you dont have to be
attractive to attract people
what to say
i dont find myself good looking
i have Truxal anxiety right now
so closing my eyes has no effect
on making me calm
i dont really know how to solve this
shouldn't take coffee or any meds
it will be horrible
im stuck here for life
and really dont want to ride this out
i drank 1½ litres of bloodorange juice
figured it needed it
i did
im alive again
the world doesn't hate me
but now...........
sleep? rest? how?
does anyone at this housing care for me?
people are attracted to me
im not really interested in them
theyre all frauds
they dont like my personality
and they dont like my art
dont really like anything about me
im playing along though
its how i met bella
but i know ill
never find anyone
like her again
people talk about how its
so easy to meet someone
ive never found that myself
im just not on their level
im 16x pisces in 1000 planets
theyre not supposed to take drugs
i weighted myself after i puked
i lost 13 kgs of dip in my body
quite a lot
anyway, the despair is raising
ill be tortured now
for a long time
cya =*****(
av Emma Thomas (ris och ros)
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