Electricity isnt inherently dangerous

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från https://www.bitchute.com/video/T8HwzwSaeCNq

it's nonsense that cancer, heart disease and diabetes are due to EMF effects and not from diet, exactly opposite to what that twat says in the video. These diseases are all 100% from diet and vaccines and other poisons and bad habits of our modern society much of which are malevolently and intentionally introduced into our society to weaken and sicken us. All vaccines are frauds Also, virus germ theory is complete bogus bullshit pushed by the Rockefeller and AMA jews for our destruction.
Blaming EMFs is a scapegoat distraction, very common tactic of the Judeo sewer rat tribe.
PS, when you hear any kind of documentary clip with a British accent narration, you can bet 9 times out of 10 they are lying propagandists. Fucking limey chirper. [show less]

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2 days ago
electricity is healing. depends on the frequency though. rockefeller changed the tuning of ALL instruments in the world in the 1920s. what used to be 432 hz turned to 440 hz. 432 is healing, 440 is destructive. you can see this if you place a speaker on the floor, and pour sand on it. the 432 will create a beautiful pattern. 440 will just be noise.

another thing is, that i havent anyone but me put through. is they started with mercury vaccines at the EXACT same time they started transmitting morse code through newly built copper lines across the world. why? the heavy metal gathers in your brain, and interacts with all electricity and electrical fields (i have a high level of fibromyalgia, so i cant even stand touching or being near metal, i havent detoxed to this day), to make you sick. without heavy metals in our bodies, we would get superpowers and turn immortal. able to fly through the universe. and obviously defeat the tyrant amun ra / marduk that controls the prison planet simulation earth. [show less]

2 days ago
rudolph hookerYou
Rockefeller should be the new name for cancer considering I their rap sheet of nefarities over a century or so.They were always the second fiddler clan to the Rothschilds but much more of the 'heavy lifters' in the more direct assaults on humanity (UN-WEF-WHO-CFR-Bill Gates-Big Pharma-'Planned Parenthood') etc..,all Rockefeller projects and CV-19 'Operation-Lockstep' l believe has their prints all over it .

I get the feeling the Roths are now down although probably not completely 'out' (Jacob &Evelyn dead) but the Rocks are handling the Genocide Account l suspect safe (for now) in their CCP protected Chinese lair.

They invented the CCP back in the 50's alongside Kissinger,Mao and a coterie of Zio jews having usurped the ancient ruling 'Dragon-Families' of China at the behest of the installed Li bloodline (Kaifeng-Chinese jews).

We won't ever be free until the Rockefeller cancer is expunged from our planet but l have a growing optimism something epochal is occuring globally and covertly to address this very situation. [show less]

2 days ago
rudolph hookerYou
Excellent post btw.You are bang on with the Rockefeller frequency tamperings.I believe they were in cahoots with Goebbel's in WW2 to use those frequencies in his propaganda films which isn't too surprising considering the Roths were simultaneously supplying the Germans with their oil and industrial products respectively.

a day ago
432 hrs is God's Frequency, 440hrz is Satan's freq. No wonder 432 also heals.
Very nice job by the way!

Edited a day ago
a day ago
USA-krb02rudolph hooker
Rockefeller family also controls all the Health and medical industries including the education in the medical fields. They dictate what is taught, what medicines treat what symptoms, what procedures they can use for what health issues. Ever wonder why absolutely no natural healing products hardly ever make it to market or past the NGO the FDA. Doctors don't heal, they prescribe to treat symptoms. Big Pharma will destroy any natural cure trying to come to market especially if they have some harmful man made drugs listed in the accepted book of medications and treatments for a health condition. Why do you think they fought Ivermectin & HCQ (Hydroxychloroquine), spelling? Both can be used for many illnesses from parasites, bacteria, infections, I won't say Viruses as they truly don't exist, see germ theory Pasteur & Bechamp, think that it is spelled correctly. There were two theories and one lost. The drug companies, medical community, elites all say that if they went with the false Virus theory they could rake in mass fortunes for themselves and their families forever by creating a fake virus and later come up with a drug to treat it, and the money starts rolling in faster than they can count it. Back in 1850 when germ theory was being discussed & studied, the microscopes were no where near what we have today. Kids microscopes that you can buy in toy stores are close to what they had back then. So how could a virus even be seen with the equipment back then. But Greed won our!! Yet again. [show less]

a day ago
USA-krb02rudolph hooker
Oh, oh, oh, Goebbels, I was not aware he was involved in changing frequencies around from God's freq of 432hrz to Satan's freq of 440hrz. 440 is what all broadcasted TV & radio are also tuned to as well it causes anxiety, agitation, short temper, foggy can't think clearly and some other side effects. It was quite a long list. But I know exactly what 449hrz feels like in me. I pulled the power cord on my TV at least 25-30 years ago, when I had enough of all the lies, misinformation, false history both past and present and I noticed my personality had changed quite bit. I also had Cable removed as my TV was unplugged and still is today. I get a whole lot more done since then. I also have saved tons of money. Although back then cable didn't cost what it costs today. My friend still has cable and last I knew he was paying approx $250.00 for cable with 3 TVs connected with 3 cable boxes. That's a whole lot of money today. Glad I don't have it.
But back to feeling the 44hrz freq. When I go by a TV that is on, I feel it sharoly in my middle back right between the shoulders and the longer I am exposed to it, the worse it gets and for me it has gotten so painful U had to get away from the TV. As soon as I got away, the sensation started decreasing slowly until it was gone, about 15-20 minutes. I can no longer stand to be around any TV anymore. Radio does the same thing. There are some groups out there who have re-tuned back to the 432hrz frequency, so I have bought a lot of their music. That is the only music I use, mist of it is Christian music and Country but I am looking for other groups who have changed back 432hrz. I miss a lot of the music I use to enjoy. In time they should eventually all change back, I hope. My music taste is very vast. Not a big fan of rap but other than that, I like everything else. I do really enjoy the Christian music though, so I have music I can listen to, or I can have my Bible App read the Bible to me, which I do daily.

av Bitchute (ris och ros)

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