Yours truly tillägnad

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Yours Truly
The artists the freaks the geeks
The teaks the meeks
The what weird teeths
The bleaks the bleached
The beached the seaked

För de som söker och
förhoppningsfullt finner


Yours truly, Tillägnad

Some 100s aphorisms

Mostly correctly

Individually dated

Upon their inception

1997 to 2024


Art is Self Reflection


3 Poems & Mishmash[redigera]

The purpose
of a flower
is to bloom
not spread


An enemy is a friend with
an unresolved argument

Imperfections is perfection

True praise
is intimidating

A song
not worth
listening to
a 100 times
in a row
is not worth
listening to

You anti-get
what you desire
Expect nothing
to receive

Art is remembrance
Masterpiece is forever

Be yourself
find yourself
Then the art
comes naturally

There is
no point
in acting
if you do it
only for that
Act differently
because of
that odd thing
you love to do

anything of utmost
intelligence should
make perfect sense
to a newborn

Unpublished 2004-2006[redigera]


You can only
scratch a diamond
with another diamond

The grand
is in the

We are all
from Africa


1 ’09
Without the
nationalistic wars
in the 19th and
20th century
There wouldn’t
have been a
Dada / Hippie
And the world
would have been
a boring place

2 ’09
It works
if you think
that everyone
is like you;

3 ’09
The more
you know
the more
you want
to know

4 '09
Rappare kan
om musik

Summer ’09
Zeroes in the crowd
Heroes in the now

Juni ’09
The more the merrier
said the 10th soupchef

August ’09
Hard to get
Hard to forget

September 1 ’09
Comfort corrupts
But more
comfort bores

September 2 ’09
It’s hard to
not get upset
when you get insulted
but almost harder
to really enjoy
a compliment

October 1 ’09
We're all so different
We're all so the same

Oktober 2 ’09
Don’t write
what you think is good
Neither what you
want to be good
Write only what you
feel is good

November ’09
Nice guys
finish first

November ’09
The more you rest
The more life
feels like a test

December ’09
No one is

ingen är en rak linje


1 ‘10
If you get rid
of something
it eventually
comes back

2 ‘10
A job well done
is worth a dozen
that aren’t

3 ‘10
It’s only after
losing everything
That you see life’s
true values

4 ’10
Don’t judge
a person
by their

5 ’10
64kbps ought
to be enough
for anyone

January 1 ‘10
I like cold
I like heat

January 2 ‘10
The more it costs
The more you
can do without

February 1 ‘10
The only thing better
than getting a book
is getting a notebook

February 2 ‘10
Life is not
But 32-bit
floating point

5 Mars ‘10
says more about
those who speak it
than those it’s spoken about

14 Mars ‘10
Soap & seed
go hand in hand

19 Mars ‘10
When we watch TV
we just want to laugh
but when we read the news
we only want to cry

25 Mars ‘10
Life is in
the small
but not
the petty

1 april ‘10
You never knew
you needed it
until you got it

8 april ‘10
Life is like a lemon
it can make you sour
But if you make
lemon cupcakes
you’ll turn it into
something good

8 april ‘10
good and evil are not
mutually exclusive
goodies make you feel bad
and meanness can actually
result in something good

9 april ‘10
There’s only
one thing worse
than saying
i can’t afford it
and that is
i don’t have
the time

9 april ‘10
I can’t tell this to anyone
I can tell this to everyone

10 april ‘10
Half of
is work

11 april ‘10
I don’t write for a living
I write to stay alive

12 april ‘10
The only thing worse
than having an
empty mailbox
is having one
that’s full

15 april ‘10
Life comes with
challenges no
matter where
you turn

15 april 2010
Flowing water
never freezes

15 Maj ‘10
The stronger the magnet
The more junk it attracts

20 Maj ‘10
speak louder
than interviews

4 Juli ‘10
The only
thing worse
than having
too little paint
is having too much

10 Juli ‘10
is the

13 Juli ‘10
When someone
immature creates
It turns into art
that makes you feel bad
But when someone
mature does it
You enjoy it instead

