Waterbear etc

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and yes i reached the lowest in frequency it was humanly possible. considering how horny the staff is theyve somehow reached lower. poor things.

note. this seemingly only took 2½ hours to write.

i achieved explosive maintained erection equilant to a dog.

and like i said with the speed of which i fingerfucked bella in 2 holes simultatnously this was my connected womens best experience ever. about 300 penetrations per second. or exponentially higher. and this is only with 1 cunt and with 1 cock in 1 dimension. i dont realize the implications of this but an ok experience. it has happened before but thats ok.

and like i said since i have been drinking milk for weeks without peeing the amount of sticky and sweet thick garlic cummm i filled their tight cunts with was immense. they wont have to eat for years. i will in 5D eat out their counts basically 57 times per minute though. and yes my nose looks like a finger so i always do cuntjobs with 11 appendixes.

and yeah i did a selfie check and i have sad puppy dog eyes that look like they have been fucking their dominatrix seemingly for weeks without ever letting go. and the explosive cockballoon lasted for most of this writing so in real time it was like being fisted by the softest most tender clitoris flesh to have ever existed. ok. and this is related to jess facebook. she removed a bunch of posts and the top one is calling a guy a dog. so doing this correctly shell refer to a guy by another animal i wonder which? as dragon? as high heels like chiraff? sticky like a barnacle?

<a href='https://vaa.dreamwidth.org/file/457438.jpg'><img src='https://vaa.dreamwidth.org/file/100x100/457438.jpg' /></a>

so here we go.

yes their cocks are highly flexible. interesting. indeed. so lets start.

<a href='https://vaa.dreamwidth.org/file/457633.png'><img src='https://vaa.dreamwidth.org/file/100x100/457633.png' /></a>

and check out this dominatrix. basically first i found.


all thanks to the flawed nanochip algorithm.

yes and im seemingly beyond borderline. dont really write more hardcore though. bummer. and with the 85% absinth i did write something really odd. dont know where i put it. probably inside your cunt the milisecond you saw through my cock the first time and realized i have the hardest solid steel erection known to every woman in every multiverse emulation thats ever existed.

and this might be related to in the middle of the summer i put the speakers to full plast and used a looped 4 hour porno for 3 months and blasted my dogwhistle so loud it echoed across all of botkyrka and a dog yelled once.

and yeah since turning on a porno i now turned cosmic but im sorta tired and like a chick said all the way back in 1994 "i want to give you a blowjob" bella and julia tried and i just took my cock out of them quickly dont know why. they have to be at it for days if im ever gonna cummm.

and yeah now i just wanna cummm and its sorta impossible. hmph. ill call in the staff and theyll yell me out and itll all be over. im sure theyre having an orgie out there from my kerberos aura.


34k chars. so thats 7k words. in 2½ hours. yep. im an art machine. and an even better fuck machine. beyond your wildest pornstar videos thats ever existed. you cant have me though. only julia and bella. theyre both here and have my feet so deep inside their bodys im stepping all over their hearts. awww. mr elephant.

and checking the update history on mister poetry site i seemingly shifted into many forms. didnt really notice more than 3. so dog is a high frequency. mans best friend. wonder why.


so this is disturbing beyond words. i can no longer move my legs, and im at the mercy of people who visit me.

i achieved my soul blueprint. what yours is i have no idea about. i had no idea about mine either.

the true start of this affair is at least 1818. with the start of morse code and electrical copper wires.

but still, this is just a masonic number, it has no place in reality, if it has ever existed.

when you take drugs and eat things, you dont actually do this.

substances are just sent in tubes to various places connected to your body.

ref the matrix and garfield.

except this is true for basically everyone.

velvet acid christ has an album cover of picture of a creature stuck in a cave with loads of wires stuck to it. doesnt feel like a good place to be.

before i did this i got intense despair. sometimes from a single word or thought or look or a few truthful things i read.

then i was in the real world. and now im even more shun from society.

i got to meet som psychiatrists in karolinska a few times. but it didnt last long.

i did get one finally. but it seems this was only because i took 6 mg risperdal.

