2025-02-16 dinner - cold baked potatoe with ham pieces and curry sauce. the sauce tasted like garlic, nice. the potatoe tasted like stinkbug, not nice. the sallad was nothing special. quite disgusting. 2025-02-13 yes, same again, salty plastic dogfood. did get pancakes with cream and strawberry jam. otherwise the other food did taste that oddly. it was actual chicken, but the aftertaste was PFAS. 2025-02-01 plastic salty dogfood. thats what they want of me. i dont take salt pills because i dont need them in any way. they dont affect mt heart. it doesnt stop without them. its just faulty science. and the plastic part is like PFAS, incredibly toxic forever chemicals.
2025-01-29 lasagna. just mixed pieces of pasta. way too much salt. disgusting.
2025-01-29 that good food was only very temporary. i got spinache sauce. not my favorite. but it fucking tasted like plastic.
2025-01-26 dinner. porkchop! and green rice dont know why they spam with that. and some quite tasty sallad.
2025-01-23 2 rätters! lasagne och pannkakor! det blir bättre!
2025-01-15 dinner. chicken with white rice and brussel balls. the chicken tasted like salmon. ate 1/3. the pear juice like candy. gulped it. i need food to get inspired.
2025-01-14 got fika twice today. i feel quite......... normal.
2025-01-13 dinner - unpeeled potatoes with 5 meatballs and some disgusting white sauce with carrots in it. saved 2 potatoes and maybe 1 meatball. had ketchup on it or itd been unbarable.
2025-01-12 dinner - 2 baked potatoes with porkcream. ate most of it.
2025-01-09 lunch or dinner? - moussaka. didnt taste that bad. sorta smelled like dogfood but i gulped it down quickly without noticing. it was actually warm! didnt get anything to drink to it.
2025-01-07 lunch - mince sauce with macaroni and sallad. ate most of it, didnt taste good.
2025-01-07 breakfast - 2 skogaholmssandwiches with cheeze and slightly melted butter. some nyponsoppa. got water, it tasted iffy. to think that the junkfood is the most nutricious food here. i got poisoned with cyanide flavoured water even.
2025-01-01 about this time i quit dip. i even ate my own shit in its paranoia. but it wasnt based on tobacco then. it was refined excrement. things are difficult now without it. i puked out 23 kilos some days before that of snus and its variations from my body. i now use other things instead of it. i need my high. its not as strong as previously but otherwise time stops. i cant get away from that. spirits told me to "die honorably". but i am not a samurai. i am not a lot. i am just a person. the internet is breaking down while i am doing so as well. have only a few friends. but at least more than 0. i got a wound on my stomache. it healed. but the staff stopped giving me orange juice ages ago. they just say "juice", as if it was amphetamine or something. before i saw people for who they really are. they looked orange. that only selfie i did with an HDR camera? my skin was yellow. this is what they did and do to me.
05 - stew - dogfood
06 - stewed mushrooms - chemical
07 - hamburgers with hamburger dressing - pink slime
10 - mincemeat with pasta - theres no cream, cheeze, tomatoe sauce, nor spices in it. if i use ketchup its barely edible. this is almost "the best" they can do.
11 - stewed broccoli with fresh potatoes and fried ham slices. youre not supposed to fry this sort of ham, youre supposed to have it on sandwiches, its already been processed so much. but i cant stand any pork they produce. i ate 1½ potatoes with some butter ("you dont need a lot of butter"). no comment on broccoli or cauliflower, just the smell makes me nauseus.
12 - 3 potatoe patties (with some pieces of pork in them), 4 meatballs and some lingonberry sauce. diet food, almost nothing. leftovers surely. some of the meatballs were already chopped up too.
13 - stewed chicken with sundried tomatoes and spinach. dessert: pancakes with strawberry jam. hmm, edible. the sauce was a tasteless gross looking grey sludge. surely no cream nor spices nor anything in it.
13 - falukorv with powder mashed potatoes and some ketchup. it looked disgusting, didnt even smell it.
21 - chicken curry with white rice. edible.
23 - lamb / vegetable stew with cooked potatos. tasteless. ate half a potato.