22 Juli ‘10
perfect, yes...
But in the end
it’s just results
that count

8 aug ‘10
He who waits for a goodie
Eats the whole lot

21 aug ’10
The only things you lose
is stuff you never
really needed

25 aug ‘10
It’s just
as hard

7 September ‘10
Living is dying
Dying is living

21 September ’10
is the mother
of procrastination

22 September ‘10
The one
you love the most
your treat the worse

17 October ‘10
What’s spoken
gets eventually broken

11 November ‘10
Some should die
when they’re one
others when
a hundred
And it always
makes me

15 November ‘10
Don’t live for today
Live for tomorrow

20 November ‘10
is experience

5 December ‘10
Almost at hand
But banned

11 December ‘10
When you get an idea
Then fulfill it directly
Or you’ll regret
that you regretted it

12 December ‘10
It’s a good thing
to feel bad sometimes
Or you wouldn’t
do things
to feel good

19 December ‘10
Just as
all 3 of ‘em

29 December ‘10


1 jan ’11
It’s only people
without taste
which say
that they like

7 jan ‘11

8 jan ‘11
The worst thing
about complaining
is that you
get it your way

11 jan ‘11
The way
you lead your life
That way your life
ultimately leads you

18 jan ‘11
The day plays
The night forays

28 jan ‘11
just the way
you describe others

2 Februari
All that is
is not water

6 Februari ‘11
Screaming is good for you
Unless you want to be heard

14 Februari ‘11
Close your eyes and live, or
Open your eyes and dream

17 Februari ‘11
Love is blind
But sometimes
You can be so bland
that you do not see the love which before you stand

24 February ’11
Everything that happens does so at the expense
of something else

25 Februari ‘11
If it’s negative it’s positive
If it’s positive it’s negative

1 Mars ‘11
You wouldn’t do it
for your family
You wouldn’t do it
for your country
But you would do it
for vanity

23 Mars ’11
’Error’ is a personality-trait
belonging to everyone

4 April ’11
If you try to be ordinary
you’ll become extraordinary
If you want to be special
you’ll turn common

12 April ’11
To be openminded doesn’t rule out that you’re close-minded about some things
The same is if you’re wise
then you’re not exempt
from acting like a fool

18 April ’11
You can afford to buy
pre-cooked food
You can afford to smoke
Don’t call yourself poor

27 April ’11
Doing nothing
is for nobodies

13 apr ‘11
He who gives
gets taken from

17 apr ‘11
I’m industrious
out of pure laziness otherwise i’d get
too much worries
10 Maj ‘11
The old want to
turn younger
The young want
to turn older

23 May ‘11
Of Summers Day
and Summer Night
Speaks Winter
merely in
Grey & White

28 maj ‘11
just another word
for following the herd
Freedom isn’t
saying the word

8 Juni ’11
It’s in the
that everything

8 July ’11
Life is a journey
Life is movement
Death is a destination
Like burned claymation

24 July ‘11
The more you rest
The more life
feels like a test
28 Augusti ’11
It’s not
the taste of love
but the aftertaste

6 September ’11
An average person
is just a zero
But a genious
is a madman too

10 September ’11
The ones with
the most possiblity
to learn and the
least motivation
to actually
do anything

14 September ’11
The lie never changes
(if you’re good at remembering
things that is)
but there’s always
more to unlock
from the truth

21 September ’11
In really
deep relations
One both
loves and hates
at the same time

Oktober ’11
It goes easier
if you take it slow
Instead of being

Det är enklare
om du tar det lugnt
istället för att
springa runt

2 October ’11
You shouldn’t
throw wineglasses
in houses of concrete

4 October ’11
Don’t judge
a book
by its cover
Because there
are so many
excellent covers
to so many
terrible books

7 October ’11
News aren’t new
And they aren’t something
you wish you knew

15 Oktober ’11
First we laugh until we cry
then we cry until we laugh

19 Oktober ’11 1
Stop smoking &
become smoking
with your smoking

19 Oktober ’11 2
When joy is here
we don’t notice it
But when sorrow visits us
we have to make it known
over and over again but
nobody takes notice anyway