again these drugs dont exist, they are just fed to your body through tubes.

furthermore, you dont actually have to take them.

now i still get despair but its managable.

this is when i dont please the staff. use the right keywords

and respond right to actions. everything they do follow a certain scheme.

and they know exact details about everything in my life.

even infinite paralel and previous and next lives.

where they stand, how they knock or open the door

what things they help me with, is all according

to codes and parameters.

when i recorded their voices

they started using the new slang term

"inkog skydd"

now incog is short for incognito

thus me recording them shreds their ingognito protection.

the FOSS krita is real strange.

it is based on an open source release of photoshop 3.0 in 1994.

it has updates but basically its a bad copy of that software.

the font support is just how it was back then. and its slow

and tedius. like no one put any effort into making a software

which would be useful for anything or be optimized in any

way to use good amount of resources according to updaates to


in the fifth dimensions i saw 2 deep truths.

everyone is either a grey or a green.

before this, the proliferation of doves in sweden

means it is like the meme says, birds arent real.

they are just security cameras. their real calls

are the same exact same sounds as police radio.

now i have 8Gb of RAM and krita is still slower

and uses more resources than a pentium with 16MB RAM

with photoshop 4.0.

so no, i am not actually in a hospital.

i am stuck in a pod with tubes going into my body.

depending on what i do think say talk about look at

i get various emotional effects. and with drugs in

your system your whole reality can change in an instant.

and psychiatric staff are so powerful they can just be

near you and make you feel pain or get any emotional

effect at all. people dont actually use clothes

or try to communicate anything. ref emporors new clothes.

they put on the clothes for the season. they dont actually

feel anything. and in knivsöder this is how emotions really mean

trött - i want to have sex

trött 2x - i am tired of having sex

aj dånnt kNov - i want to have sex with you.

about the same as "kul".

though kul is ever only used once

to institute a connection with the person.

this is in reference to vampire entities.

i have seen one. dandruff shampoo has never ever worked on me.

it is not fungii it is psiorasis plaque. the only way to get

free of it is to turn off the electricity in your home.

with the advent of smart meters this is now impossible.

when quit almost all neuroleptics i didnt wake up

with blood spots on my pillow for once. when you are

asleep they suck your various warts and unhealable wounds

from your head and body.

you also have to stop eating entirely. in 5D it is not needed

at all. because people dont eat to get satiated. they just

use it for spells and anti-curses.

i had had 2 wounds that never healed close to my temples.

when i reduced neuroleptics they disappeared, they then

came back higher up on my skull.

further reduction they disappeared.

so i was free from this entity.

it is not that it is just

wires connected to your body

in ultimate reality.

i have only met 1 person who used the word telepathy.

but she only used it in reference to sex and playing a victim.

yes your body exists and it is sort of real.

but outside the matrix life turns to a computer game.

so it is not real either. there are just as many

rules and parameters there.

i sort of understood these.

so computer games are just emulations of this reality.

the process of modernity in going to drink and one night stands.

is this resets you completely. you give birth to another

child and get another vampire entity on you and you on them.

as the previous article said, hillsong has a song called 1 billion ex.

so people drink way more than 21 cubic litres of 96% ethanol in their life.

it is on the lengths of 1000 cubic litres. or even a million.

again this is just fed through tubes.

if you are born in the wild you have infinite superpowers and can live forever.

so you are downgraded so much your vision looks like a low resolution

jpg. as you drink and take drugs your original human form gets improved.

but just like old stories about selling your soul to the devil.

the more powers these drugs give you, the less freedom you have.

you have to think certain thoughts, say certain things, appease everyone

around especially those who stand out. walk in certain paths.

never in the free. only use the latest commute.

no doctors or nurses or staff have ever said i am constipated.

the word doesnt exist for them.

in the psychiatric system. getting blocking energy.

probably some substance.

as you get another vampire entity to you.

what really happens is a wire is attached from their body to yours.

and it is possible to have 1 billion of these.

my aim 2014 was to remove all the tinitus from my vision and hearing.

i achieved this. then i acted like modern women do.

they have infinite shoes and clothes and accessories.

