8 levels of saffron

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8 levels of saffron

1 you get to choose your destiny

iyou can choose to never eat meat

you can choose to never do art

you can choose to never use computers


telepathic connection to the main person in your life (not friends / family)

they will tell you everything is a lie

at which point you can change all reality

they will tell you deep secrets that you need to adhere to

if you follow them your karmic debt towards them reduces to zero


guardian angel / spiritual guide

you will get instructions for protecting a person

you will save their life and always be by their side from that point on

do note that you either do what youre supposed to or it fails

your physical characterists decide if you are successfull or not

you will get exact instructions and a time limit to achieve them

such as saying something (usually telepathic)

or moving a certain thing somewhere or using it in some way


avenging angel / confusion demon

you will kill / report someone that has caused you much pain

remember that your alignment plays in here.

unless you are the lawful alignment

you will be punished to the same degree


you will be highly

awarded with an object / service

if you follow the instructions

presented towards you by a new

person that comes into your life



you will create your best artwork ever

in whatever genre it is

can be cooking too for example

or a sports event


you will go deep into the the fifth dimensions

if you are overweight you will lose it in an instant

when near a certain person

(usually very buff)

this weight reduction is equal to a person

you have slept with recently

and will be your first child

remember their name

write it down, even if it means

carving it into your own skin

this is important


fractal frequency

you will realize the world is iterative

av Alright Forever (ris och ros)

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