19 Oktober ’11 3
The ones
without hair want it
the ones with shave it
the ones with dark hair
want to be blonde
blondes want their hair pink
want to be redheads
and redheads dye
their hair black

20 October ’11
You’ll turn chunky
if you eat in chunks

21 October ’11

23 October ’11
concentrated crying

27 October ’11
The first thing
which you
get blind on
is the eyes
The first thing
you open
is your mouth

5 November ’11
To someone
who acts
some way
some time
Watch out
or you’ll turn
into that
one day

23 November ’11
happens for a reason
And with enough reasons
something happens

23 November ’11
Everything happens
for a reason
and with enough reasons something happens

7 December ’11
it’s got so high bpm
it contains very little

12 December ’11
Foster your children
the best you can
so when they’re teenagers they can forget everything
in a very short span

19 December ’11
Addiction is like
a lover that visit you
But all of a sudden she’s moved into your house

26 December ’11
who doesn’t
actively disagree


14 January ’12
too much pain
it turns ironry

13 February ’12
One word

17 Februari ’12
Noise doesn’t matter
as long as you
create it yourself

17 Februari ’12
When you see
a fatty you laugh
But when you see
a skinny you cry

28 Februari ’12
It’s dead
it will

28 Februari ’12
If christianity says that you can’t judge someone
because you don’t know them then it should reasonably
say that you shouldn’t love anyone because
you don’t know how horrible they are

1 mars ’12
Treat others
the way
you get treated

behandla andra
som du blir
behandlad själv

1 mars ’12
When you see a overly clothed person
you try to control your giggles
But when you see someone
naked you just try
to control yourself

Nedgången (SRV)[redigera]

2024-10-07 10-35 #1
cosmetics in
5d changes
your reality

2024-10-07 10-35 #2
that seems to be new
spirit says youre
in life review

2021-04-01 16:54
bortom harmoni
finns feng shui
beyond the box
is spiritual detox

2024-08-31 17:37
you can buy me
or you can bye me

2024-08-11 08:39
vetenskapen söker
inte sanning
den letar
endast efter
av fenomen

2024-08-09 16:53
kristna har enorma
fördomar &
inneboende hat
men låtsas
som om de är
öppensinnade &
"gud är kärlek"

jobba hårt
ofta och länge

a million ways
to feel shitty
only 1 way to cum

if you believe
in something
strongly enough,
your perception of
reality will change
to accomodate that.

2024-07-24 00:00
va kul at de va bra
something i find strange,
is that the more people
(usually older guys)
drink alcohol and smoke,
the more "logical"
they pretend to be.
just for the fear of
being labelled "strange",
they live a lie their whole life.
where in truth,
they live in a
really fantastical
world created by drugs.

satan mot gud
satan tycker om
sex n drugs n rock n roll
gud är intellektuell
han vill bli stolt över oss

satan VS god
satan likes
sex n drugs n rock n roll
god is an intellectual
he wants to be proud of us

2024-04-07 12:35
att känna är stort
att tänka är större

i believe in
art beauty
and potential
in everything

2024-02-03 #1
if an eating
disordered woman
takes a liking to you
you should appretiate it
because she has gone through hell
and came out an angel
and wants you as her dark prince

2024-02-03 #3
death is
infinite life
then we turn
to bodies again

2024-02-03 #2
döden är
evigt liv
sen blir vi
kroppar igen

mistakes is what
makes us human
without it
we would be
flawless boring

if you learn 10 things per day
could be something small
like a look from someone
or a leaf on the ground
or the sky formation
or a garment you saw in a store
then in 10 years
thats 3652,4 things
to talk about

2024-02-22 17:28
whenever i feel shitty
i think its gonna be forever
but when you eat something tasty
you dont think it will be forever
but its still enjoyable?
a parable, maybe...

