Dont shed on me: an introspective look at morality (GDB)
2024-10-06 00:00
eventually the people caring about you
even if you dont notice it at first
will help you get a better levande
2024-10-05 16:59
1oo wrongs
can turn to
10000 rights
2024-10-05 16:57
listen discipline listen
you don sell your
soul to the devil
you get good at something
and continue doing it
and you ignore your spiritual
guides on their advice
because of laziness and comfort
this curses you to do
your thing indefinitely
2024-10-04 17:11
the polar stories
about the most expensive
stonecake records are both true
the popular legend back in the days
is there was a guitarist long ago
that no matter how much he tried
he never got good at his art
then later someone in his family
mentioned another story
he moved back to his hometown
and learned about the hierloom
the real story is
he did meet
a dark wanderer
at a crossroads
but the wanderer
also uttered
the words
go home
into thin air
2024-10-04 21:08
whatever you hear in life
realize there is another side as well
so you need to understand both
then form your own opinion
2024-04-10 09:20
if you question
authority once
under any condition
if you say one
single truth ever
you will be
punished infinitely
they will take no heed
into anything youve
ever made for them
2024-04-10 09:10
love is vulnerability
2024-04-10 07:39
each noise in your vision
is a single vampire entity
same for the freckles on your body
if you
seek truth
talk truth
think truth
speak truth
eat truth
drink truth
truth will
be revealed to you
av Alright Forever (ris och ros)
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