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Clearing infrared
Jan. 12th, 2025 10:36 am
vaa: (Default)
[personal profile] vaa

2 ways to clean your eyes


first just pull the eyelids a bit

they will plop

do this a few times


close your eyes

and slowly push them with 1 finger each

many different shapes will appear

as you see a shape

speak its name

it will tranform

so sort of like the

poor mans astral projection

dont overdo it though

since your eyes will

hurt after awhile
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(no subject)
Jan. 6th, 2025 05:41 pm
vaa: (Default)
[personal profile] vaa
you can clean your teeth / breath with a sugarcube

dont really get how it works.

i smelled better, or worse

after letting 1 melt on my gums.
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(no subject)
Dec. 7th, 2024 12:57 pm
vaa: (Default)
[personal profile] vaa
so. as mentioned previously.

pull out your eyelids

with your fingers some

it will squirtle

do this a few times

then push your fingers

softly into your eyes

what you see is your frequency

yah it heals your eyes somehow too

stop at a point it hurts too much
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(no subject)
Dec. 1st, 2024 12:08 pm
vaa: (GREEN)
[personal profile] vaa
i remember when at segersjö.

i wanted to either

make my apartment fresh,

or jump down the window

to get rid of my dad.

it happened in the opposite.

i torched my apartment and

jumped after my dad died.
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(no subject)
Nov. 30th, 2024 08:18 am
vaa: (Default)
[personal profile] vaa

i figured if i took enough lergigan there would be

an earthquake under my bed. and science would be

changed to that its normal for earthquakes there.

that thankfully didnt happen. as i thought i cuoldnt

handle middle earth. it was that for awhile after the

nanochip. +8c. i asked a psychiatric nurse about it.

she had the real experience. i made cry then she dis

appeared from my life. just another one. not much left

now. but its not hopeless. im sure as the day goes on

itll feel hopeless once again. i wondered about that in

the past. why i didnt turn into a superstar overnight.

maybe i did. i am supposedly proground now. oh. inuit.

i didnt talk about telepathy before. im a spirit guide?

ok...... makes sense. in darkness mode yesterday i thou

ght dragon? anyway. life goes on. "im just a person".

i have short term memory of some days. for some things

like at devart i could even remember what word id ever

used. those were the days. allyekhrah tears </3. not everything is my fault. im now at miss mom level. and thats ok. people care. dont have to be a sellout. left neck hurting. should use tiger balm. but need to save. wait for the right person. i wondered how i could just write on and on. its not a person. it is and she was called shuddha prajnyana in azidia. writing made me calm. then no comp. then talking made it ok. it depends. now im calm. flow. not cosmic but its casual which is better. no. fairytale level. wrote DRGN for you. i hope you liked it. im not bitter at everyone. but still some.
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vafan cuolo
Nov. 30th, 2024 04:54 am
vaa: (Default)
[personal profile] vaa
this means many things.

i am not fluid in sicilian

so i cant tell all the meanings.

sort of "rape your mother up the ass"


this started in the nullties being used

because of an american movie reviewer

in the show he and another guy

either did a thumbs up or thumbs down

it then proliferated through society
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(no subject)
Nov. 28th, 2024 05:58 am
vaa: (ORANGE)
[personal profile] vaa
so read this

in the nullties

about suicide

the best way was

supposedly with a

sawed off shotgun

some poet decades

later killed xeself so

cant be fun

parachuting wasnt

recommended since itd

reduce the respect for those

......and thered be more rules

plant ways were the most painful

during corona i saw a vid

about a person turning into an alien

it was censored

but a high ranking military was there

"hed even seen people being bamboo tortured"

and he freaked out

7even "vill du verkligen se den här?"

- [community profile] tzaraunderbara

anyway, to keep on the

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making apple cider
Nov. 28th, 2024 05:55 am
vaa: (BEIGE)
[personal profile] vaa
1 get plastic bottle

2 make hole in cork

3 fill with water

4 find apple

5 chew apple

6 spit in bottle

7 wait

8 drink / inhale
Current Mood: VACUUM
Current Location: I RIP APART YOU SOUL
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[personal profile] vaa - vafan cuolo
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av Emma Thomas (ris och ros)

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