Khazarians rule the world 2

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the khazarians have been fooling the world for a 1000 years. the talmud was written 1000 years later than the torah, and babylonians (khazarians) wrote it.

"The Talmud is written in Hebrew and Aramaic, and exists in two versions: the vastly studied Babylonian Talmud, compiled by scholars in Mesopotamia (Babylonia) around 500 CE, as well as the Jerusalem Talmud, compiled earlier, around 400 CE, but much shorter, incomplete and in consequence, for centuries studied less"

kabbalah was written by a muslim in 1200 AD in spain. source: "vårt arabiska arv", ingmar karlsson. so it has nothing to do with neither khazarians nor jews. but khazarians know worse black magic, that has no written documentation. they know soul sculpting (taking over someones body, and sacrificing your own), which is the real reason they got invaded in 1000 AD and told to convert or die. 100 years later they were all gonna get killed as they still practiced their old religion in secret, but fleed to russia (got extradited) before it happened, and found solace in germany (thats where "ashkenazi" comes from, its just an old term for german).

after WW1 great britain promised isreal to them (even wikipedia says so). modern isrealites have german, babylonian and nomad turkish genes, nothing else. the real jews are palestinians, unfortunately. its all a play, with psyops beyond psyops.

both the illuminati and freemasons (and all their plethora of sub-organizations) base from the crusaders, which got its knights from palestina. i dont know why palestinians are acting weak now.

note: writing things like this on facebook gets you blocked from posting for 8 weeks. its strange both the left and the right are on the same side in this question. khazarians are insidous though.

av Tsofmia Neptlith (ris och ros)

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