Dubbel trippel kvart
miss turkey came in with miss karate.
its so predictable.
they left at 16:14
so i figured out the 45 min thingie
i got double punished so it was 1½ hour
for 2 fucking disgusting sandwiches?
and why did they come here at all?
of course i wont get mackor at 17:00
theyll punish me further
it was good for a day or two
or whatever
now itll basically be shit forever
unless i take shitloads of neuroleptics
so they can loosh my physical
and mental pain
i have that now too
but not like being attacked
by a 100 demons
and the staff here
dont actually exist
they just get summoned
they grouped up on my 2x
not 3x at least
there is no point in life at all
its such a predictable computergame
and me fighting back?
it wont turn into anything good at all
mirroring this on mister poetry site
could mirror on more sites
but im afraid of being laughed out
but i guess ill do that
but like posting on 5 sites is real draining
and how could it ever improve my situation?
yeah and i shat myself a second time now
so the neglience is just overboard
av Gabriel Fauci (ris och ros)
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