Negative feedback loop

Från Svenska Dikter
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  1. Botkyss
  2. Tantra
  3. Power
  4. Stoft
  5. Ordered Chaos
  6. Skit
  7. Nytt
  8. Spell
  9. Alltid
  10. Lmnt
  11. Shit
  12. Everything
  13. Hymn till Mµ
  14. Några meningar



Del av design till DVD-omslaget

Köpte ett propert musikprogram. Är mitt bästa verk, blev stort i Nigeria. Arbetade heltid under tiden, men tog som vanligt 3 månader att slutföra. Höll på med omslaget under lika lång tid. På senare skivor så hade jag lärt mig programmet, och blivit.. förutsägbar, formulaisk. Men att försöka bli spelad i radio gör ju att man inte direkt kan göra 20-minuters låtar, och vem bryr sig om att lyssna på sådana ändå. Det sägs att friheter gör konstnären, men det kan lika gärna vara tvärtemot. Om du bara har papper och penna, eller inte ens det? Det där med Nigeria är intressant, för de är subjekt för de värsta rasistiska skämten i hela världen. Själva titeln visste jag inte vad det betydde, men det innefattar att man ändrar ett ändlöst helvete till en himmel. Så är det i min värld, det är inte 50/50 som yinyang, kanske över tid eller intensitet är det. Det är så enkelt att knarka och flyga genom livet, så svårt att jobba hårt. Eller, egentligen är det 10000% enklare att jobba hårt, för det är det enda man gör. Om man får skit för det får man skit för det, men man vet i sitt hjärta att man gjort rätt, oavsett vad som händer. Bli inte en lögnare, som alla andra, ok? Livet är kan verka tråkigt värdelöst och grått. Men till slut händer något.


First complete Ableton record (though, I did dabble some with it a couple of years before, on eter and bgn, but couldn't figure out the software. with the aformentioned tracks mentioned, i just did something random, and the results were.. good, maybe). Before, all records were made in a mix of Audacity, Sound Forge and Pro Tools. Here, the first of the 3 mentioned DAWs was merely used for.. clumsy mastering - getting the db up to -7, which introduced quite some noise in a couple of tracks. Skit / Shit, used birdsong, of which one is synthesized, as far as I know. To reminisce, the sound levels were increased to make the record listenable on smartphones built-in tiny speakers. For a hi-fi geek, this might not by their first pick, for that very reason. Nowadays, there's automagic mastering, which might've been a better choice. What do I know. I did my best. I was working full-time at fountainhouse at the very same time. And mostly just slept at home, and dabbled some with the music, poetry and album art when I was in the mood.


this is the only record which has both good levels and good sound volume. i highly recommend finding the records on soundcloud if you have sensitive ears or just do not want to change volume between songs. but its a new millenium and things are different. people often only listen to one particular song. it is both a blessing and a curse. i cannot say i have found many songs which are supposed to loop, at least in the electronic genre, as producers naively still think that people listen in the old ways. many many records and songs seem either made for radio or for the dancefloor. for me this is neither, but as this was my first album near-completely made in ableton live except for sloppy audacity mastering, i am still really proud of it. if people on boomplay listen to the album and can relate to it, that is a great great honour. the only "hit" i have had before this was a witchsotz song by the name of POWER, but again the radio show made my music for the crowd. i am now working on yet another album after OUT OF THE ETHER, but i cannot do 1 song a day as people did years ago. i tried for 4 days then i was just completely drained, the only effects i could come up with where the new echo and tons of reverb. my music is not like others, as for the genres, it is very diverse, and this does not really explain my THE DARK AGES to any high degree. the clostest i heard was AMBIENT DREAMPOP. it is a new day today, full of hopes and also bothers later on during the 2 nights. i know i will wreck havoc across the internet later on, but thankfully bella cleaned the apartment upside to down. you cannot make it on your own, at least not as a musician. if you do you will get notoriety after death, if in the afterlife you do good.

av EternityInterface & AkariHarakiri (ris och ros)

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