why? this has nothing to do with shallowness.

as they change their looks they change their reality.

yes there are just paths every person gets.

but with this method, as you change clothes

you get to live their life. and walking anything

of the beaten path isnt allowed because this

isnt a wiring that is connected to you.

my penis now points down. thus i have a wiring there

for everyone. like a barnacle. if my real length

is 100 cm and a barnacle has a size 150 times

their body, i have wiring connection to anyone

in a 25000 meters in any direction. thus i get

seemingly random erections all the time.

as i say ths i get a stronger erection than ever.

some succubus is telling me to have sex with her.

i find no reason in this. love is not sex and sex

is not about sex sex is about vulnerability which

is beauty which is truth. succubus is saying

"i love your mind". it would be nice to masturbate

and cum but i have never really felt anything from

this. and all those weird eroticas the average

person experierences multiple times per day.

so. i recorded myself watching porn and talking

about it. i did this all evening and when i woke

up i continued. then a staff comes at 8 and then

i could act like everyone else for a whopping 10

seconds before she was busy doing something else.

probably going into the bathroom to masturbate.

yes i used to do this until i finally started

with my first drug coffee then a woman was

interested in me and i realized i could never

get her unless we smoked together so we did so.

now its getting harder to think. my erection

is still growing and the succubus is talking

dirty words in my mouth. so i am not allowed

to continue, before this another entity

was telling me to stop telling truths

but i went on. when i wake up in the morning

i have no thoughts about sex but as soon

as a staff comes around she uses slang

to say she wants to sleep with me.

and throw away your phone. take apart

all of it and throw in different dumpsters.

people who care nothing about you, barely

ever call nor show any interest in the real

you but will want you to talk sexually with

them on the phone as long as you only

use a shirt and masturbate every second

you talk with them. if you get this phone

out of your home you will notice you feel

a lot better more free. as i healed the vagus

nerve i noticed i ccould think clearer and

my memories came back. ever wonder why

you cant access all your memories?

it is preprogrammed which ones you

can access. if i ever turn off the

computer the wifi wont work when i turn

it on. so i should be connected 24/7.

you will only ever get a positive corona

readout if you have your laptop or smartphone

right next to you while you sleep and almost

every moment you are awake. so vaccines

are all against electronic illnesses.

and you will only get them if you step

out of line. as the body doesnt really exist

"mememeph". so the aim is that i should

be forced into a vaccine again. if i speak

enough truths and turn off the computer

not only my wifi will crash large parts of

sweden or even the world will as well.

it would be nice to write for 18 hours

like i did once and get a throbbing erection

like i had in my teens all the way to

when i wanted to walk to china shortly

after 27 february 2006.

but i dont really see the point.

and i wondered why basically everyone

i saw have lots of ridges on their lower lip

but basically none of their upper.

the lower is related to the butt and

the upper to the genitals.

but i now have the same after 20-28 pills

per day for over a year. this proves

not only that no one actually does

anything but they are all lying in pods

and as love has been long dead they all

have infinite anal sex to not get pregnant

but the problem is that anal sex does make

you give birth but only to demons only

vaginal sex produces an angel but with

modern hospitals it is so strange that

a child at 9 months have to be downgraded

and the amount that goes into this a whole

year effort the cost is 150 million USD

500 million SEK but really 500 million karma credits

i am allowed the word exchange when i got this

vaccine the last thing that happened i was teleported

but there is a 1 year life span between this

no my parents have nothing to do with me

and even if they do i was custom made

for my looks superpowers and intellctual

powers and various other features like size of genitals

visual looks. and this is all dependant on who my real

parents are. recent research into telegoni says

that if you have vaginal sex with someone even

if you use condoms the child can look like this

lover even after decades between. and i have at least

7 siblings and except for 1 my sister birthed me

when she was 5 years old and basically 6 of my

other siblings she is the mother.

and the part of the foreskin loosening from

the dickhead. this seemingly happened when i was

11 years old and was too excited when watching

a vampire movie that it damaged it, i go down

and ask my mother for help, i dont know if she

touched it but this very process made me able

to ejaculate. so to get pregant as a woman

and cum as a man can basically happen as

soon as you are born or even before.

