How would you define a woman
no, im not, as as mention in the essay, an adherent of misogyni. if you check my diverse poetry, youll find hundreds of poems, describing all womens various positive features, in many many ways. since ive written so much about this topic previously, this might come out as an anti-thesis though. and, really, im born a guy, and i cant see myself from the outside, in the same light. so this might, at first glance, seem overly negative. id recommend you though, to read / listen to it, several times - so your emotions settle, and you might see the true form of the matter. the majority might not go farther than defining a woman as a "bitch", sex-object, or even - "fuck"-object, or for that matter, now, as a "birth-person". but, as with everything in life, the genders intrinsic differences go deeper than this. which i try to explore here - if, still, mostly in the form of a negative analyzation.
Selfish, materialistic, shallow
now, you might have noticed these words before, mainly used for rich white men, or just, men across the board. but were living in a matriarchy, an emasculated society, not the other way around.
im not saying these are intrinsically "bad" gender traits either:
selfish - quite simple, they need to think of themselves first and foremost - when theyre carrying their baby, but also later, to be able to give birth to several. there is this universal law, which says that for a society to proliferate, or rather, for it to survive more than a couple of generations, the average woman has to give birth to 2-3 babies. as weve seen in the western world, this is far from whats happening. the average is instead 1 single kid. if you know whats going on in places like italy and japan, youll know that the average age is shockingly high. so without these so-called "stupid, evil, perverse, violent" immigrants, countries in the western world, would have disappeared by now, thanks to modernization.
materialistic - this goes all the way back to us being hunters and gatherers. while men mostly brought furs, bones and meat into the household, women collected smaller objects - like nuts and herbs. i know many men who only have one pair of jeans and one pair of shoes. while for the average woman, this is completely different. men are utilitarian, while women always want that extra plus of everything.
shallow - in the bird kingdom, its the males who are supposed to impress on the females. not so here. women do anything to attract a man. when was the last time you heard a guy say: "this women was harassing me by using revealing cleavage / bending over to show even more of her tits / had tight jeans / too much makeup"? just doesnt happen. but, women are just as guilty as men on all areas of the human spectrum. to blame it all on men, that women can do no wrong, that theyre defenceless - isnt "feminism", its just furthering the patriarchal modus operandi.
The gender chromosomes - xx / xy
this would say that women are 200% female, and males are 50%. so the whole world is composed of 125% women.
by logic, this should really mean that its men who think with their both brainhalves, but science say its not so. men use their amygdala, and their proficiences in logical deduction, math and science to know how to act and understand the world. while women instead use their intuition, heart, emotions, memory and imagination.
the problem with instinctually collecting more and more things, thinking of their looks to sick levels, hallucinating that its all about "me, i, and myself - and thinking with their too passionate and chaotic "heart", relying on bitter memories of the past, or just going by intuition all the time - goes to show how women treat men, or other women, for that matter. instead of visible, active violence - women indulge in passive violence, so called "passive aggressiveness". and when it comes down to it, its your word against hers, and shell always win, as shes practiced her entire life on it.
being materialistic im sure i dont have to explain a lot, its one of the first "no-nos" you learn in life. having laziness as a modus operandi, they easily want men to give them items, gold and slave-labour, with which they can live out their queen-dream of an extravagant lifestyle.
shallowness is strange. thanks to the invention of make-up, liposuction and plastic surgery - you no longer have to put in an effort to look good. you can live an extremely hedonistic lifestyle, and still be able to look like a virgin, teen and pornstar - all your life.
while its "masculine" to basically look and sound ugly - a collection of wrinkles and a dark destroyed voice, from decades of stimulant abuse - are a big plus after all, in a womans little black book.
on the other hand - a lazy, junkfood gobbling woman, thats never exercised a moment in her life, has more shapes than the average female - which is highly appretiated by men.
i mean, think of the same in male form - a geeky fattass who indulges in tasty food above all else - with bitchtits, babyskin and a light voice, thats in his 50s - who could ever want him? the highest suicide-count is for middle-aged men, not young women. but as the patriarchy wants to proliferate that "women are weak", and not wanting to realize their own short-comings, this isnt mentioned.
Menstruation & beyond
hmm, that didnt really turn out how i expected it. so, lets list more negative properties!
when a girl gets into her teens, she starts being ruled by the moon, in 28 day cycles. now, for half of these, in a large portion of her life, she will feel beyond terrible - and menopause isnt to be taken lightly either. first, its PMS, then menstruation as well, both lasting a week each. so, a large portion of her existance is defined by pain.
its mentioned in psychiatry-questioning literature, that a lot of women get the bipolar diagnosis when they start bleeding. though, they might just be hurting more than the average, or are worse at hiding their ill feelings.
now, me, being a guy, i wont hide it - although most of the populace would say the opposite. if anything, when you hear my voice - it might implore you, to make up your mind on the matter. the thing is, i know what this feeling is like. you see, i tried it. to explain, if first adding a warning: i did this experiment - while accidentally, luckely enough, popping blood-thinners. also, if you have been jabbed, or have graphene in you from shedding, this is a real bad idea. youd probably die from a blood-clot, if anything. so, heed my warning, dont try this at home!
anywho, i tied a string round my balls, simple as that. you know those matte rubber strings women use to tie up their hair in a horse-tail? one of those, yep. 2-3 courses around. i managed this a total of 5 hours, then i figured id had enough. before that passed, i managed a massive headache, a nausea which made me both want to vomit constantly, and also to a degree so badly, that i could barely stand on my own two feet. put these together, and i couldnt really focus on anything, neither make any original thought, or think at all, beyond "the pain, the pain!".
