Recommended daily intake

Från Svenska Dikter
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"I overdo fat and underdo protein."

¨how? do you gulp olive oil all day? just say it like it is. you cant give up junkfood. thats mostly sugar though. nowadays its just water and fake sugar and several different substances to keep together all the fake shit and water. the oil they use is canola oil. its a genetically modified rapeseed oil through several nasty processes (uses petroleum among other things to extract it).
nd dont forget salt. if you work out a lot you need more salt. except, theres different sorts of salt. like i said. if you get diarrhea and puke a lot, you need potassium. freshly squeezed orange juice (if its not been heavily pasteurized) actually contains potassium. but the only good oranges are in december to spring. then they just have huge peel and are dry and taste sugay and nothing else and are hard to peel and peel tastes gross. the peel nowadays has so strong chemicals that are just as toxic as neuroleptics.

and again, cider is junkfood as well. 5% apple cider in it. the rest natural aromas and colourants and preservatives and "organic" ethanol.

you simplify too much. theres different sorts of protein (amino acids) and carbs and fat.

carbs are divided into sugars and uh. grain thingies. the wheats (at least fullgrain) makes you get satiated and take longer for your body to digest. i know you know all this though so why pretend?

you need like 100+ amino acids or youll get deficiencies. in swedish its called "fullgoda protein källor". i cant find any documentation about it in english online though.

"full-worthy protein is mainly found in animal products, such as meat, fish, poultry, eggs, dairy products and cheese. Incomplete protein, i.e. proteins that lack or have too little of one or more vital amino acids, can be found, for example, in cereals, potatoes, corn and legumes, such as peas, beans and lentils."

well, thats a lie. if you eat the same thing for too long you get deficiencies. i remember reading a book about it. was like corn and something else you could live on forever.

"Protein is made up of approximately 20 amino acids, of which 9 are essential, i.e. necessary for us to get through the diet due to that the body cannot create them by itself. Foods that contain all essential amino acids are called a complete protein source."

"Roughly 500 amino acids have been identified in nature, but just 20 amino acids make up the proteins found in the human body."

well. cats need taurin. specific to them. most catfood doesnt have it.

"For those who want to build muscle, a higher protein intake is recommended, 2 grams of complete protein/kg body weight"

like saras dude used to say. if you want to maintain the same muscle mass, you dont need a lot protein. and you only need to work out 15 mins per day to stay at the same fitness.

anyway, try asking at fitness forums? instead of anorexia places.

"THere's all these folks that "count macros" and wtf is that? "

simple. vitamins and nutrients. called micronutrients.

"The six essential nutrients are vitamins, minerals, protein, fats, water, and carbohydrates. "

again, science has shown you need 1½ litre of water per day. if you work out or do heavy sports. this is several 100% more.

and the RDI is based on a fit woman who spends 24/7 laying in bed doing nothing.

so thats 2300 calories. and mostly a lie anyway.

i dont think if i mentioned it. but really. laying all day i need like 5 grams of protein. anymore doesnt make a difference.

and if you eat too much salt.

"Eating too much salt can cause high blood pressure, which increases the risk of heart attacks and strokes. It's easy to have too much salt (or sodium). Around three quarters of the salt we eat comes from packaged and everyday foods we buy, such as bread, breakfast cereals, meat products and ready meals."

it thins the blood too. which is dangerous. most salt is hidden in bread. you dont even notice it.

anyway. the calorie science is a hoax as well.

"A sample of the food is placed in an insulated, oxygen-filled chamber that is surrounded by water. This chamber is called a bomb calorimeter. The sample is burned completely. The heat from the burning increases the temperature of the water, which is measured and which indicates the number of calories in the food."

also measured in kilojoules. rocket science ^__^

and thinned blood means you more easily develop wounds. that dont heal. or you bleed a lot more. causes internal bleeding also. like ulcers. and like i said. they forced me into 6x750mg potassium per day. melted my organs. why i get smelly. since ive reduced it the smell has mostly gone.

this is also related to c-vitamin. the RDI for it has been decreased all the time. doctors and nurses and the psychiatric system act like c-vitamin doesnt exist at all. if your body starts to rot you need complicated surgery. but never are fruits and veggies or simple c-vitamin pills recommended. you can even take 12000mg c-vitamin as an injection in the hip / butt / calves. cures a lot of illnesses. even cancer and aids. but that is really only done if you know a doctor / nurse personally. and they might get fired for it. fucked up.

anyway, milk in sweden, at least. they add nutrients to. since the natural fat count when it is reduced, you lose vitamin D. but mellanmjölk has like 10 nutrients in it. real good. oat milk soy milk whatever has no nutrients at all. i guess they originally do but they put like 5% in it and the rest water and bullshit.

ok. happened to find 1 more thing.

"Calculating calories with the 4-9-4 system
His experiments revealed that proteins and carbohydrates each have about 4 calories per gram (0.04 ounces) and fats have 9 calories per gram, hence the 4-9-4 system. He also found that alcohol has 7 calories per gram."

thats sorta bullshit. but true. protein and carbs have 2.25 times more density than fat. so if you weight the same if you have a lot of muscles as someones whos untrained, you will look completely different. yep, cider makes you fat. and melts your body and overtakes your brain. and removes nutrients. what "hangover" is about. its a fucking car fuel and sanitizer. you shouldnt drink that.

oh. right. as for fat. fat isnt dangerous. theres saturated fat (pig meat, coconut oil) unsaturated fat and polysaturated fat. eating the 2 last mentioned actually makes you lose weight. theres no danger in cholestrol at all. thats just so people will eat even more bread. but they also eat french fries like mad and pretend that its not huge amounts of fat in it. so i dont get it. same for donuts. do note that if you have an oil (except olive oil, since it reminds of butter, it doesnt turn old in the fridge, it just turns hard) you should keep it refrigerated. if it starts to smell like fish you should throw it away. never have it near the stove when cooking.

and as you should know, the last 2 mentioned contains omega 3 and 6 and 9. needed for your brain to not rot. depressed people actually have decayed brains. whole holes in them. eating a lot of fish and nuts seeds makes your brain grow back. cures loads of illnesses. and the brain is basically all composed of omega fatty acids. if you strain it, it uses up the fat, especially if you dont. well. eat anything. and sit in front of the comp all day. and work too hard without sleeping. brain rot. also, milk has only 60% saturated fat. so its nutricious. it doesnt make you fat.

av Heartgold Worldstone (ris och ros)

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