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i advise you, if you take any pills or have been told to take a pill, check them out online. you quickly get good information, which the doctors and nurses know about, but they lie to you.

formatted for AI to read it out loud. it's not particularly smart, so for example it pronounces certain characters, which makes it rather comical if you're not careful.

so. talked to the nurse for 10 mins. awesome.

tomas, i don't want to take potassium.

nurse, i am here to take your potassium value.

tomas, i don't want to take it.

nurse, potassium regulates how your heart feels.

tomas, no it doesn't, the only reason to the take the humongous dose of 750 milligrams is to get sick and die. if you take lergigan it affects the heart, thats why you say that. it affects the whole nervous system and muscles, not just the heart. anyway, i had a value of 2.8 milligrams and need 4.3 milligrams, i want a 50 milligrams pill.

nurse, theres only 1 dose available for potassium. doctors know what they are doing.

tomas, i am going to buy sea salt, it contains natural potassium, so i will get it that way.

we argue some more, she's just a brick wall.

nurse, i don't want to speak to you, since you can't hold a conversation and i cant talk to you, it seems like i don't get through.

tomas, you are the one, who's repeating the same thing over and over for months, and not listening to me.

from FASS, on lergigan, Symptomatic short-term treatment of anxiety. Short-term treatment of sleep disorders

it didnt work for my sleep, but worked against anxiety. when i stopped with risperdal the anxiety stopped. so it's not needed. i also sleep normally at night now, with no pills at all. i had lergigan for maybe 11 months, but it says you shouldnt take it for a long time. why is that?

Lergigan should be used at the lowest effective dose and for the shortest possible treatment period.

i got 25 milligrams 3 times per day. the maximum is 50 milligrams per time, so it was way too high.

dosation, Adults, 5 to 50 milligrams 1 to 3 times daily

they just dose you full with however much they can muster. and then they never follow up on it, you can have it for years. they don't do any tests or ask if you've gotten any side-effects from it.

Lergigan should not be given as a daytime sedative in depressions where inhibition and unhappiness are the dominant symptoms.

that i had lots before.

With long-term treatment, dry mouth can cause damage to the teeth and oral mucosa. The teeth should be thoroughly cleaned with fluoride toothpaste twice daily.

that's because you have a too high dose. with anti-oxidants for example, if you take too much, they act as pro-oxidants. same thing here. it makes no sense to brush your teeth to prevent a dry mouth, as it doesn't add water to the membranes. the real problem is salt imbalance though, ive gotten that before and used sea-salt to treat it. i know a guy who took huge doses of flouride pills several times a day against dry mouth. i can't see how they helped him at all, must have been the small amount of water he drank then. he usually drinks a lot of alcohol, so that's how his whole body got dry. hey, made he took potassium too. wouldn't surprise me.

An approximately 3-fold increased risk of cerebrovascular events has been observed in randomized, placebo-controlled clinical trials of certain atypical neuroleptics among patients with dementia. The underlying mechanistic explanation for this increased risk is unknown. An increased risk also for other neuroleptics and among other patient populations cannot be concluded. Promethazine should therefore be used with caution in patients with risk factors for stroke.

oh, together with neuroleptics you can get a stroke, how nice. psychiatry acts like they know it all, in a second, but the literature is rife with "we don't know why this happens", which is a downright lie, they don't want to admit it to themselves for their self-importance - or patients, since they'd quit the meds then.

wikipedia, Stroke is a medical condition in which poor blood flow to the brain causes cell death.

FASS, Cases of sudden death which may have a cardiac cause have been reported, see section Adverse reactions, Overdose. Concomitant treatment with other neuroleptics should be avoided.

FASS, Lergigan mite 5 mg contains less than 1 mmol (23 mg) of sodium per tablet, i.e. is next to sodium-free.

oh, how nice, it contains salt too. 23 mg is a huge dose, when you only need trace amounts in your body. they say the same with vaccines, it's, next to mercury free, eventhough it goes over the toxic dose by 12000%. great, i got 345 milligrams of salt per day from lergigan, surely next to sodium-free.

google, how much salt should you take per day, The daily limit set by nutrition experts in the U.S. is 2,300 milligrams a day for people ages 14 and older. The World Health Organization suggests a limit of 2,000 mg of sodium a day. Most of the sodium you eat is hidden in prepared foods.

observe at the end, the mention of, hidden, and, in prepared foods.

from mcdonalds website. With a large, varied, and ever-evolving menu of fast food, McDonald's menu has something to suit many different tastes and diets. Most of the items, from breakfast and beyond, are high in calories, fat, and sodium"

yes, and no proteins. the main ingredient in their hamburgers is pink slime, thereof the McSmell.

mcdonalds. Compared with 2003, the total amount of salt in a typical Happy Meal, has been reduced by 52%.

i've tried baking bread with a lot of salt in it. for example, i had tons of old salted peanuts. so i made bread from them, it didn't taste salty at all. so they hide it that way.

google. how much salt does a big mac have.

mcdonalds. The typical Big Mac Meal, which comes with a Big Mac burger, a medium order of fries and a medium soft drink, totals 1,100 calories, 44 grams of fat, 149 grams of carbs, 1,225 milligrams of sodium and 29 grams of protein. The meal meets more than half the total calories of an average 2,000 calorie-a-day diet!

theyre lying though

from If you swap the Big Tasty for a Big Mac, which contains 2.3g salt, you'd reduce the salt content by 1.4g.

oh how strange, a single big mac contains the allowed amount by exactly 100%.

back to lergigan.

Side effects. The most common side effect is drowsiness in a frequency of 5 to 10%. The side effects are pharmacologically conditioned and thus, to a large extent, dose-dependent.

yes, and since they mentioned 5 milligrams before, that's how they have tested it.

Symptoms. Somnolence, unconsciousness and or agitation, mainly in children. Ataxia, tremors, headache, hallucinations, convulsions.

ive had most of those. yes, with lergigan, i could be awake for days if i hadn't taken sleeping pills. maybe when lergigan goes out my body i won't have closed eye hallucinations from rubbing alcohol either.


for english medical information, there's for example

which is even more honest and detailed. to get to the side effects you have to scroll down some. the site isn't very well designed, but have patience. it's about your life and body and mind. i found this anyway.

... Extrapyramidal reactions ... fairly common, usually 3 types ... Parkinsonian-like syndrome ... dystonia and dyskinesia, including torticollis, tics, and other involuntary muscle movements ... akathisia, shown by restlessness ...

Promethazine tablets and suppositories are indicated to treat rhinitis, allergic conjunctivitis, allergic reactions to blood or plasma, dermographism, anaphylactic reactions, sedation, nausea, vomiting, pain, motion sickness, and allergic skin reactions. Promethazine cough syrup with phenylephrine and codeine is indicated to relieve cough and upper respiratory symptoms, and nasal congestion associated with allergy or the common cold.

strange, i got lergigan at 50 milligrams 3 times a day, or it was even higher. they used that to punish me so i would get hallucinations. but it worked against anxiety as well. i started spitting them out after the third day. i took them later at a much loser dose, and it worked. then they removed them. then i asked if i could switch from truxol to lergigan soon after i got into the hospital last year, and have had it since then, but stopped a week ago.

av Tsofmia Neptlith (ris och ros)

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