No one works as hard as us

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anyway. this bed will break down. sooner or later. you know like the movie salem? the girl who got bullied and started fires? im like that. when i feel bad, things and people around me break. so i move myself up in bed. i lower the head and raise the feet. and it works, usually. sometimes the huge remote control falls down when i do it. but lately... a few days ago, i moved myself up in bed, while the bed was raised as well, as they were changing me. as i moved it down i heard a loud "k-chunk", and my laptop was sprinkled with dust. or maybe thats because they moved the laptop then. its really dusty in here. the day i just got here, they wanted to throw away everything i owned. the tables, the chairs, the mini-oven (they did, it costed 1400$), the vacuum cleaner, the works. they also periodly throw away my sheets and t-shirts, everyones in on it. the antichrist said in dismay one day "i dont like poop, its disgusting!", to which i replied shes in the wrong job then. shes the main culprit in throwing away my things. and cuttlery... they just take it all. i could ask miss mom to add more, but theyd wash it once, then take it. when i get yoghurt if i dont like the food, they use a spoon and a round plate theyve only washed over with some warm water, so theres bits of food left. they are the laziest on the planet. im sure they rest for at least 7 hours of their 8 hour work shift. or as the antichrist says "no one anywhere works as hard as us". and no, they dont want to pull me up in bed. the antichrist doesnt work out, at all, and shes like only in her 30s, but has a bad back. they even objected for awhile to put a sheet around my duvet, saying "it hurts our backs to lift that much".

av Tsofmia Neptlith (ris och ros)

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