2024-02-22 17:22
demons think with their hands
angel think with their hearts
both are just as needed
in the world

2024-02-20 15:35
mörker är ljus
vi inte kan se
brus är en bild
vi inte kan se klart

2024-02-18 17:47
the truth is
the lie
is soft

2024-02-06 15:27
vissa är svampar
vissa är träd
och de passar

2024-01-31 12:24
life isnt predictable
then it would be
a computer game
you never know
what happens
life is an

2023-01-22 10:02
no one is as strong
as a lesbian woman
and no one is as
feminine as a gay man

2023-12-30 10:42
beings of light
dont hang together
while the beings of
darkness does
so with whistleblowers
they just get killed in
the process of
and wanting to
enlight others.
there are leagues
of supervillains,
but superheroes work
by themselves...

2023-12-30 10:35
i think many people are
reincarnated demons
they have gotten used to
lying and manipulating and
drinking beer and smoking weed
they love "enjoying" life
they dont want insight

2023-12-30 10:30
be ahead of your time
or beyond time
or earlier time
dont just be time

2023-12-01 20:40
just follow your voice
that deep inside
it might be scary
and it can seem like
youve fucked up
but everything
turns out the
better then

2023-1-11 12:02
"i have anxiety now"
is either met with
a null response
or confusion
because they have
never felt my pain

2023-10-26 13:00
jag tror på 80/10/10
det är inte som det är på tv
80% i världen är goda människor
som bara vill jobba
och ta hand om sin familj
och inte gör någon förnär
10% är eldsjälar
sista 10% är onda
så då skulle jag säga att
världen består av 90% goda människor

2023-10-25 15:00
själen och egot är samma sak
det enda som överlever
döden är intellektet
känslor hör till kroppen

2023-08 23:24
no ez
every day is
a struggle
for everyone
no matter
who you

2023-08-15 13:28
to talk about
happiness and
in a meme
when its all
just a lie

2023-07-29 09:37
love joy and
abundance for
everyone ok
it doesnt matter
who you are or
what youve done
or thought or said
you deserve it
you deserve the
joy of the heavens
and the earth riches
and all the love
in the entire world
i hope everythings ok
and it should be
we live in amazing
changing times
enjoy it while
it lasts

2923-07-20 09:13
and we should call
every day lost
in which we
have not made
someone laugh
at least once

i used to be
manic depressive
but its better now
half the pain is gone
now im just depressed

2023-07-07 12:46
no one deserves pain
everyone deserves to live
in love and nothing else

2023-06-10 08:20
ju äldre man blir
desto konstigare
verkar allt
men också
som fibonacci
som fraktaler

2023-06-08 06:00
i see people as planets
we all have our
way around the sun
sometimes we meet
if its special we
meet several times
no matter what
if its really special
we revolve around eachother

2023-05-17 09:06
den vackraste kvinnan
är en naken kvinna
inget klädesplagg
kan vara så vackert
som en kvinnas
höfter utan tyg

2023-05-12 12:40
allt är poesi
allt är kreativitet
allt är energi

2023-08 19:00
jag trodde aldrig på de där
där någon ond skurk
ville förstöra hela jorden
nu vet jag att de är sanna

2023-05-11 14:27
to all homophobes:
have you ever
had anal sex?
even with
just a woman?
then youre gay too

2023-05-11 10:50
time isnt money
time is memory

2023-05-09 09:33
endast ditt hjärta
vet vad som är
rätt och fel
du gör det som
är rätt för dig
du misslyckas på
ditt enskilda sätt
du ångrar
du blir en

2023-05-03 09:50
när du är säker på
att du måste göra något
vila i sängen ett tag istället
du får du de rätta svaren till dig

