Im quitting coffee
im quitting coffee
nothing in my world works like anyone elses
nothing is logical
things change all the time
then they change yet again
and they keep doing that
all the time
theres really no logic to it whatsoever
for junkies drinker smokers
they hear a lie and believe it
then their world turns into that
i started drinking coffee again
2 months ago because of rampant headache
then that headache turned into epilepsy
and my world was never the same again
before bella i was just an emotionless robot
a clown who pretended to like people
my art music poetry about them was genuine
but no one before bella honestly appreciated it
now its even worse now i feel like plastic
my whole world is that the things i eat how
i feel which is absolutely nothing no pain
no suffering no joy no pleasure
and i kept drinking the coffee afterwards
but it just works as an aphrodesiac?
as we all know demons are powerful
and the last thing they want you to
know is the substance youre taking
is bad for you in any way
the reason i quit dip after 5 long years
is because i got OCD where i was supposed
to eat my own shit a lot of it
if that hadnt happened id probably
still been a pathetic drug addict
and as they say when you quit
a habit you gain another
that was coffee im sure its not
that actually i dont taste it
often just gulp it but it does
taste disgusting really nothing
like coffee so im sure its fultjack
liquid amphetamine instead
anyway maybe ill survive
but im quitting coffee
i dont know what the side effects
will be of not taking it but
the positive effects i know
are better
av För Emma 79 (ris och ros)
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