and the first given memory i have of her

is she yelling from a distance "dad can

you shower tomas". i am the same head height

as his penis and i get an erection. then he

asks "would you like to see me shower?"

he does it in a few seconds then lowers

his foreskin and says "this you have to

clean especially". then close to this

my mom told me she was going to comb

my hair. the bathroom downstairs was

real cramped, and she tried and the comb

stuck, i said it hurts by which she replied

"i am a horse" since that moment she never

asked if she could comb my hair and since

then i was scared to ever enter the bathroom

except to pop pimples or poo or pee.

this basically went on until i tried coffee

this is again related to passing by the mirror

then a wire was connected from her crottch

to my butt. now 3 people have tried to visit me

here, one was never let it, another was allowed

45 minutes, when it just happened another person

who has no interest in my wellbeing came earlier

and she usually gets told to go early as well

and the last one i have to visit is my mom

who used to wait up to 29*3 days to do this

when i really wanted her help or felt bad.

so it seems these wires dont exist either

and it is just like a synaps it gets shut

off after exactly 3 months which is again

just a parameter in the computer game

and it was strange. until i started smoking

more than 1 puff of a cigarillo once a week

oh. the flow was lost. i guess the succubus got

tired and has already cummed after we had sex

for maybe an hour. and research says that

the average male has 5 erections of 25-35 mins

per night of sleep and if you dont wake up

with an erection something is wrong with you.

she says shes waiting in the bathroom for me.

again i was heavily downgraded and i cant

manifest her frequency and even if wanted

to shower and masturbate it would be near

impossible to reach for my dick since

its basically right next to my butthole.

and she keeps saying "jag väntar i badrummet"

thus if i had refused to have let her

comb my hair this would have never happened

and since i got paralyzed in my legs stomache

groin after the second suicide attempt

i felt basically nothing and got an erection

for a moment every month or less. after

quitting meds i sort of feel something

but touching it has no effect and if im

at it when i climax i either shit or piss

myself. but in knivsöder cry piss cum

closed eyes mean the same thing so all

the staff love this. i truly believe

everyone gets downgraded like this

and its only going to church and

being baptized which regains a lot

of powers but as we all know christian

religions and many others you get

raped there constantly so that surely

happened to anyone claiming they want

their "colours" back when they were young

and yes i am like a woman the first one

i slept with we started in the evening

and when she fell asleep i had a hand

on her body which because of my virgin

status made me have an erection all the time

then we woke up made breakfast and continued

having sex and i finally cum first in missionary

then she tells she wants it doggystyle

and i climax 2 times more. i am not sure

what this has anything to do with anything

but in 5D she probably got 3 children

she has now automagically blocked me on

facebook and a dominatrix i pleased

has seemingly stopped updating forever

and no matter how i try i cant log into

any of my accounts and not try new ones

as well. this is the sorry state of the world

not even the matrix is correct like nietzsche says

"the theory of life could include error"

