so ive never told you much about kjell
he was 2.3 meters in his young years
but he was like 75 when i met him
so he used to drag thingie to go along
so he was like 1.9 then
i got to tumba centrum in 2015
and already after a week i took down
my outer door, it was just so difficult
to breathe. wouldnt you know, kjell
lived right next door to me. he didnt
want to be worse, so he did the same.
now i used dresses then, and as for
most guys, i usually woke up with
a boner. i used to jump out of bed
and find some hot chick i could hug
thats what i did in the beginning anyway.
especially warm maria, one time i woke
up, scurried to the tv room, and there
she was standing with the most amazing
ass on earth, so he i just hugged her
she laughed, so i humped her over and
over, like 50 times, eventually she let
go, and started talking to them, but
literally 50 times, she folded her brow
and gave out a huge smile. yes, i gave
a woman 50 orgasms in a minute. anyway,
after having given all the women orgasms
there i wanted something different. now
kjell used to talk about nazis or sex.
that was about it. i didnt really get
all the war talk, and the sex sounded
sorta disgusting. still, one night i woke
up stone hard, and headed to his apartment
just 20 meters away. i asked if he wanted
to see my erection. he mentioned he hadnt
cummed for 20 whole years. all those meds...
i had to nag a few times, but then he said
yes. so i took up my dress and let him stroke
me. he had huge hands so just half of it he
could grab my whole cock with. he used jeans
but had to remove them quickly, as his boner
was rising. i shit you not, he was as hung
as a horse. 60 centimeter. but, fuck, his
girthiness was more than a horse. like a
fucking tree trunk. for 5 whole years i sucked
his cock like 3 times per day. i never talked
about it before, because, you know, christian
shame. only his cockhead was like 20 centimeters
big. all i could fit into my mouth. i told him
he should change to a diet of bananas, and he
started cumming even more. this gave his dirty
old man mouth even more saliva to suck my cock
with. it was difficult to make him spooge though.
i mean, such a huge thing. eventually i invited
other people to suck and stroke his cock. özen
maria, sandra, and more i cant remember. they
were just as dumbstruck as me. they all tried
to ride him and it didnt really work. then i
got an economy person. gisela. she had 2 horses.
i told about him to her, but she didnt believe me.
so i told her to undress and to go to his apartment.
she had stretched her cunt with plenty of horses cocks
so she could fit his cock into her. about 40 centimeters
in her pussy. and it was literally like 1 meter in circumference.
then i asked if we could visit her farm.
i was interested in pigs. and oh my god. are they tight.
it takes HOURS to penetrate a a pig pussy. so fucking wonderful.
she had 2 adult horses and 2 ponys. 2 females 2 males.
oh, i forgot to mention, kjell had a way with animals.
he often told of all animals hed fucked. more than karin.
hed even let a puma suck his cock at a zoo once.
so kjell was fucking a horse and a horse was fucking gisela
and i was fucking a pony. so fucking nice. their cunts
are steaming hot and pulsating and so hard and i made
the pony cum quite quickly too. then i fucked the male
pony. took some ass stretching to let it in but it finally
worked. it cummed like 3 decileters of spooge. so fucking nice.
in the meantime kjell had cummed into the horse
and the other horse had cummed into gisela.
they were all laying down exhausted.
not me though, so i started sucking kjells cock again.
stroking him was descending on a tree. just moving my
hands at different places on the veins. with the other
hand i was fistfucking gisela. she introduced me to it
actually. and at this housing i got to know about skullfucking.
oh my god. where does it end? i got it in a weird clue.
so i told gülär that my middle name was emma.
and she said teasingly "emma är du hemma?"
which i strangely figured out that she liked skullfucking.
basically all the staff work out like all hell
and by now ive skullfucked them all.
av För Emma 79 (ris och ros)
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