23 - mashed potato powder with chorizo and cauliflower. didnt eat.
24 - beef pattie with beige rice and sauce. tasteless sauce. didnt touch the beef, it had a strange beige colour to it. had the rice with ketchup.
24 - pasta fried with tomatoe sauce and onions. ate most of it. was greasy. the onions had a gross aftertaste.
28 - vanilla icecream. they have gotten lazier, now they serve the dessert in the original packaging. i am supposed to eat both fatreduced and lactose free now? ok... it was "vegan" icecream i guess. have tried it in stores, and it just tasted wooden. this was even worse, only a weird jelly taste.
29 - penne pasta with viltskav (game chafing) and brown sauce, no veggies, and watermelon slices for dessert. yes, it just gets better day by day. we did get genuine viltskav once, but i didnt eat it then as i got it 1½ hour later, and then it was cold. now, it was just pieced together mincemeat (meat glue?). i took one taste of it and spat it out. the melon had that old textury feeling, and tasted absolutely nothing except water. smelling it i felt stinkbug.
06 - lunch - bratwurtz with powder potato and carrots. the sausage was disgusting, and i obviously refuse to eat the synthetic potatoe. and the carrots were yellow and orange and frozen and thawed.
08 - thai wok with äppelkaka and vanilla suace. it wasnt noodles eventhough theyre cheaper to produce, as they use normal wheat not durum. the meat was almost edible but i didnt care. it seemed to have at least some flavouring to it (mushroom / oyster sauce). i ate 5 hands, you only get a spoon here, they have stolen all my utensils. and as it was slippery the spoon didnt work in grabbing the spaghetti. didnt take more as it was a watery greasy mess, which turned disgusting quickly.
14 - lunch. cevapcici with white rice, brown sauce, and broccoli sprout. the sauce looked greasy with fat molecules. the mince had a gross squishy feeling to it, only ate 1.
14 - dinner. chicken wing meat with mashed potatoe powder and beige sauce. took one bite, then nothing more. the chicken wasnt disgusting, but the sauce was. only a synthetic mustard taste. there seemed to be some sort of grease in the "mashed" potatoes, and it didnt taste that bad. but i have such an abhorrance for the food here that i barely want anything.
16 - lunch. meatballs with peeled potatoes and brown sauce. the sauce had no taste whatsoever. 8 meatballs, disgusting taste (worse than what you can buy at the grocery store). ate 3 then gave up as some transparent gunk got stuck in my teeth.
17 - dinner. 4 potato patties with lingonberry jam. the patties were unusually greasy, ate 1. the jam tasted disgusting. since ive repeatedly said i want the food earlier so its not cold, they have started serving dinner even before its previous delivery time. it is, obviously, still cold though.
18 - lunch. chicken wing with white rice, sauce and veggies. the veggies were corn, peas and tiny chops of paprika. obviously stored frozen. tastes nothing. yes, just 1 single chicken wing. the sauce was chicken broth (last i checked they had 0.05% meat extract in them, 70% salt, and the rest mostly selery) and some diluted tomato juice. it was poured over the rice, so it was a few mili litres at most. i want to lose weight since id gained 4kg last month. this is obviously not liked though, as one staff asked 2 times if i "wanted more". i asked a nurse if they spied on me, since a staff said something unusual related to something id only written about in my blog, which only 1 person can see, supposedly. she replied "we have to know how you are feeling". anyway, i try not to eat more than a few bites per day. and only 1 sandwich. yoghurt doesnt work on me either, so ive quit that. it dries out my mouth.
19 - lunch. mincemeat sauce with pasta penne and veggies. cauliflower, broccoli and carrots, can it get worse? since theres no tomato sauce or spices, it tastes worse than even ravioli. took 4 pennes then gave up. since ive gotten a better sense of taste, i dont want to eat basically anything of their "produce".
22 - dinner. pyttipanna with 2 eggs and ketchup. got it early, 16:20, still completely cold. took a bite or two, until i felt the taste of mold to the egg.
25 - lunch. 3 cevapcici, 2 peeled potatoes, remoulade sauce, green peas, banana icecream, and pear saft[1]. the icecream was completely thawed, cant imagine anything more disgusting. the flavour is just isoamyl acetate[2].
