WIN 20240930 14 08 17 Pro part 2 after nurse more punishment
WIN_20240930_14_08_17_Pro part 2 after nurse more punishment
i need to turn off electricity
staff summoned
note: cyberpolygon psyop on facebook pm got 2 days later
nej nej hej
tisdag 75 onsdag 150 torsdag 75 = 300
4 och en hel paket
"låt mig tala till punkt"
pratat om gülär 2 more
gay guy passionate syrian thai nurse turk woman shit talk
meeting = mono dialog
at sara
we watch movie
sucks thumbs at 17 years
dentist says
you have adhd
takes adhd pills
stops sucking thumb
turns to great orator
realizes adhd is really amphetamine
gets first girlfriend
gets blindfold when theyre together
she says before/after dumping him
"i didnt want you to hurt me"
stops with adhd medicine
happy end
gets work
doesnt work
go to bed at 22:00
woken 03:00 changed
do things online
go to bed 05:00
wake up at 06:00
do things online
changed at 08:00
do things online
lunch at 12:00
online disabled
m77 ground floor
dad says
"3 girls were gonna visit you
but we stopped them at the door"
thopper23 "can i move to you?" no response ever again, find her years later on flickr still same photoshop softcore porn but now plays with gun
raspil "can i move to you? i want to try that relationship thing" re: "i am already spoken for" later on forum "crackhead" journal "he keeps me on my toes / he is weak but he is strong / he turns me into niagara falls in 1 sentence"
nadia "lady K summons tsunami" nadia mentions on livejournal she was supposed to die several times but it was averted
"den är så mörk"
"du borde slänga alla dina skivor" - mom, dad told her to
i sound like an anime character
"du är också japansk"
dead skin cells = smell of mix between melon and cucumber
30kr 1kr
av Heartgold Worldstone (ris och ros)
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