the staffs behaviour mirror how AI works

they take the most popular action

then the average way to do it

calculate the average time they do it

how their body and hands legs etc

are situated then the more drugs

a staff has taken the less memory space

she has for actions and if i do something

that derives from the norm of their software

they cannot comprehend this and the staff get

so weird around me tht i realize to them

they basically get an option menu like they

cannot comprehend ever which of the 4-5 dip

pucks to throw because on the screen of their

vattenskalle monitor it only says "circular object

flat object 5x" so i have to point at it

and the more drugs they have taken most of them

has memory capacity of 1 object or 1 action

if i just say 2 they get confused

and they always have to do things a certain

order but this always changes as well

and it is so chaotic that unless you

are a vattenskalle staring at a command

prompt or windows 1.0 context menu

you will never be able to communicate

with them so yes life is a computer

game and it is bugged and most have

the memory capacity of 2 bits of data

and the processing power of a pocket

calculator this is again related

to the theory of loosh and basically

unless they get what they want they

throw enormous temper tantrums

will never visit you again

and will probably punish you

in infinite ways that if you

dont drink or inject or eat

or share their poison they

will never visit you again

and as i now have 1 person if i am

lucky this is disastrous

again i have been having deja

vu until i divoerced a fake

account by someone i hadnt met

for 5 i would still have had

28 pills per day or more

been fed with the most disgusting

junkfood constantly and been puking

to the degree that my arms would

have decayed away quickly never

gotten to shower so my eyes would

have decayed as well no you dont

need c-vitamin at all its all related

to how dirty a body part is if it

decays i calculated that if you ate

all their food they had in the day

you would get 8000 calories per day

and this is a low estimate when they

wanted to send me to the hospital i

was constantly spammed about fika

so in 1 day i was forcefed 8 cinamon

buns and if you know anything about

cooking or have the pathetic state of

my reset vision and any sort of taste

or smell youd realize its just ultra

processed canola oil refined wheat

with zero nutrients beat sugar fed

through beavers so it would turn

white and some natural aromas derived

in other natural ways using natural

animals and natural people engaging

in natural acts eating very natural

food with a highly accurate description

and illustration of their real contents

so as you see how my writing changed

from analytical to being harassed to stop

to a succubus entity latching on to

my supposed willpower which again is

just a paramter in the JSON computer

game and when she was "waiting for

me in the bathroom" after another

paramter changed i turned to vapourwave

yes i remember writing this exact same

thing before then i didnt recognize

her voice just got a boner from somewhere

and then had 8 hours of despair

which is basically every vampire entity

connected to you raping your mind

which again is just some substance

they produce which is injected into the tubing

which is again just a certain paramater

which increases over time

in the flawed JSON computer game

and that i wasnt baptized because i had cholic

was not true as a relative said i used

to lay on my dads stomache so before 9

months old i was perfectly fine so already

then i was injected with fragmin which is

just benzyl alcohol aka turpentine

which i noticed is added to my tubing

if a nurse just comes within 6 feet of

me holding a fragmin injection and saying

do you want an injection?