27 - lunch. meatstew with carrots, white rice, green peas. there was awhile ago i got stew. its obviously only 3 ingredients. i took 3 small spoons of rice, until i felt the taste of detergent with natural lemon aroma[3].
02 - lunch. mince (meatglue) + champignon + sauce derived of such. took one champignon, then was too disgusted to continue.
09 - dinner. i dont really get why the sodexo meatballs taste more disgusting than the ones at the grocery store (now available in 50-13 "different" brands). but as i learned about mince tasting dogfood, its obviously been recycled over and over again.
14 - dinner. lasagna but not lasagna. took one bite and spat it out. the taste was dogfood. anyway i guess it was a good idea. 75% was äggstanning[4]. obviously cheaper than mince and durum wheat.
27 - lunch. start beeping at 11:55, about 15-20 times. finally get food at 21:51. this is obviously masonic numbering but frankly i dont give a fuck. i ask the staff over and over again, they put up a paper on the wall when im supposed to get food. they dont follow it at all. i got food 45 mins too early some week ago. ask the antichrist about it. "i will tear that down". no idea what it means. anyway. food? thai wok (gross), brown sauce (zero taste), 3 mince patties. supposed to look like vegan, some tiny bit of carrots in it. smells like pork. obviously recycled several times over. didnt take a bite even. hey. at least its not voodoo food like at prästgårdsvägen. that fucking thing was alive. and the few times i took it, it felt like there was a huge mantis below my bed. they even started with 3d printed meat. it was just a huge pattie. and like a fake sinew through it that was impossible to chew. and people stand this? and pay money for it? and think it tastes good? anyway. saw a meme on facebook. ultra processed food is 1-5hz. herbs is 250hz. then some super foods i dont remember. as for voodoo and recycled and 3d printed? its below 0. the stuff for 3d printing is made from stem cells. the only way to get it is through cutting off guys penises. except it would rot basically in seconds when its turned ultra procssed. so its shit ton of conservatives. theres no content or anything in it. and orange peel this day has so strong pesticides thats as bad as neuroleptics.
10 - lunch. tikka misala. smelled absolutely disgusting. was asked 4 times if i wanted it? it had 0% real ingredients. sorta. like dog food. they do summon it with black magic. it is tailored to your frequency. except they make it the most disgusting ever?
? - got forced into 8 fikabröd in half a day.
19 - lunch. kokt kött utan smak med ituskuren potatis, said no to it. had to wait 1½ hour to get 2 meckor, brown ones with 0% fibre which were toasted but tasted burnt. theyre somehow not out of milk now.
21 - lunch. 3 sandwiches.
21 - dinner. lasagna with oat sandwiches. ate half. the smell of dogfood fills the room. feel like complete shit. despair again like before. i want to get out of the foodprogram but thatll never happen. i have the ability to say no but im sort of a good guy. naive. puppy. 3000kr per month for this bullshit? miss economy wont come in like forever. shell read dagens nyheter. thats it.
dinner. ~9 meatballs with brown sauce. asked for ketchup. took one, it had that gross soft taste, swallowed without enjoyment. asked staff 3 times before what it was for dinner, they were unable to answer. have energy now. lifemeaning. got an apple and orange. apples taste disgusting again. oranges are still ok, even if their peel is as strong as neuroleptics.
sunday the 1st
got breakfast at 08:08
only 1 kaliumklorid pill
from chewing (breaking 2 with my teeth)
it i noticed it tastes like salt,
but not that disgusting as natriumklorid
i should now not eat the
morning sandwiches too quickly.
in some ways i change, in some ways i dont.
this was supposed to be an angry
reflection like in the past.
but i change. bellas
favourite thing about me.
the sandwiches were unfortunately
both toasted and were gummy. only ate 1.
the amount of ways the psychiatric system
reiterates with your karma are so many.
so ive complained about the food for awhile. now i will keep a log.
one thing ive discovered, that ive talked about a lot lately, and also before, is that 99% (an understatement) of humanity doesnt have any functioning sense of taste at all. its the only way they can succumb to eating food that tastes like diarrhea every day.
so. miss karate. i think? the other day said "vi gör bara vårt jobb". so i wont update this anymore. its just a reflection of me. the food. in weird ways. karma. everything youve done in life. thats how the psychiatric system works. reverse psychology. even if you literally kill them. theyll just harmonize out of your frequency.
