20 24 08 30
"Hate to break it to you: it has little to nothing to do with Islam there. Yes, some "moral standards" type restrictions have been imposed to get a "thumbs up" from various religious leaders, but the real reason lies elsewhere:
Pakistani leaders in their infinite wisdom decided to deploy the Chinese great firewall in Pakistan, and this "great firewall" doesn't work well with western telecom equipment and even worse with western social media platforms. China owns and controls its own social media platforms with rigid content moderation, therefore "content which could disturb the harmony" never makes it up there. This makes social media traffic very easy to filter. Pakistani population, however, mostly uses western social media platforms, who neither cooperate much with Pakistani authorities, nor are supported by the "great firewall's" content filters.
This leads to totally chaotic situations in Pakistan's IT sector, where people can no longer interact with western communication platforms or their IT employers. They can e.g. video chat, but can't upload pictures or zip files. It's a total disaster, it has gone like that for many days now, and the gov't doesn't seem to back down."
its hot
and i got hot food
because i made
julia hot online
then i met
a julia IRL
and made her hot
zuckerberg has nothing to do with it, hes just a puppet. they closed down darpa lifescience shortly before facebook went live.
same for pavel, he had no reason to go to france, so he was blackmailed into it. surely the usual reasons (prostitutes and drugs).
the communication in my world is just getting stupider
super super painful
Fluoride (/ˈflʊəraɪd, ˈflɔːr-/)[3] is an inorganic, monatomic anion of fluorine
Fluorine is extremely reactive as it reacts with all other elements except for the light inert gases. It is highly toxic.
Proposed as an element in 1810, fluorine proved difficult and dangerous to separate from its compounds, and several early experimenters died or sustained injuries from their attempts.
"Well, that's what I mean by organic. Also, people were alot healthier back in the 50s than they are now, even with ashtrays on movie theater seats etc. Cancer is caused by "vaccines". not cigarettes."
well, check the documentary super size me. or if you remember it. it blew up quite a lot back in the days. basically, he ate at nothing but mcdonalds for 30 days straight. he also emulated after awhile how they did it in texas, he never walked anywhere nor exercized, just took his car. he also did daily health checks by doctors. eventually they said "i have never seen these health effects, its like youre a junkie". junkfood in sweden is actually not cheaper than normal food, actually a lot more expensive. its the opposite in the US. 1.9 litre soda in your supersize meal? wow...
anyway, its a cumulative effect. and yes cancer is mainly cause by the interaction of heavy metals accumulated in your body (especially in the liver and brain) with other factors like pesticides and additives in food but also the higher electricity pollution especially with 5g. they started with modern vaccines at the same time they built out the electrical network with morse code in the beginning of the 1800s.
i am convinced, without heavy metals, electricity gives you superpowers and basically makes you immortal. amun ra / marduk wouldnt accept that. the same goes for the nanochip, it can heal your organs and make you immortal. ive seen positive effects of it. since it communicates with bluetooth, you can hack it to do your bidding.
"When contemplating the controlling systems known as Governments........Is not the IMPORTANT question really going to be. "Could the Australian Parliament and it's actors, stand up to the Independent investigations done by Australian people that have no connection to any Government department or Corporation engaged in Government contracts or dealings?" Sadly we already see enough evidence that the Australian Parliament and it's actors have been engaged in the Sex with"Rent boys"(Child abuse victims) in the Parliament house Prayer rooms scandal. Or Police claiming government actors will not let them investigate 28 high profile Australians named in the Woods 1990's Royal commission into child abuse. Or the Murray river water rights sold to foreign investors and also how the $80 million dollars from the sale went straight to an Canary Islands bank account/Trust. And that isn't even the tip of the tip of an iceberg. What is strange is how well people really have been too distracted by the Eugenicist agenda's designed to distract and divide. It is true their agenda's are as impressive as they are Devious and detrimental to Mankind. So why would the people acting as Politicians, Willingly keep empowering bad intentioned and morale producing agenda's and systems, if those people were of good enough Morals and actions to be worthy of leading another individual? Reality is not what you think. It is where you stand. Realms are not where you stand. It is where you think."
"Hur kan man vilja äta detta? Ändå är korv bland de vanligaste livsmedlen vi i Sverige konsumerar, och något som vi ofta ger våra barn.
Visst finns det stora skillnader beroende på vilken korv du köper, och ja, jag överdriver något i filmen ovan. Men poängen är att många korvar innehåller mycket fett (ofta runt 25%), lite protein (oftast runt 10%), många tillsatser och få näringsämnen.
Här är det riktiga receptet på vad de absolut billigaste korvarna ofta innehåller:
Ingredienser för 500 g billig standard korv:
• 100 g blandat kött (fläsk, kyckling, och nötkött, med fett inkluderat)
• 150 g animaliskt fett (späck)
• 150 ml vatten
• 50 g potatismjöl eller majsstärkelse
• 7.5 g salt
• 5 g glukossirap eller socker
• 3 g smakförstärkare (mononatriumglutamat, MSG)
• 2.5 g kryddor (vitpeppar, muskotnöt, sellerisalt)
• 2.5 g lökpulver och/eller vitlökspulver
• 1.5 g stabiliseringsmedel (E450, E451)
• 1 g konserveringsmedel (natriumnitrit, E250)
• 1 g antioxidationsmedel (askorbinsyra, E300)
• 2.5 ml rökarom
• 1 g färgämne (karmin E120 eller karamellfärg E150)
• 5 g hydrolyserat vegetabiliskt protein (valfritt)"
20 24 08 30 1 Så förhindrar Telekom-industrin och myndigheter att du bildar dig en egen uppfattning om riskerna
sen några år tillbaka innehåller LIDLs choklad exakt samma som svenska märken. de började med, förutom sockerbeta, glukosfruktossocker från majs (som är 30% billigare att köpa in) och också vassle (biprodukt från osttillverkning). dagens mjölkchoklad smakar bara socker. vit choklad från svenska märken smakar inte ens någonting längre förutom "naturlig vaniljarom" som utvinns ur ko skit. anledning till att människor äter choklad är inte på grund av antioxidaterna, utan för att de innehåller fenyletylamin (syntetisk version heter fentanyl) vilket är en opioid. detta samarbetar med socker i det cannabinoida system i kroppen (hjärnan och magen) för att göra en ännu större effekt. ost har också opioider.
fructos glucose syrup US$500 per ton @ 10 tons = $0.5 per kilo
$100.00 - $200.00 per ton @ 25 tons = $ 0.15 per kilo
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5AegNsIsHcY Wubuntu, the Dubious Linux Windows
SpilltheReads - We Used to Live Here Spoiler Free Book Review -A Twilight Zone Nightmare You Can't Wake Up From
av Heartgold Worldstone (ris och ros)
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