2023-04-29 12:42
nothing popular is good
and nothing good is popular

2023-04-28 10:20
the ordinary man
has the wisest
words to say

2023-04-24 21:50
living is dreaming
dying is healing

2023-04-13 14:41
we are all mad to other people
but some people like our madness
it removes their sadness

2023-03-30 13:26
goodbad no longer sad
see the good in the bad
the bad in the good
to arrive at pure insight
and peace of mind
and love and empathy
for everyone

2023-03-27 19:23
get a life
get a wife
get some
real strife

2023-03-26 20:00
it is difficult
to like people
because people
change all
the time

2023-03-04 14:41
the greys mind over matter
being in the psychiatric system
is sort of like being a
kindergarten teacher or a
parent of multiple children
theres all these people you
constantly meet who act like
assholes and you have to
pretend to like them and that
its for the better
your patience gets tested constantly
and at the end of the day
youre left with
nothing but

2023-03-01 08:41
more fuck you than thank you
being a game developer is similar
to being a politician
they never call you
when youve done a good job

2023-02-27 12:34
practice the art
en sak du måste lära dig
om musiker är de säger inte
nu gör vi en låt
för det mesta så
spelar de bara på
sin synth eller gitarr
eller dj:ar någon sampling
och väntar på att
du ska bli inspirerad
och sjunga rappa
raggamuffin något
eller spela med
hursomhelst möjligt

2023-02-25 09:25
i cannot be
with you
but i am
with you

2023-02-23 23:23
my fashion
taste is
like my
only pair
of jeans
its pants

2023-02-15 03:55
if you
wake up at noon
you get half a day
but if you wake up
in the middle
of the night
you get 3

2023-02-14 20:04
used to make
computer games to
teach others something
nowadays games are just
a bad copy of reality

2023-02-08 18:13
eat good
be good
do good

2023-02-08 00:55
- förstår du?
- aa!

använder mascara
så man inte ska se
hur insjukna deras ögon
är från alkoholism
för att istället
se ännu värre ut

2031-01-31 10:50
what is fake
what is genuine

there is a lot
of fake love
and too little
genuine hate

2023-01-07 00:33
byråkratins nackdelar
jag skulle säga
att problemet är
att de bara lägger på
fler och fler regler
för att verka
som om de bryr sig
utan att tänka på
vad de egentligen

2023-01-06 16:14
vad betyder det att göra skillnad?
när någon som är fast i en positiv återkopplingsslinga
antingen att man tycker för bra om sig själv
och behandlar andra illa på grund av det
eller någon som tror att
det aldrig kommer bli bättre

2023-01-05 16:50
the meaning of life
is to take care
of your health
and take care
of your home <3

2013-01-04 12:08‎
my mom used to say
that when she
gets into a room
she can sense
the atmosphere
except i know
i wont go
into the room
because i am the

2023-01-02 21:12
allt mörker är
alltid ens
eget mörker
det finns
alltid en
till att
nåt händer
gäller att
luska ur det
och lära sig
av sina misstag

2023-01-02 10:14
är bra
att må som
piss ibland
så man inte mår
som skit
hela tiden

2022-12-31 06:12
i guess its true what they say
if youre in a horrible enough mood
and push yourself to the limits
an angel will come to rescue you

2022-12-30 13:23
fashion is the
ultimate frequency
its love through vision
only compares really to music

2022-12-28 kl 11:48
om inuiter har
80 ord för snö
har latinos 80
ord för drömmar

2022-12-27 04:27
if someone
treats you badly
dont react to them
look into yourself why it happened
then you will understand and forgive
and turn into a better person

2022-12-26 06:12
smile to
to mean people
they won't know
what hit them

2022-12-25 05:48
det värsta man kan göra
mot dödsänglar och demoner
är att prata om de
föra de in i ljuset
för de hatar det
de föredrar att
göra dig galen
utan att du har
en aning om varför

2022-12-10 05:10
att älska är stort
att förlåta är större

2022-12-08 13:00
dont think too much about your looks
maybe think more of how people see you
and its not something you see in the mirror
its something much deeper much more meaningful