[EDIT] Things change. First of december added.
av Tsofmia Neptlith (ris och ros)
- ↑ this has happened twice now. i tell them i dont want fun light. they tell me its not that, but pear saft. ok. they changed from fun light to that. i looked up this
"In ready-to-drink beverage: Water, pear juice from concentrate 12%, sugar, acid (citric acid), pear aroma. Ready-to-drink beverage contains: 12% fruit and 6% added sugar.
energy 120 kilojoules, energy 30 kilocalories, fat 0 grams, of which saturated fat 0 grams, carbohydrate 7.2 grams, of which sugars 7.2 grams, protein 0 grams, salt 0 grams"
2.2/12*100. right, 18.3gr at 100%. 6*4=24%. pear juice: 12%. 12*4=48%. water: 40%.
diluted 1+4. so 20% concentration.
they probably use a cheaper brand. but theyre lying about the contents.
"Pear juice from concentrate, sugar, acid (citric acid), aroma. Ready-to-drink beverage contains 20% pear juice from concentrate and 5.5% added sugar. Energy 120 kJ / 30 kcal Fat 0 g Saturated fat 0 g Carbohydrates 7 g Sugars 7 g Fibers 0.10 g Protein 0 g Salt 0 g"
so only 1.4% natural sugar. 1.4/20*100=7gr. added sugar in concentrate: 5.5*4=22gr. pear juice: 20*4=80%. total: 102.2%. doesnt make sense.
hej, jag undrar om eran lättdryck päron.
det står att det är 12% päronjuice i färdigblandad dryck, och 6% tillagt socker.
det skulle betyda att päronen innehåller 18,3gr naturligt socker. och att 24gr socker är tillagt.
i koncentrat borde det vara
vatten: 40%
päron: 48%
socker: 24%
om det är sant, borde päron stå före vatten.
med ett pris på 10kr, och ett grossistpris på 0.39$/kg socker, och 0.1075$/kg (~1kr) för päronjuicen, med 70% koncentrat (brix),
borde grossistkostnaden för de 2 största varorna vara
0.1kr för sockret och 0,52kr för päronjuicen = 0,62kr.
så ni betalar mindre än 1kr för något som kostar 10kr.
Det finns många olika gömda kostnader som ligger bakom produktionen av en produkt. Förutom råvaran, är det bland annat dessa faktorer som spelar in i priset för en produkt:
Maskinunderhåll och förbrukningsmaterial
Transport och lagerkostnader
Övriga kostnader
Produktionskostnaden för våra koncentrat är mer än 2 kr/förpackning. Utan en noggrann kalkylering av utgifter som ska täckas av priset skulle det tyvärr inte gå runt.
Matbutikerna avgör själva vilket pris de sätter på produkterna de köper från oss. Vi själva tar i våra egna butiker 7 kr/st på koncentraten, men det kan som sagt skilja sig från vad matbutikerna väljer att ta.
[EDIT months later] So, what did this tell me? Empathy. The juice company works hard, and its more the superstores which are corrupt, but there are still people with a heart. But are they really? They give people jobs. The essence. You have some time off to do what you want. Just like me, I live to dream.
I got to know that apple juice is really made from human pee. Or is it from farm animals?
= Notes =
" - ↑ 3-methyl-butan-1-ol. nice, methyl and butane and alcohol, just what i need. members of the series of paraffinic hydrocarbons. wow, even better, just as ive talked about vaseline in food. a coincidence of course. isoamyl alcohol can be synthesized by condensation of isobutene and formaldehyde. well, wouldnt you know, formaldehyde.
- ↑ Its distinctive aroma is derived from aliphatic aldehydes, terpene alcohols, terpene alcohol-acetic esters, and terpenes (limonene, pinene, and terpinene). Lemon oil is the major lemon flavor agent used in lemon-based drinks, toothpastes, shampoos, detergents, and creams.
- ↑Äggstanning
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