Cheating with food

Från Svenska Dikter
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2 months ago they stopped buying in orange juice. dont need that right? do they care about us or our wellbeing at all? guess not...

now theyve stopped with yoghurt as well

this is deranged

theyve also basically stopped cooking food at all

and it still costs 3000kr per month?

the mincemeat sauce was in 1 huge chunk. so they just buy it in frozen form and heat it up, thats it!

and obviously no tomatoe sauce, cream, onion, garlic or spices. but its always been like that.

and today was meatloaf. just this hard undigestable gross looking thing. no thanks. i didnt even taste it.

im seriously considering dropping their non-existant "food program" and ordering my own food.

but it wont happen

because i cant ask

  • miss mom. i puked for 3 whole days a month ago. i was in no shape to talk to anyone. well, miss mom came around and i asked her to leave, she got furious and acted weak. i said "can you please leave? im not feeling too good", to which she replied "i havent felt so good either lately". rrright. she "shook" for several days afterwards (why?). and then figured out a way to punish me. so she wont buy anything for me online ever again, and wont pick up the 2 packages we had already ordered. and she called me being angry again too, saying "i got 3 package notifications! how much did you order?", except, it was only 2, and she was with me when we did it. she loves acting weak, and is at the same time a sadist. dangerous combination...
  • miss economy. she decided several years ago already that she wont buy me anything either online or offline. she did buy me new things when i moved, and a few other times, and also online. but shes specifically said she cant buy anything online...
  • my contact person at this housing. i refer to her as the antichrist, shes just horrible in so many ways. she does buy me things like once a month or less, but ignores most of what ive ordered.

so i tried to figure out what just milk, orange juice, and yoghurt would cost if i ordered it myself, with 1 litre per day of each. milk about 10, yoghurt 15 and orange juice 25. so 50*30=1500, a lot, i only get 4000 per month...

oh right, just got to know that they get their grocery orders on thursdays? every staff says different... the previous one said tuesday, so maybe today we get yoghurt...

av live2dream (ris och ros)

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