2022-12-06 04:30
the number of views
likes and comments you get
is directionally proportionate
to how many drugs youve taken

2022-12-06 19:24
being for real is the ultimate
because youve been high
youve been low
and youre tired of it
so youre just
for real
goodhearted too
and calm and concise

2022-12-01 14:44
hur man har behandlat
andra innan är ens
hälsa i framtiden

2022-13-30 20:10
mannens hjärta kan
vara flera ställen
kvinnans hjärta kan
vara flera ställen
ibland är hjärtat argt
ibland är hjärtat glatt
ibland är hjärtat ledset
lär dig tyda tecknen
men utnyttja de inte
ta hand om ditt hjärta
det är det enda du har

till syvende och sist
har man bara sig själv

vänner överger en familjen dör
och det är bara de elakaste
som hjälper en till ett pris

there is 1 gene which determines
if you are male or female
genes have high bit depth
depending on how your mother
lives her life when she
is pregnant with you
this gene shifts
and affects what you turn into
your yin and yang qualities

2022-11-21 19:22
om din kropp är
ett tempel ska
den smyckas ut

2022-11-21 09:40
the upper class when
they see art they live it
the middle class when
they see art they buy it
the lower class when they
see art they laugh at it
without laughter
there would be no tao

2022-11-21 6:33
there are 3 people
you should worship
me i and myself

2022-11-20 23:50
det ultimata är att tänka
känslor hör till kroppen
så det är bättre att
förstöra sin kropp
än sitt sinne
man ska dö nyfiken
inte förvirrad

2022-11-18 12:50
ensamhet ger altruism
altruism ger lathet
lathet ger kreativitet
och så fortgår det

2022-11-17 11:15
the universe:
1) living matter (redwhite) [art] {earth} [present] {reality}
2) battery (greenblack) [memory] {heaven} [previous] {dream}
3) ectoplasma (bluegrey) [afterlife] {moon} [future] {mare}

2022-11-11 11:22
sjung som om du aldrig får din röst hörd
dansa som om ingen någonsin skulle bryr sig
älska som om du aldrig skulle släppa taget
arbeta även om det är en obetald börda
lev varje dag som du alltid gör

2022 10 25 09 52
ps/2 keyboards are advanced
their reaction time
is measured in milliseconds
thus you do not need more
than 10 fingers to write quickly
just fast writing speed which can
be maintained for 8 hours
per day for 50 years

2022 10 24 20 24
karma bounces
just like light

2022 10 22 14 45
beskydda de som
betyder mest för dig
eller till vilka du betyder mest

2022 10 22 07:21
if you eat something which has its nutrients removed
you will not only not get the nutrients
they will also get removed from your body
because the food tries to harmonize itself

2022 10 21 09:52 se
säga vad man vill om vaccinet
för min del klarade jag första steget
och jag inser nu att det
läker mig varje gång jag sover

2022 10 21 09:52 en
say whatever you want about the vaccine
for myself personally i survived the first step
and have now realised it heals me every time i sleep

2022 10 21 09:26 se
oavsett om
du inte gör något
eller inte tänker
så gör du något till slut
och tänker till slut

2022 10 21 09:26 en
no matter if
you are inactive
or if you do not
think things through
you do so eventually

2022 10 21 07:37
ytliga människor är inte ytliga
de lever i en värld
bortom din värld

2022 10 21 05:33 #2
its not hopeless
it can feel
like that often
like nobody cares
but its not true
no matter what
they say

2022 10 21 05:33 #1
alla gör sin del
stora som små
ingen är oskyldig
en ledare är endast
en reflektion av folket

2022 10 20 19 00 #3
att duscha bada vattenfall simma
är att hela sig själv från synder
i alla fall till det yttre
som påverkar det inre öga