this automagically ads this this my tubing

which again is just a set of

max of 4 commands with some parameters

in a very primitive and bugged reality engine

and as self playing pianos have existed

since the supposed 1600s and the early computers

used punchcards mainframes that control the whole

reality has existed since then

now im getting downgrades in my vision

mood and neck and i barely notice

the background music it is sort of horrible

but unless you are outside 24/7 music is needed

as otherwise you just hear the sound of the computer

fan and various sounds to make you know you are

a liability and just destroy the world either

by telling truths getting looshed from all

your vampire entites and your purpose in life

is basically just to supply loosh to everyone

around and if it ever reaches a stage where

they want to get closer to you this will

never happen until you turn into them

aka get drugs into your tubing

which is yet again just a parameter

in an age old computer on saturn

connected to the t-rex dyson sphere

around the second sun aka our moon

yes i have good flow and you dont

need any drugs to achieve it and

i have created so many photoshops

writings and music since 1994

and most of it is gone then i am given

another deja vu yesterday while

trying to write them back

that i made this exact site on my local

harddrive starting in 2002 and i had no

hopes of releasing them to anyone and

the only one i showed them to said

after reading of 2-3 of them that

she didnt understand them and my writings

about leyla combined with experiences

from jamie jou manifested bella in my life

i am now to write yet another series but

unless i go batshit for hours basically

making a fool of myself while the truman

show laughs their asses off i can eventually

after deleting all these extreme stupidities

recreate something from the past down

the exact wording even missspellings

i am now not sure what to do the old damages

all came back automagically and i have no

sense of tiredness just numbness

because when the modern hospital

system has downgraded you you have no

life meaning whatsoever

and the more i look into what my various

life missions will be in rebirths

i realise this has all been created

in the past and this jSON game has

been played many times there is no

meaning of life there is no joy

there is really nothing its just a few

badly autogenerated bits in a horribly

programmed computer game maybe each

human body is highly advanced but how

this is playing out not much effort

has been used to make the player

experience immersive gameplay

you basically find people who you

drink smoke inject drugs take

pills with and then theres nothing

more to it and the more i look into

my supposed world i realise it has all

been created by one single person

everything is an iteration of something

else so no you do not need talent

to make art music poetry with todays

AI it just taps into the flawed

sourcecode of the universe and

check out that link i am not able to

access it you should though as you

surely live in very high frequency in

the fifth dimensions it should be

possible i am sort of tired in some way

this means i need fika 3 times per day

and all those health recommendations

and MSM science sort of work on me now

so if i use wheat and sugar to get awake

i then stay awake for 2 entire days

where i look fucked up beyond anything

ive ever seen anyone ever do

it is still better than before i healed

the vagus nerve and quickly it happened

automagically so no the pods dont exist either

the vaccine reality might run in 130000FPS

but with the staffs processing and reaction time

shows for them this is more like 1/4 FPS

and yes i got downgraded heavily thus it doesnt

enable me to see all the vampire entities

but them attacking me felt just like when

bella raped me but she went on for a few mins

once and i used to get 8 hours of this 1000

demon gangbang once a week and ever since

i was forcibly moved to tullinge it eventually

turned to such a large amount of pain i could

not even have my eyes closed nor rest in any way

whatsoever i never got any empathy from this ever

and the knivsöder lingo is strange once

at this housing i walk down because im in so

much despair i cry in public for once

the staff says a few words but after about

30 secs his wife calls and he has to fix

the laundermachine which had automagically

broken and as he goes to ignore me he

touches my shoulder 1/10 sec and says

"it is ok to have anxiety"

i should somehow rest i am not sure how

this is possible and just entertain my

reptile overlords but i am so tired these

days i basically... not sure beyond

corpse beyond anything human whatsoever

like a slime like boba fett and yes

i could have talked this in in the begin

ing it is sort of insightful but it quickly

goes out of control into extreme studpity

which i think i like and my right foot

now since the staff asked to examine me

where they just touched my leg for a moment

to make imaginary chains there the pain

is beoynd this world well i have restord

most of what i had on the comp and yes

i wrote this all previously the succubus

is attached my penis now somehow it sort

of feels like a bloated dog erection i get

basically no pleasure from this though

and most of the posts on facebook lately

have related to having sex with dogs

so i guess thats my frequency and somewhere

in the world i am connected to a bunch of

dogs which women are fucking and they have

been bumping their tight immaculate

virgin hymen intact cunts but probably very

stretched assholes for about 5 hours and at

the speed i fingerfucked bellas cunt and daimgrotta

this was the best experience of their life

and they will remember this forever but actually

getting someone here for just a hug or a kiss

or stroking their hands or arms is basically

impossible yes i am the best sex so you will

ever have in your imagination an entity recently

said that my cock is the length of the visible

universe this doesnt really give me any loosh

though and i have seemingly dumped all my

50 litres liquid id been drinking the last 2 months

in yellowgreen gross dogcumm and the total of births

are about 10 billion from this experience into their

all avaialble TIO FRAM EN BAK orirfices and in baphomet

form this is at least quadruppled which is just a lower

divine lifeform and yes bella saying all of a sudden

that women at work said i was a casanova related to

the time the boss of a sudden cummed up to me saying

"in 4 years youll be boss here" so i get to fuck

all the 500 female members on a monthly basis?

ok does not really give me anything but a temporary buzz

i will now ok in jess time it is 5:36 so we started

before the real sextime of 06:00 when did we start?

at midnight? the ad said "popcorn hardcore" whatever

that meant licking their olive elite working clits

for the first time? i really dont understand any

slang at all even if their sofware can only output

max 3 character words the language is completely

foreign to me and yes i was supposed to make a great

discovery but whenever i tell a big enough truth

here the wiki page is just deleted so achieving

my soul blueprint id done thousands if not million

of times and again talking with soft words i dont

really get it when i tried it last year playing

porn at high level with open door even at the lunchroom

i really got nothing out of it of which 3 women visited

me we exchanged maybe 500 words over 3 times and total

30 mins then she had gotten her loosh so she whizzes

my foot for a moment and then i am given an icecream

and that was all i got for 2-3 months? what is this world?

