Våga vägra neuroleptika

Från Svenska Dikter
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well, neuroleptics work strangely on me. they actually make me feel MORE good and bad. they remove the aggressivness, but i just get more and more anxiety, and instead of happiness i just look at porn all day. i wish i could quit completely, but as soon as i do, i get aggressive and they punish me. im happy youre not in the "system", before when i critiqued them online, theyd throw me into closed psychiatric care. once i posted a meme with "våga vägra neuroleptika" in a group of 1000's of people, and in 30 minutes there were 2 cops at the door. except... i was at a friend house, and i hadnt told anyone i was there. to say that the psychiatric "spies" on you, is an understatement. why i wont detox the nanochip no matter how much i fucks me up (they measure all your values / thoughts / emotions in real-time and send it to the cloud via bluetooth)

av Heartgold Worldstone (ris och ros)

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