Selfie 14 february 2025
i didnt think you could turn
nihilistic during the end of your life
im almost too nihilistic to write this
i dont even remember what i wanted to say
thats the state of my mind and reality now
i havent talked much about it but since
½ year back i cant move my legs
so thats my reality yes or the black of it
anyway i looked up myself
on chinese starsigns again
it said id be ha+py when im 49
in 8 years ill be dead and buried
or rather cut up sprayed weird chemicals in me
deeply frozen and sent to another planet
anyway, in the akashic library you can see the poem
which was supposed to be this
i cant i dont have many superpowers
and everyone seems to have more than me
i miss fountain house i miss so much
does anyone miss me? and thanks
radio totalnormal for taking care
of my heritage or whatever
i like playing computer games
i like being online
i dont like IRL
i dont like normal people
and thats mostly all i meet
even un-normal ones turn
boring in my precense
its all about morph landscapes
only under certain conditions
are people alright
i guess its like that for everyone
dont get much response to my writings
well, theyre so many i couldnt handle myself
and myself cant handle me
anyway, using paper dip now that im
not given anything else
just got to shower which isnt guaranteed
it turned better and worse in various ways
anyway, i can cry now so im female "emotional" then
there was a male nurse at the
hospital who was very dragon-like
he didnt slither in his speech he slobbered
he told me "no you need to continue writing poetry"
so thats what i do here
av För Emma 79 (ris och ros)
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