now imagine having this for 2 weeks of every month, 24/7, for 3 decades. yeah. not something to be taken lightly. but women barely talk about it, and men are seemingly oblivious to the fact.
just this, could make you bitter for life. but something else to take into consideration, that while men think with their dick, their active sexuality - women think with their uterus.
while a man will fuck anything that moves, any time, any place, around the clock - the womans internal clock is different. she wants a provider and a care-taker - so its usually the guy with the most muscle-mass and the biggest economic leverage - who catches her interest, in the long run.
this doesnt work so well a lot of times. before a woman reaches emotional maturity, maybe in her 30s, or even later, she will - also, just like guys, be governed by her hormones. and might only go by looks alone, and ignore every other warning sign. being more emphatic than angry at her choice, even if and when the man gets abusive - from her own psychological faults, she will stay with him. and even if the relationship ends, she might still pick the same type of guy again.
then also goes to the fact, that men have emotions who arent really deemed "emotions", they are of the "hard" type - while women have the "soft" ones. like the aformentioned empathy, the ability to let out her feelings, both in verbiage, facial expression, and through the greatest release of all - the ability to shed tears.
strangely enough, women turn to acting weak. i mean, they ARE weak, a major portion of their life. they dont have the same proficiency in sports, and thus, not in normal life as well. while women have an easier time building fat, thus distributed on select portions of her body, men have an easier time building muscles.
while a woman might freak out in a difficult situation, a man will keep his shit together. thats one of the main problems with males. if we could cry easily, and it was socially accepted to do so, we would be more human, more in touch with our emotions, and thus, more feminine as well. neither society as whole, nor women, want this though.
being unable to write down or express his emotions in other ways, the man turns to just collecting more and more of them. id favour the philosophy, that the majority of men rather implode than explode, when their mood is terrible enough. and even if they feel like complete shit, they still get the work done.
take war veterans for example. do you think they go crying to their boss, sobbingly expressing "i killed 10 people today, in cold blood"? no. and especially, when they come home from fighting in a war, they get what is cutely called "anxiety", but the real word - is despair. taste it, doesnt sound like fun, huh? on the one hand, while horror is a passing emotion, despair is near-permanent.
i know a lot about this. though i was deemed unfit, psychologically, to train in the military. but i have talked with a couple of vets, who all say the same, after my reflections: "i know man, i know". basically, the despair i was to get later in life, mostly caused by faulty neuroleptic treatment, made me get war veteran pain. or as ive deemed it by now: catatonic epileptic despair with aggressive and suicidal tendencies - in marathon lenghts of 8 hours, once a week, for over a decade. so, women, would you prefer being "weak" and crying for a minute, or trade it for turning into a human black hole? i know what youd answer.
another part is, again, about active male violence, compared to passive female violence. a woman can nag, over and over, it can be about anything, everything, a lot of things. they do this constantly, several times, for several hours in total, per day. the guy though, does his best to please her, to provide for her, to entertain her, to care for her - and the family, the house, the car, you name it. but in the end, this can end very badly - when all those feelings shes forced down his throat, gets to the surface.
for me, personally, when i got into a long-term relationship - she did give me despair. but sometimes, i lost it. no, i didnt hit her - but just like she had yelled me out when she felt "weak" - basically, her whole pregnancy - she, eventually, got just as much flak. and quite frankly, i cant stand her anymore. as a guy, i build up energy, and when it reaches a certain point, my personality permanently changes, and it doesnt seem like it ever fades.
i could, for example, yell out in anger, or any other possible negative emotion for that matter, on a mountain top, and i dont think i would ever stop. so, either she pisses me off - anything can force me to that stage nowadays, with her around. or with her ingenious passive aggressiveness, she makes me suicidal. so it just doesnt work. and i dont think im the only one.
the final note should be, before delving into the wrap-up - that i met a woman, who happened to be a pure-blood feminist. she did love the creative part of my personality. the problem was that - she, being a heavy alcoholic, that when it came to my intellectual desires - it wasnt her strong side - and basically, she would have nothing of it. so we got into a similar discussion, to what ive written here. eventually, she just fell apart, and i didnt see her for weeks. seemingly, her self denial - most surely helped by plenty of beers, had erased any reflection on my thought-pattern when i met her again. but i started the topic again, eventually - pushing her into a raging fury, and she ended our last conversation with "you just dont understand, and will never understand - if anything, first and foremost, because youre a guy".
so, with that being said - id implore all of you - both men, women, queer - whatever. to explore, in thought, and preferably, with written down words - what it is to be a man, what it is to be a woman, and what its like to be in-between. without it, using only pure ignorance, unexplainable instinct, and invisible passive-aggressive clues to everyone else - we can only continue making mistakes, some of which are fatal, and even life-changing.
if you get into terrible relationships constantly, the problem isnt your temporary spouse - there are plenty of fish in the sea - it relies solely on yourself. and if you happen to hate men, women or queers - no matter your gender - take a good, hard look - in the mirror. the answer to your pent up emotions might be easier than you think. if you ever manage to try to understand, deeply, what its about, a lot of negativity over your life, and its meaning - will disappear, and youll notice peoples percieved ill-intent towards you, will fade as well. and one beautiful day, some time in the near future - you might realize, where you are now, how you got here, where youll be when you get old, and the reason why you cant stand - or are constantly attracted to, even subconciously - so called assholes, bitches, or faggots.
av AK 47 Fully Automatic (ris och ros)
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