok. the blue looks like fireworks the red is like bloodsplashes and the green like watercolour. i understand it now. its beautiful. the tatuist the only one ever seemed proud of that tatu. i mean of course they try to do a good job but theyre human if they tatu someone who they dont like of course theyll do a worse job and of course that person might treat the tatu badly and it could turn to a curse or a blessing but usually both as with how i see life the tao the yinyang. even if its a curse it will turn better over time and even if it makes you happy to get the tatu you might be sad when it changes over time. the letters turned out perfect even now years later. the lines are somewhat blotchy.

6. .NINE. .☥. .700 kronor. i had only 700 krona on me and i asked the tatuist if i could get a "9" on my right fingfinger. he accepted that low payment (its usually 500-1000 per hour and at least 1500) and i see a lot in how he inked it. a bluewhale, industry, just a lot.

7 🌒🌕🌘 .VISION. .right lung. .4500 kronor. my biggest tatu. he just used image search for 90% of it with some edits. its about 5 or so different images. on the right side front my lungs. HECATE with 3 moonphases. quote from a lars winnerbäck song which i realised later is a cover of ani difrancos "you had time". both songs are real well made. lars was in a punk band in the early 90s before he became a solo artist. he had anna stadling and idde schultz as harmony vocals for quite some time. hes cool. his best friend is melissa horn, one of the few people i know of who openly talks about that shes not perfect, that she does wrong. shes an amazing guitarist and singer and songwriter. took 4½ hours altogether with sketching and brainstorming.

8 😇 GUD VÄLSINGA DIG OCH BELLA FÖR EVIGT + Blue Crystal and Red Diamond. .2020. quote from (one [?] of) marilyn monroe's daughter(s). red diamond means a girlfriend of a crips member, hey, i was an immortal technique fanboy then. saltcrystals are 3000 times faster than the speed of light.

9 ▲ .ART SONG LYR. .1500 kronor. .wristwatchplace, right arm. my only really original self made up tatu. i used to doodle a lot in school. made my own fonts and such. again ran from the greys, they said i was gonna be there forever. going back i feared the worst, but they let me go directly. you never know. stay true to yourself. its the only thing that matters.

10. .🏳️‍🌈. .CURSE. .2018. .60000 karma credits. left part of the neck. aka mark of the beast. ancient croatic. dont wanna talk about it.

11. .☯. .TAOISM. .2022. 4500 kronor. .upper back. "there is a thing inherent and natural, which exist before the heavens and the earth. it stands alone and never changes. i do not know its name. if i am forced to give it a name, i shall call it tao, and deem it supreme" - lau tzu. i had about 16000 kronor and wanted to tatu the whole back but the tatuist always have a say in it, its their handicraft. the font is like leonardo da vincis handwriting. beautiful.

12. .💃. .TU Y YO. .2022. .1500 kronor. my best tatu. on 4 fingers and 2 thumbs. just amazing. means "you and i" in spanish, what they call ballads on deezer dot com in the spanish version of the site. thus can mean to dance tango alone or dance with the devil. as i made a dedication/diss song to immortal technique ("dance with the dragon"), this fits. im scared to do another tatu. i could literally had done another one today when i woke up but i didnt dare. in time though <3 its in an old font im not sure which. maybe 1500s or so. aka the middle ages, the dark ages, TDA, what i call my first project influenced by the electro opera artist idamo. the tatuist just asked the guy in charge how to do it, then he first drew with a marker and afterwards a pen, last inked it. so no google and no stencils. so he looked on the markings on my hands on where to place the tatu. very professional.

13. .♰. .Cross. .2023. .1500 kronor. So I got my thirteenth tatu in February 2023. At first I wanted a face tattoo, but the artist said no. Just as good. Then I wanted 3 signs together as such: ꟻ♰ᚠ, but he said with 1500 kronor I would only get one sign. He doodled some, then he asked me if two brushstrokes that looked like a cross worked? I obliged quickly not knowing what it meant . I'd say the heart charka is the most painful to tatu of all places on the body, it's got very shallow skin there, but the artist was considerate, and hurried it near the end, just "brush-stroking" it, so it wouldn't bleed too much. I accidentally ruined it somewhat (NOT AGAIN), but since it's supposed to look decayed, maybe it doesn't matter. As Faithless says God is a DJ (RIP).

14. 🐉. 200 credits. Croatian Barber. Red green yellow black blue dragon tatu. left shoulder.

15. Ⓜ. Hand. Means I'm in the gang Morphid Rules.



  1. If your body is a temple it should be adorned

Ansikte, hals

  1. Ri (panna, vänster) [got to know later it means rickspucko, wanted to get it because of so many wonderful people with "ri" in their name]
  2. 🏳️‍⚧️ (secreto iberico)
  3. 🦊 (öra)
  4. ۞ (hals)

Händer, armar

  1. Blommig trädgren (runt arm, mellan X och 🛆)
  2. 🛆 ⛛ (finger)
  3. e=mc2 (tumme)
  4. y=2>(1,3) (vid X:et)
  5. ◯‍◯‍◯‍◯‍◯ (vänster ringfinger)
  6. 🧿 innersidan av handen
  7. ❌🩸 🌙💛 🕉️📘 (fingrar)

Upper body

  1. Alien (vänster njure)
  2. Z (vänster skuldra)
  3. Nedre delen
  4. What if devils live in heaven and angels live in hell? (höger skuldra)

Lower body

  1. ☯ (ankel)
  2. Y?I (knä)
  3. 🗡️🐍 (vad)
  4. Vasopressin (lår)


  1. ͵αϡπγ
  2. 180/130
  3. 🐬
  4. 🦢
  5. 🧩
  6. ASMR
  7. 🕉️
  8. 🦄
  9. 🩸💛📘

Tatu info old