2022 10 20 19 00 #2
det är ett himlajävla

2022 10 20 19 00 #1
universum är stort
det finns miljontals arter
som styr över hela himlavalvet
alla har utvecklat datorer och rymdfärder
om man ser något som primitivt
ser man endast in i sig själv

2022 10 20 16:30
är bra att
må dåligt ibland
istället för att må
halvdåligt hela tiden

2022 10 20 14:54
de blå ska man komma ihåg
de röda ska man glömma

2022 10 18 6:56
if youre not having fun with friends
then i dont see the point of living
theres so many things you can do alone
and none of them really matter
for me its been gaming
i dont identify as an artist
because ive barely met artists
my only diagnosis is human
and i dont mean partying
as ive sort of never done it
just talking to people enjoying life
enjoying your job
enjoying your art your music
your view of the world through friends

2022 sep 38 16:56
i have chosen to be without phones
i have long prefered computers
and now have a laptop
there is always
good and bad in anything
you have to decide if
the good outweighs the bad
there is no point in fitting in
because at the end of the day
you only have yourself

2022-09-28 16:28
the village idiot speaks to others
the village elder speaks to others
the village idiot speaks to anyone
the village elder speaks when asked
they are quite similar
and can be said to be the same person
they are opposites to eachother
the idiot is anti-shape to the elder
the elder is anti-shape to the idiot
they are still the same
they can be portrayed as
gods angels bards thieves
they are not among
the common people
if you only meet elders and
have a problem with them
they have a problem with you
if you only meet idiots
you are the true idiot

2022 sep 6 12:21 #2
bara döda

2022 sep 6 12:21 #1
toxoplasmos är

2022 sep 5 15:07 #3
Neuroleptics reduce
your frequency

2022 sep 5 15:07 #2
första enda sista
first you think theyre worth something
then they pretend to like you
then they want something from you
then you lose

2022 sep 5 15:07 #1
Verkligheten är
viktigare än

2022 10 05 06 27
det sägs att katter har nio liv
men elefanter har åttio åtta

2022 10 05 06 24
Ultimata sanningen
everything can be faked on any level whatsoever
emotions objects people you name it
you need to learn to discern

Karma Kameleont
Om du ger tillbaka
till brödraskapet
ger de också tillbaka

Bättre Vänner
en elak vän
än 1000 falska

Better Friends
its better to have
1 real friend than a
thousand false ones

The problem with making a difference
whats the difference between
having problems and making a difference?
if you whine enough you let everyone control you
be yourself its simple it might not seem so
but at the end of the day it is

leftist angels and
righthanded demons

if you see both
the angel on your left
and the devil on your right
it should be easy right

även brandgula har sina fläckar
vi med rött hår / fräknar / ljus hy (genen) har ett problem
vi kan inte va i solen våra fläckar syns klart och tydligt

2022 10 01
rave rimmar med rape
och de gör mer
än att endast

is created
in real time

2022 09 29
if you create you have a vision
if you destroy you never know

2022 09 28
racism is a

2022 sep 20 20:00
attack something
stronger than you
or you leave a mark

2022 sep 20
if you are not grey when you are rebirthing then something is wrong with you
if you are not red when you are young then something is wrong with you
if you are not blue when you are old then something is wrong with you
if you are not green when you are dead then something is wrong with you

När du skrattar
Är det ditt
hjärta som

2022 09 30
Det är bättre att vara artist än att vara en idiot
Om du är ensam för att brödraskapet gav upp på dig
Var glad de är inget att sträva efter

2022 09 30
80/20 regeln
80% förstår
10% överdriver
10% är eldsjälar

2022 09 30
turn your destiny into something new
Try not to be a man of value,
but just be proud of yourself.
What you have done, how you have
changed the world and its inhabitant
You don't want to wake up one day
and realise you have ruined your son
and he is just a reflection of you
and will perpetuate this lie