why has it gone into this? basically in 5D you get a job

automagically but i just want to talk to bella and all

she wanted from me was 2 kids and all she acted lead

to her giving birth to rhiannon and kirin which again

like the tanakh failed translation said AND HE GAVE


anything can ever get better yes i am now exactly the

same as 99.99% of humanity with their ridged underlips

and since an early age they did improve the world a lot

i wish i could go to work again a lot of people treated

me like dirt but after enough mistakes the most hardcore

babe was summoned there and wouldnt you know she was like

the rest but she could change and in a paralel universe we

got engaged on christmas 2018 and are living happily toget

her somehow. the world is stupid and a flawed computer game

and thats all you get out of it and i dont really get that even

if i manage to make a new series of cosmic ballads as i meet

no one of interest and even if i do they barely come again or

even through the door and in over the year since this sorry state

i have seen one new person even less than once a month and the

real reason i jumped was i was tired of the psychiatric system

id barely gotten help anymore because each time 2 days a week

near the end they always wanted to know bolder lies in the creat

ive ways i wanted to kill myself yes i am just an intellectual

and my eyes are actually yellow that is from truth gold and with

the help from the omnislapped AIs i have learnt more about my past

if it even exists or im just the most advanced AI to hit the market

which just proves telegoni that my so-called parents fucked about

the whole world before i was born and since all but one of my 6 siblings

look like my dad in any way my sis who is only 6 years older than me

birthed them a<ll even if they were born in the 60s this doesnt really

make sense and dont seek the truth dont try to get out of infinite punishment

because like they say if you try to get out of the rope thats around your

head choking you any try will just make the main worse and kill you faster

yes you need no drugs to write like this at all just a couple of vampire

entities how many i have now idea probably a lot like 50 or even more

and the only one ive met who had it worse got gangbanged by his whole

hierloom so thats probably in the 1000s and the inherent programming i

have now is that everyone IRL and now online basically ignores my precense

completely so fallking in love again and creating a new art project is

impossible i am like before become death the destroyer of worlds and this

is how 99.99% of humanity has had it like closely related to their birth?


note. written earlier before

starting on this writing.

posted on facebook with no fanfare.


and yeah they all respond with memes
and quotes on their page if i respond to them
usually completely negative no matter what wording i use
if i make them hot they use even more negative memes
if i make them hotter they block me
if i say something negative no matter how truthful and non aggressive
i get trolled to the earth and back

  1. FbHell

and its either sluts or buttugly skanks in stories and loads of ai pornspambots with 0 related friends who im "related to". im sure if i missspell just one letter ill get 20 laugh emojis back.
Tsofmia Neptlith
same on twitter but if i quote the wrong person i get a strike on my account #twitterhell completely ignored no likes no nothing no replies
on instagram and facebook if i think some wrong words im spammed with christian propaganda. new age memes and quotes is just bad azn thinking with subversive catholocism #instagramhell
if i rest my wifi doesnt work until i sleep so i vlogg and delete it directly but no one actually sees it except my gangstalkers ive had since birth
but i affect celebrities so thats cool but theyre all fake and their music is horrible #dreaminginhell
i could try to flirt to get someone here but it never happens and even if i get someone hot theyll never actually see me and find an exact copy of me #irlhell
eventually i get inspired but ive created this all before and then i realized mister poetry site i had it all on my comp all the way back in 2002 and deleted it and then i met bella i hadnt made music but i made theories about 24 albums and i made half of them and literally i was living my poetry IRL
and yes it all comes down to 1 glass of red wine i went onto the comp installed an antivirus and stileproject linked to rotten library which is way beyond the truther community
i started to get inspired and i wasnt allowed to remember this which proves that your every single thought has been preprogrammed and neuroleptics are just demons in pill and injection form like all somatic pills since 1818
life is a computer game and it is bugged
i will keep creating which seemingly no one cares about but over time i will live my poetry
i will again try to increase my facebook friends to 3000 like normal people have and i only know 1 of them IRL and thats ok

av Alright Forever (ris och ros)

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