Sorgens Källa
doesnt create heat
only crying does

Women's love is a
romantic comedy
Men's love is a
comic book

2022 okt 05 15:07
ångest utan
ångest med

do not mess with geeks
they have root user
access to the universe

spermier samarbetar
ägg är äggoistiska


the only thing you learn
from playing computer games
is playing more computer games

quantum physics

everything is
created in
real time

do so
children do
what you do
not what
you say

friends will make
you like more things
until youll eventually
like everything
i guarantee
and i warn you

& nollåttor

tycker inte om någon
de bryr sig knappt
ens om sig själva

mental issues are
more contagius
than physical ones

you feel lonely
when the dead
the living

den som
håller tyst
håller med

vad sa
om honungen?
"den hade en
konstig bismak"

we must
lose our fear
of not doing

är den främsta

förlåt betyder

du är alltid motsatsen
till vad du säger att du är
och du är alltid precis
vad du säger att andra är

you are always the opposite
of what you say you are
and you are always what
you say that others are

ju mer man
tar del
desto mer
vill man

egoism är
motsatsen till

hate is easy
it just goes
on and on
but love is
always challenged
and challenging

smärta uttråkning &

det är bra att
må dåligt ibland
annars skulle
man inte komma
på nya sätt
att må bra igen
och blir på så sätt
en bättre människa
som också kan lära andra
som mår dåligt att må bättre

pain boredom
& ingenuity

its good that
to be sad
or you
would not
come up with
things to
get happy
and you thereby
turn to a better person
and can help people in need

sthlm krstd tur och retur
allting är på gott och ont
det som är gott gör ont
och det som är ont
kan på något sätt
vara gott

kristianstad ~09-10
allting händer
alltid för det bättre
hur svårt det än
är att se i början

early 10's
åh 50kr/kg
för godis
va billigt!
usch 50kr/kg
för frukt
va dyrt!

get paid
get laid
get out

allt för dig min kära
den vita mannen
gör det för
den vita

ball lott
the only thing worse
than having a full mailbox
is having an empty one

art is originality

2022 09 28 11 01
things happen people change
and make art of how they change
of how you changed them

there is a
certain warm smile
only parents can have

kristianstad och
botkyrka tur och retur

allt är på gott och ont
det som är gott gör ont
och det som är ont
kan på något sätt
vara gott

2022 sep 24 13:37
if you speak from your heart
in the name of truth and justice
nothing can touch you

2022 sep 23 15:00
if you get
to know someone
you get to know
more sides of them
like a diamond
like crystals

2022 sep 23 14:41
if you have voices in your head
and it seems you can no longer reach lower
it is always possible to reach lower
digging is easier than flying

de två sidorna
det går bara att förstå
något genom att döda det
det går bara att förstå
något genom att älska det

vi är inte gjorda för att leva
vi är gjorda för att inte dö

the secret in movie reviews
is talking about the movie
without talking about
the movie

det går att
drömma för

barn gör inte
som du säger
de gör som
du gör

hur du lever ditt liv
lever till slut ditt liv dig
how you live your life
your life eventually lives you

the truth shall
imprison you

det är otroligt
hur många gånger
man kan göra
samma misstag
och inte lära
sig från det

one has to do something
to talk about something
when one does not
do something

ju snyggare en kvinna e
desto fulare e hon
ju fulare en man e
desto snyggare e han

anger has a frequency
du kan känna det i luften

is democracy
you decide

words speak
louder than

The Modus Operandi
of Alcoholics

is either
being stupid
(based on all the insights
theyve gotten while drunk)
or serious
(based on all the insights
theyve gotten while normal)
often, these
are combined

conservative, as you might know, means[1]
making everything be the same indefinitely.
although, if you add different temperatures
to it, it could expand (rot / mould).
and thus, when you finally get to know
what its about, it makes you vomit.
or you have a perverse taste, and youll shovel
that shit down yours and everybody elses throat.
and since they have a disgusting sense of smell,
theyll never stop cheering for you.

tio tusen misstag
och ett exempel

av Tomas Emma Johansson (ris och ros)

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